102. Chapter 102

“Ally,” Maggie whispers softly, tentatively, because sometimes when Alex’s breathing is even it’s because she’s deep in thought; sometimes it’s because she’s fast asleep; and sometimes it’s because she’s exactly in between those two states.

It sounds like the latter, this time, because Alex moans slightly and rolls over groggily. “Mmmm?”

“Nothing babe. Sleep.”

“Mmmm, Mags. You want sex, don’t you?” Alex grins lopsidedly with her eyes still closed.

“I – babe – no – it – “

“Maggie Sawyer, I think I know you just a little bit by now. You wanna get fucked, mm?”

“You’re sleeping, babe – “

“If I was sleeping, I wouldn’t be talking to you, you’re the one who talks in your sleep, not me,” Alex teases, and finally, her eyes crack open. “C’mere,” she tells Maggie and opens her arms.

“Al, you’re sleeping, I can… take care of myself.”

“Mmm, ya could, but it’ll be a lot more fun this way.” Alex slips sleepily on top of her girlfriend, slow, soft heat building in her core as Maggie’s breath goes ragged, as Maggie sighs at Alex’s weight on her body.

Maggie’s legs open and Alex braces her hand with her thigh between them, knowing that Maggie was usually all about romance and foreplay, but not when she just needed to get off before falling asleep.

And sure enough, she moans at the contact and Alex grins cockily.

“Mmm, you’re already wet for me, babe,” she comments, and Maggie half laughs and half gasps.

“Don’t get cocky, Danvers, I was just over here thinking about that hot new agent you guys are training.”

Alex laughs and Alex kisses her harder and Alex reaches a hand underneath Maggie’s body to grab her ass, to pull her up closer into her body.

“Yeah, okay, Sawyer, like you really think that rookie’s got anything on what I’m doing to you right now.”

Because sure enough, Maggie’s gasping and Maggie’s whining and Maggie’s scratching at Alex’s back and Alex is putting exactly the right amount of pressure in exactly the right place and she’s kissing her neck and Maggie is convulsing around Alex’s fingers, softly, softly, slowly, slowly, but just hard enough to send a sweet release through her entire body, her entire being.

Alex smiles and Alex smooths the hair out Maggie’s face and Alex kisses her forehead as she rolls to her side and pulls her close.

“Feeling better?” Alex grins.

“Much.” Maggie snuggles into her closer.

“That’s my girl.”

“Damn right I am.”

“Damn right you are.”