107. Chapter 107

“Little Danvers.”

“Maggie, hey! What – what’re you doing here?”

“Sorry, is… this a bad time?”

“No, no, just finished an article, actually – what’s uh.. what’s up?”

“Alex told me.”

“Told you.”

“Your secret. She said you said it was okay.”

“Yeah. I did. How’re you… are you okay?”

"It was a pretty badly kept secret, to be honest, I mean, just glasses, come on now, but uh… you saved her.”

“Um… we’ve all saved each other, you saved my life just… yesterday. I mean, now I can properly thank you – “

“No, Kara, listen, I um… I came here to thank you. You saved her. Alex. Her plane, to Geneva, when you… when you came out.”


“And I just… I know you’ve saved a lot of people, and I know you risk your life every day, but I just… back then, no one knew who you were, what you could do, and you didn’t think, you just… god, literally flew to save her. And I… Alex is… I mean you of all people know how special Alex is, she just… your sister’s everything to me, Kara, I can’t… I can’t imagine my life if she never walked into it, and I have you to thank you for that, for her, so I just…”

“Oh, oh! We’re hugging now. That’s good, I like hugging.”

“Thank you, Kara.”

“You’re everything to her, too, Maggie. So… thank you, too.”