chapter fifty one

there's no 'i' in team.season five, episode five.

. "I've been looking everywhere for you two." She shut the door, motioning for Mark to move away from his girlfriend. "Scoot over."

"I had pre-rounds with my interns," Cassie mumbled groggily in discontent. "I woke up at three in the morning, only for Xavier to show up fourty minutes late, without even bothering to bring me a freaking coffee."

"That sucks," Callie frowned, before turning back to Mark. "Dude, ."

With a huff of indignation, Mark rolled over, leaving room for Callie to lay between the two.

"Well, I had an early morning palatoplasty," he yawned, reaching towards the desk and grabbing the magazine sitting near his pager. "You see this?"

Cassie stretched out her arms, raising a humorous brow at the cover of the article. "" she read, squinting at the large photo of Derek's face on the cover. "Oh, they airbrushed his skin."

"The Shepherd Method," Mark repeated with a frown.

"Yeah, yeah, very impressive," Callie waved them off, not exactly interested in hearing about as opposed to talking about her own problems. "Listen, last night, Erica—"

"You're right, baby," he continued. "This is definitely airbrushed."

"I know, right?"

"I mean, the man does not have pore."

Callie rolled her eyes, snapping at the couple with a ferociousness Cassie had yet to see from her. "Could you two focus? I need you right now."

"Right, sorry," Cassie apologized with a shake of her head. "Oh, how was your date with Hahn?"

"It was... I guess?" Callie sighed nervously, wringing her fingers together in her lap. "Last night, Erica and I... we did it. Sort of."

"Congratulations," Mark nodded.

"That's awesome," Cassie grinned.

"No, no, no. It was not good, at all. I . I couldn't go down there. I tried, but it just felt so weird and clinical, like gynie rotation."

Cassie's smile dropped as she listened to her speak. Mark was wildly uncomfortable.

"Did you do what I suggested?" Cassie raised a brow, sparing a glance to her boyfriend. "You know, the mirror thing."

Callie nodded feverently. "I did, I swear! It's harder when you're... ... on someone else."

"Wait," Mark held up a hand in confusion. "What mirror thing?"

"Oh, it's not—"

"Callie masturbated in front of a mirror."

"Cassie!" the older woman groaned, hiding her face in her arms when Mark began to crack up laughing. "Shut up, that's so embarrassing."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "It shouldn't be. You know, it's incredibly normalized for men, but when women do it, it's seen at taboo. Which is ridiculous, because studies show that over 80% of women are able to give themselves an orgasm. Besides, scientifically speaking, practice makes perfect. Everyone is far more likely to reach orgasm during sex with a partner, when they know exactly the kind of touching their body needs to get there." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Honestly, you two, we're doctors. This should be common knowledge."

Callie gave her an unamused look.

"Yeah, can say that, because you're the one who's actually havingorgasms."

"You could be too, if you listened to my advice."

Callie sighed heavily. "What if all this is a huge mistake? You know, what if—"

"Mark, help me out?" Cassie interrupted with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, no," he laughed, getting to his feet and throwing on his lab coat. "I can't talk about this."

"Oh, come on," she scoffed playfully. "You love talking about this stuff."

"Girl on girl," Callie added. "It's hot."

"Talking about two girls getting nasty and loving it?" Mark shrugged. "That's hot. One girl talking about how much it sucked? Depressing, and wrong. Just ."

He leant down to leave a kiss on Cassie's forehead as a goodbye, before promptly leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

Cassie made a face at the door, before turning back to Callie, who was pouting in annoyance.

"Okay," Cassie smiled supportively. "This is a safe space, alright? Now tell me ."

"The Chief wants us to give George one of our interns?" Cristina raised a brow as she tied her shoe on the locker room bench.

After working hard to show everyone that he was more than , George retook his intern exam, and passed with flying colors. But now that he was a resident like the rest of them, he needed people to teach.

Alex nodded. "Except for Grey, she already lost O'Malley. Just dump your dead weight."

"Oh please," Cristina scoffed, "they're all dead weight. That's why I need all four of them, not three."

Cassie frowned. "Speak for youself, my interns are badass. Don't get me wrong, I love George, but if he wants one, he'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands."

The group was distracted by the door opening as Lily walked in with a coffee, balloons, and streamers.

The residents gave her a blank stare, prompting her to explain herself.