86. Chapter 86

She doesn’t think much about Darla being Maggie’s ex, except for that little squirming flame of jealousy every single time she hears Darla speaking English.

So okay, maybe she thinks about it a lot. But at least Darla doesn’t flirt with Maggie like the others do.

Because there do seem to be others.

A lot of others.

Maggie insists that they’re not all exes, not exactly. She doesn’t elaborate, she just drinks a little deeper and shakes her head, and Alex is okay with that for now.

She even finds it funny, sometimes.

“Hi, Maggie,” the Bravak woman can barely force out of her breathless lips and heady eyes.

“Nice to meet you,” Alex offers brightly before Maggie can respond, tossing her arm around Maggie’s shoulders and pulling her slightly closer. “Agent Alex Danvers, FBI.”

She suppresses a smirk as the poor woman wilts and Maggie arches an eyebrow at her.

“Hi Maggie,” the brunette with the horizontally closing eyelids and great cleavage swoons, and Alex acts like she doesn’t hear her, and Alex pulls Maggie into a deep, deep kiss.

“Someone a little jealous, babe?” Maggie asks her finally, after Alex slipped her arms around Maggie’s waist and kissed the side of her neck when the girl with the fantastic dragon tattoo dipping from her collarbone ever lower, lower, lower, offered to buy Maggie a drink, offered to go someplace to get reacquainted.

“Jealous? Pfft, no. Why would I be jealous?” She pulls Maggie closer by her belt loops, dips down for a searing kiss.

Maggie swoons into the embrace and a swell of pride swoops through Alex’s chest.

“I think I like you jealous.”

“I think I like you mine.”

“Well that’s convenient. Because I am all yours, Alex Danvers.”