chapter twenty

blues for sister someone.season two, episode twenty three.

Cassie asked George as they walked into the building together. After the big mess with him and Meredith, he decided he no longer could handle being so close to her.

"Why does everyone want to know everything?" George ranted. "Can't I just exist without having to explain everything I do to everyone?"

She gave him a deadpan look. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this doesn't have anything to do with me."

"You would be correct," he sighed. "Sorry. Anyways, I'm living with Callie. Well, not living, but staying with. I am staying with Callie."

"Callie?" Cassie raised a brow. "So it's official? You're seeing her?"

George blushed madly, giving her an answer. "Shut up," he grumbled as she laughed.

"Well as much as I miss you, and wish you would move back in, I really am glad that you have somewhere to go."

"Thanks, Cass."

"You really like her, don't you?" Cassie smiled cheekily.

"I do."

"Well, I'm happy for you. I think she's great," she said. "Despite what Izzie says."

"Oh, and speaking of Izzie—' he lowered his voice, "—not a word of this to her, okay? Actually, just don't say anything to anyone."

"Why?" she asked, lowering her voice to match his tone.


Cassie nodded sarcastically. "Well, that's a good reason."

"Obviously, I can't go out with him, right?" Meredith asked Alex and Cassie while they sat at the nurses station updating charts.

"Do I look like a chick to you?" Alex asked rhetorically. "Do I look like I care about yeast cream or tingling feelings? I mean, he's not in jail or on drugs or keeping body parts in his basement. You want to do him, do him."

"Not him. Date him. I'm not doing anybody."

"She's knitting," Cassie informed him.

"I need Eugene Foote's chart," Cristina said as she walked up to the group. "Who are we talking about?"

"It's weird, right? I mean, he's Derek's vet, he's Doc's vet, he's my vet. He's McVet. It's weird to date him, right?"

"Wait, did you say vet?" Cristina and Cassie asked in unison.

Meredith nodded. "Mhm."

"Like, ?" Cassie frowned.

"Oh, you can't date a vet. He's not even a real doctor," Cristina added.

"I need an intern. Now," Addison demanded, coming up to the group, clearly in a bad mood. "Cass, are you free?"

"I'm scrubbing in with Derek. Sorry, Addie," Cassie grimaced.

"I'm with Bailey."

"I'm with Burke."


Alex frowned. "I don't do vagina. Not as a doctor, anyway."

Addison raised a brow. "Oh, back talk. You know what? You just bought yourself a case."

"You're with Bailey?" Cassie asked Meredith as she followed her down the hall.

"Yeah, I'm on Denny's case."

Cassie nodded. "I'll meet you there."

"How are you feeling this morning, Denny?" Bailey asked as she stepped into the room with Meredith.

"Great. I'd be even greater if you'd get me off this machine," he smiled.

Bailey sighed. "Denny, you know I would, but then your heart would stop beating, Dr. Burke would yell at me, and Harper would have my head on a platter. That would make for a very bad day for both of us."

"Is he a candidate for the portable LVAD?" Cassie asked as she came into the room.

Denny pointed at her with a grin. "Now, see? That's what I'm talking about. Half the size, twice the fun."

"Dr. Harper, do I have to repeat the rules?"

Cassie shook her head. "I'm not here as a doctor. I'm here as family." She grabbed Denny's hand and gave it a squeeze, more for her own comfort than his.

"Alright," Bailey nodded and turned to Denny. "You've been doing your research on the LVAD, huh?"

"I have."

"I've already told him, he's not ready for it yet," Izzie said as she entered the room.

Cassie furrowed her brows, giving the blonde a once over. "That's not your decision to make, Izzie."

Bailey rolled her eyes. "Dr. Stevens, didn't I assign you to neuro this morning?"

"Yeah. I was— I'm on my way. But could you tell him about the complications?"

"I already told him," Cassie said, narrowing her eyes in both annoyance and confusion.


Meredith glanced at Izzie, before repeating the risks to Denny. "You'd be risking air embolus, v-fib—"

"Yeah, and the tubing could kink inside of your body, in which case, we'd have to rush you to emergency surgery," Izzie finished.

"Why are you even here?" Cassie snapped, relaxing slightly when Denny gave her hand a squeeze. "Not to be rude, but Denny already has all the information he needs. You don't need to be here."

"She can stay," Denny shrugged, earning a glare from the girl to his left.

"Dr. Stevens," Bailey cut in, "unless Mr. Duquette's heart has suddenly grown a brain, you are currently not doing your job."

"I'm going," Izzie held her hands up in defense, turning to Denny. "Just don't be stupid, okay?"

Denny grinned. "You're not the boss of me today."