sitting on the toilet, her hand resting on top of her small bump and every now and then she ate a spoonful of nutella as she looked at a pacing Meredith. The blonde shared the events that had happened the previous night. The new head of Cardio department, Maggie Pierce confessed that her mother was Ellis Grey, meaning she is Meredith's half-sister.
As soon as morning came, Meredith drove to Allison's apartment to pick her up before driving to Alex's house—or her old house.
"I do not need another sister." Meredith said, re-calling how she found out about Lexie Grey being her half-sister. At first Meredith hated the idea of having a sister but little by little she grew to love Lexie.
"Both of you get out." Alex groaned as he washed his hair with shampoo.
"I mean, she's a lying liar. I would know if my mother were pregnant when I was five." Meredith paused from her pacing, "My mother was not pregnant when I was five."
"What if you didn't notice?" Allison asked. Meredith sent her a glare causing her to hold up her hands in defense, "I'm just saying."
"Get out." Alex groaned again, not liking one bit that the both of them are inside the bathroom while he took a shower.
"She's like a psycho, like a stalker. I'm being stalked. Alex, Allie, this is criminal." Meredith opened the shower curtains, causing Allison to yelp and Alex to quickly cover himself with the curtains, "I mean, you—what's your problem?"
"Get out! Both of you, I'm naked here!" Alex gestured to his privates causing Allison to let out a laugh while Meredith seemez unfazed.
"Okay, so what? I've seen it before!" Meredith said, "No big deal! I'm in a crisis and Allie over there is stuffing herself with chocolate."
"Hey, I'm pregnant" Allison said, "I'm allowed to."
Alex furrowed his brows and just stared at them causing Meredith to sigh, "Okay, fine. It's—your junk is spectacular. Jo is a very lucky girl."
"Mer." Allison let out a laugh.
"Can we get back to me now?" Meredith asked her friends, she looked back at Allison, who nodded while Alex made a face, "Why are you making that face?"
"Mer and Allie, I realize that I said I would take over as your persons and occasionally Allie will too, maybe that means I have to buy you both tampons and act like Mer's husband's hair is special and Allie's husband problems or whatever—but I have a very important presentation to make to the board today to get a job, which I need because I got fired by Dr. Butthole!" Alex yelled, "I have been practicing all night. I am sleep-deprived. I need to shower—alone and focus."
Alex closed the curtains only for Meredith to open them once again as Allison spoke, "You didn't even hear what she said."
"No, and I don't care." Alex closed the curtain and Meredith opened it.
"The new cardio chief thinks she's my biological sister." Meredith summarized.
"She what? Wait." Alex paused, "What?! That's insane."
Allison nodded, "I mean, you would remember your mom being pregnant."
Meredith looked at her two friends and nodded, "Thank you."
Meanwhile outside the bathroom, Jo's ear was pressed against the door as she heard the three of them talk as she looked at Stephanie, "He's in the shower, and they are both in the bathroom with him while he's in the shower."
Stephanie put down her purse on the bed, "So, go in there with them."
Jo chuckled, "No! I am not going in there."
"You're the girlfriend." Stephanie pointed out.
"No. Yeah, I am, but I'm not." Jo retorted, "They're like this little team together. They are war buddies, and I don't fit. And then they look at me—like I'm just the stupid, naked girl in Alex's bed."
"So go be the stupid, naked girl in Alex's shower." Stephanie said, as she sat down.
"I am a doctor. I am a surgeon. I deserve respect." Jo nodded, walking a little further.
"You're a girl in her pajamas with her ear to the door of a bathroom. How much respect can anyone give you right now?" Stephenie questioned.
"They stole my Alex." Jo said, referring to Allison and Meredith, seeing as her person is anywhere but Seattle while Allison decided to take on that role as well wanting to be there for both Meredith and Alex, "You know what? I miss Cristina Yang when Cristina Yang was here, nobody stole my Alex."
"Oh, my God. You're scared of Meredith Grey and Allison Avery." Stephanie smiled—she got used to referring Allison as Jackson's husband now, although it did hurt once in a while she was slowly coming to closure with it.
Jo gasped, her ear pressed against the door, "No, I'm not. Are you?"
Once the door opened, both residents pulled back seeing Meredith walk out, followed by Allison as they walked out of the room. Meredith walked back inside, "Tell Alex. We'll be downstairs, and if anybody asks you, we are sick."
"If my mother were pregnant I will know!" Meredith said, once again on the same topic while Alex poured a drink for him and Meredith before he poured water on a different glass for Allison.
"Adoption agency made a mistake?" Alex said, handing the glass of alcohol for Meredith and handing the water to Allison.
"And randomly put the name 'Ellis Grey" on a birth certificate?" Meredith questioned shaking her head, "I don't think so. Pierce has got to want something."
"Maybe she thinks there's money to inherit." Allison suggested, shrugging her shoulders.
Meredith scoffed, "The only thing you inherit in this family is Alzheimer's."
"Whoa. Dark." Alex and Allison said at the same time as they chuckled.
"Good one, though, huh?" Meredith asked them, causing both of them to nod their heads. "She's not my sister."
"You know who you should ask about this? The guy who was banging your mom back then." Alex stated. Allison semi-nodded her head, Alex had a point.
"I am not asking Richard Webber." Meredith firmly shook her head.
"All I'm saying is he's got the skin in the game." Alex said.
"He's the only one who would know if it's true." Allison pointed out before taking a sip of her water, agreeing with Alex.