chapter twenty four

what i am.season three, episode four.

"Are you okay?" she questioned with concern, slightly grossed out. The pink medicine had always repulsed her.

"Um, yeah," Meredith sighed. "Are you?"

"I'm always okay."

"So, Izzie left the house this morning. That's a good sign," George said as he came into the locker room. He paused in his steps when he saw Cassie. "Oh, sorry, Cass."

"It's fine," she shrugged, tying her shoelaces and sending him a tight lipped smile. "Everything is fine."

George frowned at her, and then again at the sight of a sick looking Meredith. "Are you okay?"

"That's what I asked."

Meredith shook her head. "I'm just not feeling like myself."

"O'Malley has that effect on women," Alex smirked from the corner. "Ask Dr. Torres."

George scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"George, you threw Callie out on her ass," Cassie reminded him.

"I did not. Who told you that?"

Cassie looked at him obviously. "Callie."

"Don't worry," Alex shrugged, "I get it. She's hot, but she's not for you."

"Why's that?"

"Because she's hot."

Cassie walked across the room and flicked him on the head. "Shut up." She turned to George. "You're both hot, you're both awesome, and you're great together. You just have to apologize."

George gave Cassie a thankful look and began to exit the locker room, until he stopped in his tracks. "You think I'm hot?" he smiled.

Cassie laughed lightly, punching him in the arm and leaving the room.

The second she got through the doors, the smile wiped itself off her face and the numbness returned.

"Let's go people. I've been in surgery since 2 a.m. I'm in no mood," Bailey said, leading her interns over to the patient's room.

"No cutting, no cutting!" Cristina shoved George as they joined the group after the others.

"Yang, you're late," Alex said.

"Hey, I got here before George."

"I'm here! I was here!"

"Nice of you to join us Yang," Bailey said, causing Alex to smirk.

"Oh, what are you smiling about?" Cristina scoffed. "Arent you supposed to be on the gynie brigade?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Meredith stopped suddenly, leaning against the wall while the rest of the group continued forward.

"Woman troubles?" Cristina asked as her and Cassie turned around to wait for the blonde.

"Men troubles," Meredith shook her head. "I think this dating two guys thing is getting to me. The stress of it. Finn, Derek. Derek, Finn. I think I'm getting an ulcer."

"McDreamy and the vet are making you sick?"

"Please don't call him McDreamy," Cassie shivered, sticking her tongue out.

Meredith sighed. "I just need to make a choice and get it over with."

"Shawn Sullivan, 62. Had a minimally invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove a blockage from his LAD," George presented.

"I'm all better now, thank you George. So, what do you think Miranda? Can I stop being a burden to you good people and go home?" the patient asked.

"You need to stop interrupting the doctors, Shawn," his wife scolded. "You need to listen to what they say."

"I need to get back to the dealership. They're going to can me if I'm gone to long."

"They can't can you sweetie, you're the best salesman they've got."

"What do you sell?" Cassie asked with a kind smile.

"Cars," he grinned proudly.

"My Shawnie could sell anything," his wife boasted.

"I believe he can," Bailey nodded. "What he can't sell me on, is going back to work before he gets his oxygen levels up. So put that oxygen back on Mr. Sullivan, before I even think about letting you out of here. And if I do, I want your word. Nothing fried, no alcohol, and no cigarettes."

"Oh, you're tough Miranda," he chuckled.

"I need your word Mr. Sullivan, or I'm not going to sign those discharge papers."

"I give you my word."

"Alright then. Mrs. Sullivan, you need to go to the front desk to fill out some paper work, and then you can take your husband home."

As they walked past the nurses station, Meredith sat down on a bench and gripped her stomach in pain.