chapter fifty three

in the midnight hour.season five, episodes eight and nine.

Cristina hopped out of the back seat while the couple in the front said their goodbye's.

"I'll see you at the hospital," Cassie grinned, waving to Mark as she shut the door. "Love you!"

He returned the expression, rolling down the window to shout, "I love you more!"

Turning around and walking backwards, Cassie cupped her hands around her mouth as she shouted back. "Not possible!"

Cristina rolled her eyes, opening the door to Meredith's house with her key and letting herself inside. "You two are disgusting."

"And you're bitter," the brunette playfully remarked, following after her up the stairs and into the master bedroom.

Cristina pounded on the door, only waiting half a second before opening it to reveal Derek and Meredith fast asleep.

"You up?"

"," Derek grumbled into his girlfriend's shoulder, groaning in discontent as he flipped over to his back. Cassie and Cristina made their way onto the bed, despite his protests.

"Yes," Meredith disagreed, sitting up straight.

Cristina squeezed between Meredith and the night stand, while Cassie unceremoniously plopped herself down between the blonde and Derek. She nudged her brother, handing him a hot coffee to apologize for waking him up.

"The wicked witch, is ," Cristina said dramatically, prompting Meredith to raise a brow.

"Metaphorically dead, or dead?"

Derek frowned. "Who are we talking about?"


"Her name is off the surgical board, and all of her surgeries have been cancelled," Cristina gossiped with wide eyes.

Cassie took a big gulp of her latte. "We don't know how, or why, but we know that Hahn is gone."

"That's too bad, she was really talented." The three turned to give Derek incredulous looks, prompting him to slowly nod in understanding. "You're not talking to me."

"Nope," Cassie smiled, pushing him so he was forced to roll off the bed and leave them alone.

Derek stumbled out of the room, going to answer a knock at the door that the others hadn't heard.

"So, she just left?" Meredith wondered. "No warning, no official resignation, nothing?"

"No idea," Cassie shrugged, just as confused. After pondering it for a moment, a thought came to mind. "Hey, you think that maybe, Hahn leaving has something to do with—"

She was hastily cut off by the sound of footsteps tumbling up the stairs, as an unfamiliar blonde barged through the door and threw herself on top of Meredith.

"Death!" the girl squealed, as Meredith did the same and hugged her back. Cassie and Cristina scooted towards the end of the bed, their eyebrows raised in confusion as they shared a look over the other two's bodies.

"Oh my god!" Meredith exclaimed happily, a huge smile on her face. "It's been—"

"Forever! You look like—"

"You look like—"

"!" they shouted in unison, laughing at the inside joke neither Cassie or Cristina understood.

"Is the guy in the pajamas your boyfriend?" the girl wondered, "Because if so, then ."

Cassie scrunched up her nose in disgust, already getting a weird feeling from the perky blonde. At first glance, she seemed far too for Cassie's personal liking.

"Hey, um," Cristina interrupted, a fake smile adorning her features as she tilted her head at the new girl. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sadie," she responded. "Who are you?"

"I-I'm Cristina."

Cassie raised a brow at the blonde, not bothering to be nice when she said bluntly, "I've never heard of a ."

"And who are you?"


Sadie smirked, taking a seat next to Meredith, purposely forcing Cassie to stand up in order to avoid falling on the floor.

"Funny. I've never heard of you, either."

"Apparently, they went backpacking around Europe or something," Cristina mumbled, sitting in discontent on Derek's right. Cassie sat on his left, staring at her empty coffee cup in boredom. "Before med school."

"I hate her," Cassie grunted, crossing her arms over her chest like a child. "Did you see the way she all but pushed me away from Meredith? Freaking unbelievable."

Derek gave her a sarcastic look. "I couldn't imagine what that's like for you."

"And Death?" Cristina scoffed. "Meredith's name is not Death, it's ."

"I really feel for you," Derek hummed.

"You know, she's never even this bitch," Cassie continued with a glare. "How good of a friend could she be?"