chapter forty nine

dream a little dream of me, part two.season five, episode two.

Scrambling to turn on the light, he finally found the switch, and was greeted by Cassie sitting on the bed a few feet in front of him, wearing a smirk on her face. "!" he shouted, startled.

"Sorry," she apologized half heartedly, holding back a laugh. "I need to talk to you."

"And you couldn't have just came up to me and said, ?"

Cassie tilted her head to the side humorously. "Where's the fun in that?"

George momentarily closed his eyes in annoyance, before raising a brow at her with obvious impatience. "Okay, so , then."

"Lily is really pretty," Cassie said bluntly.

"I— what?"

"My intern, Lily," she clarified. "I mean, she's not pretty, she's gorgeous, she's sweet."

George had been too lonely for too long, in Cassie's humble opinion; playing matchmaker wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? She didn't seem to think so.

"Blair?" he frowned in confusion. "Yeah, I mean, she's really cool... and gorgeous. But—" he paused,"—wait, do you have a crush on Lily?! She's your intern!"

"No, George—"

"God, you Shepherds have self control."

"Dude, that's not what I—"

"Wait, what about Sloan? I thought you were in love! Are you going to break up with him, because if so—"

"George!" Cassie laughed, cutting him off. "I don't have a crush on my intern."

"Oh. Then why did you bring her up?"

Cassie rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. "Because, she's into you."

"No," he smiled disbelievingly, not buying that someone like hercould like someone like him. In his eyes, Lily was practically perfect. "Absolutely not."

"George, I love you, but you're kind of being an idiot," Cassie raised a brow. "Trust me, I know a schoolgirl crush when I see one. She blushes every time you're so much as brought up in conversation."

"I-I don't believe you."

"Believe what you want," she shrugged, standing up and opening the door. "But when she inevitably reveals her undying love for you, I'll be here to say ."

With that, she left the room, leaving George to think about what she said. Cassie smiled to herself as she walked away, already having a plot in mind to get her lonely best friend and her lonely intern together.

Playing cupid was quite fun, she thought.

Up next, Lexie and Rue.

Unfortunately for Cassie, Cristina's icicle incident occurred at the same time the brunette was supposed to be scrubbing in on Michael's surgery, which is why Lexie got to scrub in instead.

To say Cassie was pissed would be an understatement; not at Lexie, but at the fact that it had been nearly eighteen hours since the six traumas came in and she still had yet to find a patient.

Thus, why she decided to play doctor to Cristina, who was still currently impaled in a trauma room.

"Still impaled, huh?" Cassie asked her as she entered the room and looked amusedly at the icicle protruding from her stomach.

Cristina rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Oh, really? How could you tell?"

"Well, mainly by the ice that's currently impaling you." Cristina gave her a look. "Oh, you were being sarcastic. Got it."

"Just take it out, please, Cass. Take it out."

"No can do," she winced. "We have to wait for your x-rays to come back."

Cristina glared at her. "I hate you."

Cassie sighed, inspecting the wound closely. "You know, actually," she thought, having a change of heart, causing Cristina's expression to brighten. "There's no swelling, you're not in any major pain, and it's not in there very deep. It would probably be fine if I just took it out now."

"So do it then!" the resident exclaimed, trying and failing to sit up.

"Do what?" Owen asked, stepping into the room much to the other two's surprise.

"Owen," Cassie greeted with a polite nod. Cristina looked him up and down, still finding him insanely attractive after he trached someone with a ballpoint pen. "I was thinking about taking her icicle out, seeing as it doesn't look like there's any major injury."

He disagreed. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Leave it in, and wait for the scans."

"Excuse me?" Cassie crossed her arms over her chest, not necessarily appreciating someone who doesn't even work there telling her what to do.

Owen shrugged. "I have more experience with this kind of thing, , than you do," he said simply. "It would be best to leave it in, so leave it in."

Cassie cocked a brow, noticing the slightly playful look of challenge in his eyes, which she returned. "Trust me, I am more than capable of assessing the injury. The patient is stable, the swelling is basically nonexistent, she isn't feeling any major pain, the x-rays are backed up, which could take hours, and quite frankly, my intuition is pretty much always correct when it comes to this sort of thing."