chapter forty six

the becoming.season four, episode fifteen.

The smile never seemed to wipe off her face since nightand she and Mark were happier than ever. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders, now that everything was out in the open.

Well, besides the fact that everyone —  excluding George — was unaware of their relationship.

But that was just a minor detail.

Derek walked into the kitchen with Meredith, and they both stopped in their tracks at the sight in front of them. Izzie and Alex came in shortly after, also shocked at what they were witnessing.

Cassie looked up as she swallowed her toast, instantly becoming confused by the four sets of eyes on her. "What?" she asked hesitantly, after a moment of uncomfortable staring.

"You're eating breakfast," Derek said simply.

"Okay..." she nodded slowly, still confused. "And apparently that warrants creepy staring?"

"You never eat breakfast," Alex tilted his head. "Or lunch, for that matter."

"It's weird," Meredith added.

"But good!" Izzie exclaimed, elbowing them both in the ribs. "It's good."

"Yeah," Derek said, with a soft smile. "You seem... good."

Cassie grinned, and took a bite of her oatmeal. "I feel good," she laughed, making them all share a positive look.

They weren't sure what had been up with her recently, but whatever it was, they hoped that it lasted.

Cassie did too.

As she was walking down the hall to go find Meredith, who apparently had bad news of some kind, Cassie was pulled into an on call room and lightly slammed against the door once it closed. She looked up in surprise, to see Mark looking down at her.

"Miss me?" he smirked, holding her wrists against the door.

Cassie breathed out a laugh, looking at him with what could only be described as heart eyes. "You have no idea."

He leaned in to kiss her, when they were interrupted by his pager going off. He groaned, checking it and furrowing his brows. "It's the Chief. I wonder what he wants."

"Ugh," Cassie pouted, wrapping her arms around his neck. "He can wait. We have more—" she winked, "— things to do."

"You're right," Mark grinned. "He can w—"

Once again, he was cut off by his pager, signaling that the Chief needed him asap. He rolled his eyes, looking at her with regret.

"It's fine," Cassie sighed, as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and left the room. "To be continued!"

She watched him walk out with a smile on her face, not believing how lucky she was to be able to call him her boyfriend, even though she had no idea what she was doing.

"Oh god," Cassie gasped as she read the bulletin board, which read,

"Has Cristina seen it?" Meredith questioned.

Izzie reached forward. "Let's take it down."

George scoffed, standing in front of the sign and blocking her way. "You can't take it down!"

"Take it down. Take it down," Cassie urged. "She never has to know."

Meredith sighed. "She's going to hear about it eventually."

"Who's gonna hear about what?"

The residents whipped around, and were faced with a curious Cristina. "Um," Cassie stuttered with wide eyes. "George is... going to hear about how... uh..."

Cristina raised a brow as Cassie cringed. "About?"

"Um, that he's my favorite?" she replied with a cheesy grin.

George smiled at her. "I am?"

Cristina rolled her eyes and walked past her. "Izzie. move your hand. Oh, come on. Move it." Izzie was unfortunately pushed out of the way, and Cristina's face went blank as she read. "Good for him. No one wins the Harper Avery."

With that, she walked off. Cassie watched her go sadly, until George appeared in front of her. "Am I really your favorite?"

"Of course you are, Georgie," she ruffled his hair, before lowering her voice. "Just don't tell anyone that I meant it."

Cassie walked away, George stood in the same spot for a moment after everyone had left. "I'm her favorite," he said happily.

"You're kidding, right?"

Mark ran a hand over his face in embarrassment. "Please don't be angry—"

"?" Cassie asked incredulously. "You really slept with so many women, that they had to create a special policy to prevent a lawsuit?"

"In my defense," he held his hands up. "I didn't do anything that wasn't consensual. I mean, most of them actually begged for it—"

"If I were you, I would shut up," she cut him off with a glare.

Mark nodded curtly, sinking back into his seat. "Sorry. But in my defense, this was all before I knew I loved you. I mean, it's been . I think they're just obsessed with me or something."