
"Not yet." They both shook their heads.

"Have you heard about Zola?" Alex asked Meredith. Everyone was checking up on Meredith and Derek about Zola, since she was taken because the agency had some thinking to do with everything that went down with Meredith.

"I haven't heard anything." Meredith sighed as she shook her head.

Today was the day all the fifth year residents would be taking over surgeries as the attendings observe, everyone was anxious to see which O.R. they would be getting. Allison was going to clip her first aneurysum today.

"Hey, it it up yet?" Cristina asked April and Jackson as they both caught up to them.

"It's going up now." April informed them, as they made their way to the board.

"Have you heard anything?"

"Haven't heard anything." She told him the same thing she told the rest of the doctors.

"How are you even here?" April asked, and Allison couldn't help but agree—mentally. If her baby was taken away she wouldn't be able to function yet alone work, but Meredith Grey was a different breed.

"Well, there's nothing I can do, and I have to do something, so I might as well do this." Meredith shrugged.

"It's up." Allison pointed at the board where the scrub nurse was putting the final touches.

"O.R. three. Yes!' Cristina grinned happily before she faced the group, "I love O.R. three."

"Wait. Bowel resection?" April frowned seeing the procedure Alex was assigned, "I thought you had a peds case."

"I switched last minute." Alex shrugged.

"You can't just switch." April glared at him, not happy about the change in plans.

"Oh, plastics." Cristina mused as she saw the procedure Jackson was doing, "I thought you were the gunther. Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?"

"It's a cleft lip." Jackson corrected her, "I'm changing a kid's life today. Look at Kepner, she's fixing a bum knee, way to shoot for the stars kid."

"Okay guys." April spoke to the group, "You also start teaching skills lab today. I made up a schedule for the month. It's up in the board in my office."

They all looked at April as Meredith voiced what they were all thinking, "In your what?"

They all immediately headed to April's office. April opened the door for the group as they all entered, "When did we get this?" Cristina asked.

"Uh, didn't." April shook her head, "It's for the Chief Resident."

"This is good. I can sleep on this." Alex laid himself down on April's couch.

"Yeah, I got that on Craiglist. It's—It's mine." April cleared her throat, as the rest of the group looked around.

"We got a fridge." Allison smiled as she saw the mini fridge inside the room.

"Why is my name on this?" Cristina asked, standing in front of a large white board.

"These are this month's skills labs." April informed all of them, "Each of you has been giving one skills lab to teach."

"No, I can't today." Cristina shook her head, "I'm on a mitral valve."

"Okay, well switch with one of these guys." April shrugged pointing to the group as Meredith and Jackson sat on either side of the couch Alex was on.

"I have an aneurysm to clip." Allison reminded Cristina.

"Bowel resection." Alex nodded.

"I got a baby's face." Jackson shook his head.

"Guys, come on. I-I divided these up fairly." April stuttered.

"Every surgery we do this year could end up on the oral boards." Jackson argued since this was their last year of residency.

"And they love picking the crappy outcomes." Alex pointed out.

"This could affect which fellowship I get." Cristina nodded, "I mean, it's not just life or death, April. It's our careers."

"Okay, how is this?" Meredith took a deep breath, "Whoever has the worst outcome today teaches all the skills lab for the whole month."

"I like it." Allison nodded, as the other agreed as well, except for April.

"That's terrible." She scoffed.

"You guys get this email?" Jackson asked as he looked at his phone, as everyone ignored him.

"You know that's disgusting." April said, "No, no, no. There will be no wagering on patient outcomes. That's an order."

"So you're out then?" Alex asked.

"You know, okay—just everyone out of my office." April shook her head, ignoring what Alex said.

"Whoa. Webber resigned." Jackson spoke up as he finished reading the email, causing the group to look at him, "He's no longer Chief of Surgery. Dr. Owen Hunt is now Chief of Surgery."

"What?" Cristina asked in disbelief.


"I will locate the aneurysm, which is the bulge in the wall of your artery, and then I will take a steel clip, which is like a tiny clothespin, and I'm gonna place it across the neck of the aneurysm, and that will stop the blood supply." Allison explained to the couple with a white board in her hands, "That way, we don't have to worry about a rupture."

"How do you know if you fixed it?" Rob asked.

"Well, we do what we call a matador move." Allison said, "I'll take a needle, and I poke the dome of the aneurysm and if we see a tiny amount of blood, then we know it was successful."

"And if it wasn't successful, it bursts."

"Possibly." Allison nodded.

"And I die."

"Not if I get it clipped." Allison softly nodded.

"And what's your success rate?" He asked, causing Allison looked at Rob, who had looked at his wife. "How many have you done?"

"This will be my first." Allison nodded.

Both of them now looking nervous, "I sort of wish you lied about that." He sighed.