chapter fifty five

sympathy for the devil.season five, episodeseleven and twelve.

. For the last few weeks, her, Cristina, and Meredith had been avoiding each other like the plague following their big fight, and she was beginning to get annoyed with the silent treatment.

A few days prior, Cassie and Meredith had made up, mainly because they were never really arguing with each other to begin with. Cristina, on the other hand, was a different story. Cassie, stubborn as she was, didn't like holding onto grudges that weren't well deserved. So, if it took being the bigger person to get her friend back, that's exactly what she planned to do.

Rolling out of bed and padding towards the kitchen, she was able to catch Cristina right before she headed out the door.


"Uh, hi."

"If you wait a few minutes, I can give you a ride," Cassie proposed, sending her person a smile in greeting.

"Oh, um," Cristina mumbled, throwing her purse over her shoulder anyways. "I think I'll be fine." She moved to open the door, but stopped at the harsh sound of Cassie's stern voice.

"Cristina Helen Yang, get your ass in here!"

Slowly, Cristina backed up, startled at the outburst. Cassie stood in the middle of the living room, her arms crossed and a deep frown replacing the kind look she wore only seconds prior.

"I am trying to be ," Cassie emphasized, frustration bubbling at the surface. "I'm tired of the fighting, and the avoiding, and all of the hurt feelings. Look, I'm sorry for saying I'm better than you, okay? That was out of line. But, I'm sorry for saying I'm a better teacher than you, because it's true, and you know it." She raised a curt brow, gesturing to the girl across from her. "Okay, now you go."

"I— what?"

"Go, share how you feel. And then this can all be over."

Cristina sighed, dragging her feet into the room and setting down her bag. "Fine. I'm sorry."


Narrowing her eyes in irritation, Cristina took a deep breath. "I'm sorry..." Cassie watched on, slightly amused. "I'm sorry, for, um," she paused, scoffing to herself. "Yeah, no. That's the best you're gonna get."

Cassie thought for a long moment, before shrugging as a grin took over her features. "Eh, works for me." She turned on her heel, heading back into her room to get dressed as she called out over her shoulder, "I'll be ready in five minutes!"

Cristina opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Cassie's bedroom door slamming shut. She stared at the space her person once stood, slightly bewildered.

"Okay then."

Joining Cristina, Meredith, Owen, and Derek in the pit, Cassie approached the group with a smile. "Hey, who's the patient?"

"Take a look," Derek said, his face betraying his emotions. He glanced down at her, hesitantly handing her a paper with the patient's information. Cassie read it, her brows furrowing in the process.

"Wait, he's a prisoner?"

"Yeah," he nodded, biting the inside of his cheek in premature rage.

"So," Webber joined them, placing his hands on his hips. "You've read up on our VIP?" The group nodded. "Multiple stab wounds, badly beaten. He'll have guards with him at all times. Cuffs stay on, leg irons stay on. Watch your syringes, sharps, and pins. I don't want any accidents."

Cassie shared a wide eyed look with Meredith. "No pressure, or anything."

Webber's pager went off, causing them all to straighten up. "And he's here. You five are my team. No interns. I want to keep this as quiet as possible. Get him in and out quickly, patch him up, and get him on his way—"

Cristina frowned down at the paper as they made their way outside, looking to the Chief in question. "What's PDR?"

"—get him out of trauma as fast as you can. Those guards are going to attract a lot of attention."

"Sir," Cristina called out, as the ambulances pulled up and opened their doors. "It's stamped PDR. What does that mean?"

"Prisoner," Webber told her, pausing for a long moment. "Death Row."

Immediately, Cassie's eyes landed on Derek in concern. , she thought anxiously, watching as he clenched his jaw. .

The patient was rolled out on a gurney, fully conscious while the group watched him. He grinned, sending a chill down Cassie's spine as he made eye contact with her.

"How's everybody doing this morning?"

"Mr. Dunn, can you hear me?"

Cassie shined a flashlight in the man's eyes, as he responded, "You have a lovely voice."

"Okay," Cristina interrupted, "we need a trauma series."

Mr. Dunn groaned as they moved him onto his back. "Oh, I hate to be a bother, but my legs really, hurt. Was I stabbed in the leg?"

"We checked your legs. We didn't find anything," Derek deadpanned, checking a wound on his head.

"We should add t-spine and l-spine films," Meredith observed.

"We're gonna get a CT anyway," Cristina immediately shot her down. "Extra films are a waste of time."

Owen shrugged. "Couple more shots can't hurt."