26. Chapter 26

Maggie’s typically the one with the dirty mouth.

The most Alex can usually rasp out is something akin to “shut up and kiss me” – or, once in a brave while, “don’t stop fucking me, Maggie” – which pales in comparison to the things Maggie whispers into her ears, from the declarations of Alex’s unparalleled beauty to the running commentary on how tight Alex is, how wet she is for her, how amazing it’s going to feel when she cums pulsing around her fingers.

So when Maggie’s sprawled on their bed one Sunday morning, NCPD files scattered in an ordered chaos around her, she’s surprised when Alex perches on the edge of the bed, stares at her for a long moment, and says, matter-of-factly and two or three octaves lower than her voice normally is, “How would you feel about taking a break and sitting on my face right about now?”

Maggie nearly chokes and suddenly she thinks she knows how Alex feels when her words send shock waves through her body. Pleasant shock waves. Very pleasant shock waves.

Alex doesn’t wait for a verbal reply: the hungry look in Maggie’s eyes, the way she licks her lips, the way her body is suddenly keening for Alex, gives her answer away.

Alex gathers Maggie’s files into one hand, taking care to keep them in order even as she tosses them on the floor, in the same motion flipping Maggie on top of her, hips settling around her shoulders.

Maggie is gasping already, and Alex practically growls in anticipation.

Alex urges Maggie up on her left side, tugging her shorts and underwear down while Maggie holds herself up, kicking impatiently until her clothes settle down past her knees.

“Alex, you sure?”

Alex answers with her hands, with her tongue, pulling Maggie’s hips down and drawing out a long, low moan from her girlfriend as she drags her tongue slowly, firmly, across Maggie’s clit.

Maggie gasps her name and her inner thighs start to shake with restraint. Alex pushes slightly so her lips are free enough to talk.

“Babe, you’re not gonna hurt me. Let yourself enjoy.” She knows she’s echoing the words Maggie had told her the first time she’d pulled Alex down onto her face, and she really hopes Maggie doesn’t have anything smarmy to say about it, because she really needs to keep tasting her.

Maggie tries to come up with something witty, something teasing. She really does.

She splutters and she stammers, but then Alex’s tongue is slipping inside her and her thumb is pressuring her clit and god she’s not really known herself to let go, but right now she can’t do anything but grind her hips down desperately into Alex’s face, and when Alex moans and tightens her fingers on her ass in response, the sound vibrates through her whole body before it’s lost in the depth of her own scream.

“Al – Alex, Alex, I need – please, Al – Alex, I – “

Alex smiles, because Alex knows.

Alex shifts and Maggie groans while she waits and Alex chuckles into her clit and Maggie whines and Alex replaces her tongue with her fingers, slipping deep inside her, giving Maggie what she needs while her mouth closes on that sensitive spot just above Maggie’s clit, the spot she needs pressure on to help her cum, and Alex doesn’t care that her teeth cut into her upper lip as Maggie’s body freezes and her back arches and her insides pulse and her throat nearly tears with the force of how loudly she screams Alex’s name.

It takes her long, long minutes to come completely down off her high, and when she does – when Alex wipes her chin, her lips, her nose, on the tender inside of Maggie’s thigh – she grins down at Alex hungrily, desperately. Eagerly.

“Your turn.”