50. Chapter 50

Alex gets there early.

Of course she’s early.

Maggie’s hair is still wet and she’s only just put her boxers on but Alex is knocking and Alex will panic if she doesn’t answer right away because Alex is protective like that and Maggie really doesn’t want to have to reset the door frame like she did last week after Alex kicked it in last week because Maggie wasn’t picking up her phone.

So she calls out that she’s coming and she half jogs across her apartment, grabbing her oversized NCPD windbreaker and tossing it over her shoulders just before she opens the door.

“Hey b – oh. Oh. Is that all you’re wearing?”

Maggie shrinks just a little. “Oh, no, sorry, I… you’re a little early, I’m sorry, I should have – “

She stills at Alex’s hands on her waist, at Alex’s suddenly heady gaze, at Alex’s cockeyed grin. “No, no, don’t apologize, it’s uh…” Her eyes rake down Maggie’s body, lingering on her bare legs, on the opening of the windbreaker over the center of her chest, her abs. “It’s fine.” She bites her lip. “Completely…” She lifts her up suddenly so Maggie’s legs are wrapped around her hips. “Completely fine.”

She checks in with her eyes before carrying her to the couch, before kissing her, before ripping the jacket down off her shoulders and fucking her senseless. Maggie gasps and Maggie nods and Maggie tosses her arms around Alex’s neck, and it’s all the permission Alex needs.