110. Chapter 110

Alex had always been free with her hugs to Kara. She’d always race to hug Jeremiah, even when she was still in her sopping wet suit, surf board still tucked under her arm. Over the years, she’d gotten more stiff about hugging Eliza, but she would hug her anyway.

Kara had noticed Alex touched J’onn more, Winn more, James more, over the past couple of years.

But she still wasn’t exactly the most touchy person.

Unless you counted body slamming men who were twice her size while disarming them and instilling the fear of god in them as touching, which Kara didn’t.

So when she dropped by Alex’s apartment with pizza and potstickers to cap off a particularly grueling day at the DEO, her brow furrowed when Alex wasn’t in the living room. She lowered her glasses and squinted into her bedroom, and at first, she was surprised, but then, she knew she shouldn’t be.

Because Alex’s arms were both wrapped around Maggie’s body, their knees bent, their legs intertwined, Alex’s stomach pressed flush against Maggie’s back, and every few breaths, Maggie would snuggle back even closer, would pull Alex’s arms closer to her chest, would lower her head, eyes closed, and press a sleepy kiss to Alex’s forearm.

Kara had never seen Alex so much as doze off near someone other than her, let alone wrap her arms – not to mention legs – around them and full-out sleep.

Hell, Kara had never even seen Alex hold someone else’s hand.

But this? With Maggie? This made sense. Perfect sense.

Kara set down the pizza, set down the potstickers, hesitated, grabbed two potstickers and shoved them in her mouth, hesitated again, popped two more in her mouth, and padded softly into her sister’s bedroom.

“Pizza’s here,” she whispers, and Alex smiles sleepily and Maggie starts slightly, but relaxes almost instantly.

“‘Ey, Little Danvers,” she says creakily, and Kara beams at her own special nickname.

Alex makes no move to disentangle herself from Maggie, just she tilts her head up and grins. “Bring the pizza in here, Kara. We’ll make it a party.”

Maggie kisses her forearm again and Alex’s hands squeeze her sides slightly, and Kara watches as they melt into each other’s touches, into each other’s bodies.

And she’s never quite been this happy to have to unexpectedly share food with someone.