61. Chapter 61

Maggie rambles while she’s sleepy. She rambles and she has no idea that she’s doing it.

And Alex absolutely loves it.

“You know what I could never figure out babe? What paramecia think about. Like, do they know they’re furry? Do they like it? Do they ever identify as furry?”

“I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Like, ever. And let me tell you, I’ve seen my share of beautiful women. But damn, Danvers, you – haha, damn Danvers. Damnvers. Hehe, you get it?”

“Know the only thing you’re not good at, Ally, know what it is? Taking a compliment. A compliment. Like, one day I wanna compliment you and for you to just be like that’s right. You did when I told you you cleaned up nice. That was hot. You being confident and stuff. Like in your DEO gear. God.”

“I wanna kiss you, Alex. I always wanna kiss you. Can I kiss you? Now? Kiss… you…”

Alex laughs softly and Alex strokes Maggie’s hair and Alex leans in slightly as Maggie tries to find Alex’s face with groggy hands and closed eyes.

But Maggie’s lips aren’t coordinated enough, Maggie isn’t awake enough, to kiss her on the mouth.

Maggie settles for bringing their noses together, to shaking her head back and forth, to kissing Alex’s nose with her own.

She chuckles to herself in her sleepiness, and she mutters something about noses making out with each other, and she shifts closer into Alex’s chest and falls fast asleep.

And Alex has never felt more peaceful, more in love.