104. Chapter 104

She’s limping slightly and there are harsh red marks just visible under the line of her collar and her wrists are bruised but, oddly, her far-off grin seems permanent.

Winn and J’onn exchange nervous glances as Alex strolls – or rather, sturdily hobbles – into the command center, but it’s Kara who (literally) flies forward and demands an explanation.

“Alex, what the hell happened to you? You’re hurt, why didn’t you call for backup? Who did this?”

“Uh, no, I’m not hurt, nothing, it – “

They both jump slightly at the chipper “g’morning, all” that sounds behind them.

Maggie is somehow balancing five coffees, one for each of them, and Kara turns to interrogate her as she passes them out with a grin that – if Kara stopped and really thought for a moment – looks oddly similar to Alex’s.

“Maggie, look at Alex, make her tell us who did this, it – “

“Oh, yeah, uh, sorry Little Danvers: my bad.”

Winn’s jaw drops and J’onn groans and Alex squeezes her eyes shut but Kara hasn’t gotten it yet.

“You mean you were with her and you didn’t call me for backup?”

“Well, when you say with her… yeah… But uh, I don’t think you really would’ve wanted to be called. At that moment. Those… moments, those… fantastic moments… for… backup or, you know, any other reasons.”

“So you were with her but you didn’t think I’d wanna know that my sister – “

“Uh, Kara – “ Winn’s voice is apologetic, cautionary. Both terrified and excited.

“Wait.” Kara adjusts her glasses.

“There it is.” Maggie tilts her coffee toward Kara in a salute.

“Oh.” Kara adjust her glasses some more.

“Yep.” Maggie nods and sips and watches Kara for increased signs of distress.

“Oh.” Kara adjusts her glasses more furiously than ever before.

“Yeah.” Alex chimes in this time, biting the inside of her cheek and grimacing somewhat – but not entirely – apologetically.

“Alex! Oh Rao, Alex, it – you – ugh – “ Kara speeds out of the room.

“I – I… think we broke my sister.”

“And your boss,” J’onn groans.

“Sorry J’onn.”

“Not me, you didn’t break me, no need to worry about the IT guy, I’m fine over here – ow!”

“Since you still seem to be in a rough mood, Danvers, wanna uh… find a closet or an empty lab or something?”

Maggie’s leaning in and Maggie’s whispering but Kara still shouts.



“Not you’re not!”

“Nope. I’m really not all that much.”