100. Chapter 100

She’s naked and she’s on her stomach and she’s soaking wet and her wrists are sore from writhing around so much in Maggie’s handcuffs and she doesn’t quite understand why, but she loves it; just like she loves the way Maggie is moaning raggedly as she holds Alex’s arms down above her head, as she slams her strapon in and out of Alex’s body harder, faster, harder, faster.

“Maggie,” Alex half gasps and half screams, and Maggie’s hold on her arms loosen and her thrusts slow.

“Color, Alex?” she needs to know, and Alex grinds her hips down into the bed.

“Green, fuck, please don’t stop.”

“There’s my good little girl,” Maggie rasps into her ear, and Alex bites down on her pillow and barely stifles a scream as Maggie nearly pulls all the way out of her before slamming back inside and Alex needs more and Alex is wrecked and Maggie is wrecked and Maggie’s thrusts are starting to get the kind of chaotic that they always do before she cums and Alex wants her to, wants to hear that yell she gives when she has Alex completely submissive underneath her like this, but then it’s too much and then Alex can’t breathe for a second too long with how overwhelmed she is and then Maggie’s grip tightens around her arms just a little and the combination scares her too much for comfort because god how how she never felt anything like this before, and she’s gasping, for the first time, that she needs a pause, that she needs a break, that she needs a stop.

“Red, red, red,” she breathes out in one breath and Maggie’s body is arched up off of hers in an instant, strapon still inside her but slowly, gently, slipping out, and Maggie is crawling to her side, concern written all over her face, hands hovering over the handcuffs on Alex’s wrists. Alex nods and Maggie releases them in an instant before slipping back down, hand hovering above Alex’s face, but not quite touching her.

“I’m so sorry, Alex, you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Alex swallows and shakes her head and Maggie looks like she’s holding back tears but still she won’t touch Alex, still she won’t so much as breathe without her permission.

“You didn’t hurt me, Mags,” Alex whispers, and notes the slight relaxation in Maggie’s body before hiding, before burying her face in her pillow and groaning into it, because fuck, can’t she do anything right?

“Al, what – I’m here, babe, I’m right here, you’re okay, you’re safe, you’re loved, you’re okay.”

Alex groans louder into the pillow before flipping onto her back violently, suddenly. Maggie pulls back the hand that was hovering over her and brings it to her own chin, watching Alex with careful eyes, waiting, waiting, because she knows Alex’s face when she’s trying to think of the precise words she wants to use, and that’s the face she has on as she tugs the sheets up to cover her body. Maggie gulps and Maggie blinks down tears, because now isn’t the time for her to be crying.

“You were about to cum,” Alex huffs, in that tone she usually reserves for talking about herself in the context of her mother. The tone she reserves for beating herself up.

“Alex,” Maggie breathes, “that doesn’t matter.” She reaches her hand toward Alex’s face, waits. Starts to pull back. Alex doesn’t look at her, but she brings her own hand up to Maggie’s, brings Maggie’s hand down to her cheek. Maggie grimaces a small smile.

“I don’t care how close I was to cumming, babe, when you want to stop, you want to stop, that’s it, that’s all that matters.”

Alex rolls her eyes and Alex looks disgusted with herself and Maggie wants to sob.

“Babygirl. Ally.” Alex finally looks over at her at that, at the name only Maggie Sawyer is allowed to call her, and her eyes are brimming with tears.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Maggie, I just… it was me, I – ”

“You didn’t do anything wrong either, babe.”

Maggie wipes a tear away from Alex’s cheek as Alex scoffs softly and holds open the sheets for Maggie to crawl into next to her.

“It’s stupid, it’s embarrassing, I just… I was really overwhelmed, because I was so fucking turned on, and I couldn’t breathe and your bodyweight was on my arms and the handcuffs were on and everything just felt so fucking good but then it just got too much and I couldn’t breathe and I just – you were about to cum, I’m so sorry.”

Maggie’s shaking her head and Maggie is smoothing the hair off of Alex forehead and the tears off her cheeks, and she’s kissing her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, her lips.

“Alex Danvers, you have nothing to apologize for. It’s literally why we have a color system, babe. I never want to do anything you’re not totally geared up for, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I like… I like that you tell me what you want. I love it. So, flip side, I love when you tell me what you don’t want. I love you. I only ever want you to feel amazing.”

“I did, I just… it got too much for a second there… it’s stupid.“

“No, it’s not. It’s okay. It’s… actually a little hot that you were that turned on. And it’s hot that you told me what you needed.”

“So you’re saying I’m hot. That’s… that’s what I’m getting.”

Maggie goes into full-on dimple mode and Maggie shakes her head and Maggie sighs and Maggie gathers Alex into her arms because goddamn is she soaking wet, but right now? Right now the feeling of Alex cuddling into her chest and listening to her heart beat is the sweetest kind of bliss she can imagine, which works just perfectly for Alex, because that’s exactly what she wants, too.