chapter one

hard day's night. season one, episode one.

friendly reminder that i started writing this fic way back in 2019,and my writing has improved asince then, so the further youprogress into the fic, the better the writing will be! [3

startling Cassie as she blindly reached across her nightstand to shut it off. Eventually, her flailing arm found it's culprit, and she was once again wrapped in peaceful silence.

Forcing herself to get out of bed, the twenty two year old made her way to her unusually tiny on suite bathroom and jumped in the shower. After drying her body, putting on concealer over her purple eye bags, and packing a granola bar in her tote bag, she was ready to head out the door in twenty minutes flat.

The hotel was only a ten minute drive from her destination, giving her plenty of time to internally freak out in the parking lot before she had to go in. With hopefullness brewing in her chest, the large building finally came into view as she followed the sign that read .

Another twenty minutes later and Cassie was inside with the other interns, arriving at the perfect time; not too early, not too late. There's nothing she hates more than people who are too eager to make a good impression.

While the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Webber, was droning on about the rules and regulations, Cassie's attention was taken when a dirty blonde slyly made her way over to the group.

In her opinion, the girl looked like she just got railed, but Cassie was never one to judge.

"Rough night?" she whispered, smiling when the girl responded.

"You have no idea."

The interns were led into an empty operating room as Dr. Webber began his speech.

"Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors," he said dramatically. "The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition."

Everyone looked around at each other with predatory gazes, eyeing up the competition. Cassie, not quite getting the memo, sent a tight smile to the few people she made eye contact with.

"Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you."

While the interns were getting changed in the locker rooms, there was an older doctor calling out names and pointing people towards their resident.

Cassie carelessly took of her shirt, revealing a black lace bralette underneath.

"," a male voice said from her right, whistling under his breath.

"Ugh," she scoffed, deciding to move a few lockers down towards the blonde from earlier and a beautiful asian woman she hadn't met. "Men are pigs."

"Tell me about it."

"Only six women out of twenty," the blonde said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I heard one of them is a model," the curly haired girl laughed ironically. "Seriously? Like that's going to help with the respect thing."

"She probably payed off her loans, though," Cassie shrugged, before adding, "Hm, maybe should model."

The other two silently laughed as the blonde spoke up. "You're Cristina and Cassie, right? I'm Meredith. Which resident are you assigned to?"

"I got Bailey," Cristina said.

Cassie leaned down to tie her shoes, ignoring the guys behind her staring at her ass. "I heard she has a wicked nickname."

"The Nazi, you mean?" Meredith grimaced. "Yeah, me too." 

"You got the Nazi?" a voice belonging to a short brunette perked up. "So did I. At least we'll be tortured together, right? I'm George O'Malley," he said, mainly focusing on the blonde. "We, uh, we met at the mixer. You had a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals—" the girls exchanged a look, "—and now you think I'm gay."

"Uh huh," Cristina nodded.

"Kind of," Cassie shrugged. "I mean, I'm bi, so it's totally okay if you are."

"No! No, uh, I'm not gay, it's, ah, it's just that, you know, you were, I mean, you were very... unforgettable," George defended himself.

"O'Malley, Harper, Yang, Grey, Stevens."

As George continued to ramble about his sexuality, the group walked toward the man that called their names. He pointed out where their resident was standing; much to their surprise, the Nazi was a short black woman.

" the Nazi?" Cristina asked.

"I thought the Nazi would be a guy," George tilted his head.

"I thought the Nazi would be... a Nazi," Meredith said.

"That's an awful nickname," Cassie muttered.

"Maybe it's professional jealousy. Maybe she's brilliant, and they call her Nazi because they're jealous! Maybe she's nice," a tall blonde suggested loudly, making the four of them jump.  

"Let me guess, you're the model?" Cristina and Cassie asked in unison, earning them dirty looks from the bubbly blonde.

The girl walked up to the resident with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "Hi! I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie." Bailey looked her up and down with a judgmental expression, not shaking Izzie's outstretched hand.