95. Chapter 95

Maggie sits hesitantly, nervously, on the edge of the couch, sandwiching Alex between her and Kara. It’s her first movie night with the girls, and though the invitation had come from Kara, she can’t quite shake the feeling that she’s intruding.

But Kara smiles and tosses a blanket over all three of them, so Maggie scoots closer and relaxes into Alex’s shoulder; she grins as she hears Kara shifting and doing the same on Alex’s other shoulder, and doesn’t think much of it.

She forgets that Kara has x-ray vision when she slips her hand onto Alex’s thigh under the blankets, finds Alex’s hand, links her fingers through Alex’s, and smiles as Alex sighs contentedly.

“Alex,” Kara whispers, except Kara’s whisper is more of a whisper-shout. “Are you guys holding hands? Can I hold your hand, too?”

Alex furrows her brow and looks at her sideways, but she offers her free hand to Kara as Maggie chuckles.

It happens again when they’re making dinner together the next week.

“Mm, Alex, babe, c’mere, you have to try this, Kara and I came up with the perfect amount of chocolateyness – ”

Alex slips into the kitchen and obediently opens her mouth and moans happily as Maggie lets her close her lips around the spoon she’s offering.

“Mmm, it’s amazing, you should have some, too,” Alex flirts, drawing Maggie closer by the hips and leaning down for an open-mouthed kiss.

They’re interrupted by a firm tap on Maggie’s shoulder and a glasses-adjusting, furrow-browed Kara. “I get to try some, too!”

“Not off my mouth you don’t, Little Danvers – here, wanna finish off this spoon?”

It happens again at the park, when they’re tossing around a football and Maggie takes Alex down and their laughter becomes a wrestling match, and Kara hovers over them reminding them that she’s really good at wrestling and can’t she play, too.

Maggie is a detective, and as she looks up at Kara’s pouting face with laughter still on her own lips, she detects.

So the next time they’re cuddling at movie night, Maggie makes sure that one of Alex’s arms is around her shoulders, and the other is around Kara’s.

The next time the three of them are walking together, she grabs the hands of both Danvers sisters, swinging her arm back and forth amiably with Kara and interlacing fingers and flirting with thumbs and pinkies and soft security with Alex.

The next time she wants to feed Alex something, she makes sure she offers to Kara first, so Kara will be distracted by the food while Maggie takes her time licking it off of Alex’s lips.

The next time she buys Alex a donut from that tiny food truck on the corner, she buys Kara five.

The next time they’re playing around in the park and Maggie feels like chasing Alex to the ground in a fit of shrieks and giggles that has J’onn pretending not to smile and James and Winn cheering her on like little kids at a soccer game, she knows she’ll have an easier time of it, because Kara is perpetually invited to help.

Because the Danvers sisters are a package deal; and Maggie wouldn’t have it any other way.