37. Chapter 37

He looks over his shoulder every two or three seconds and he jumps when he hears someone – anyone – that could possibly maybe be Alex walk into the room.

Because she scares the shit out of him, but dammit he loves her, so this Maggie person needs to get clearance from him. Even if he has to risk Alex finding out about his little background checking.

Kara catches him first and scolds him before looking over her own shoulder and pointing to the bottom of Maggie’s very confidential police record. “Check that file there, Winn.”

They both jump a mile high when J’onn clears his throat behind them. His arms are folded across his chest and Winn starts to splutter out an explanation for the use of DEO time and tech for an utter violation of Alex’s privacy – or, more to the point, Maggie’s privacy – but J’onn just shifts his eyes around to make sure Alex is nowhere in sight, leans in, and mutters “Check her blood type and medical history, too.”

In the end, it isn’t Alex who discovers the three of them. It’s Maggie, and she has Winn up against a wall as quickly as Alex did. J’onn backs up and Kara bites her lip and Alex walks into the room with an open jaw and wide eyes.

“Worst thing I found was that your parents had you in ballet, Maggie, and come on, that’s just precious – ”

“Do you have any idea how invasive that is, Schott, how much of my life at home depended on keeping my private life mine because if the wrong people found out who I was I’d get beaten, I’d get the girls I dated hurt?”

Winn splutters and Winn flinches and Winn apologizes and Winn tries to point out that J’onn and Supergirl helped him and Maggie growls that she’ll deal with them later and Maggie suddenly lets him go.

“You have good friends, babe,” she says casually, turning to Alex with a cockeyed grin. “I like em. Glad you have people looking out for you. You deserve that.”

She leans up on her tip toes and kisses Alex lightly, and Winn splutters behind him.

“Sorry Winn, scaring you there was just too good an opportunity to pass up.”

J’onn laughs and Maggie arches an eyebrow at him. “You looked a little scared yourself there, Mr. Director Sir, I wouldn’t laugh too hard.”

Alex snorts and Kara giggles and Winn doubles over and Maggie smirks and J’onn grumbles.

“They’re multiplying,” he mutters as he walks away, shaking his head. But his step is lighter, and he can’t hide his smile, because thank god: Alex has met her match.