173. Chapter 173

Alex always gets a particular form of desperate after especially risky missions, and Maggie is always eager to oblige.

So when Alex slams Maggie down onto the bed and breathes, “I need to feel you stretching me out” into her ear, Maggie moans and Maggie reaches into the nightstand drawer and Maggie tugs on her strap-on and Alex strips and Maggie splutters and Maggie gulps and Maggie can handle how hot this is, how hot Alex is, she swears she can.

“You good?” Alex asks as she kneels back onto the bed, straddling Maggie, who’s still lying on her back, and Maggie’s throat is dry but yes, yes, yes.

Alex’s eyes flash as she keeps her gaze locked onto Maggie’s face, tracing her fingers down her own chest, down her own stomach, watching Maggie’s every expression as she brings her fingers lower, lower, moaning softly as she brings her fingers low enough to touch herself, to show Maggie how soaked she is for her, and Maggie arches her hips up but Alex chuckles and Alex shakes her head because patience, Detective.

Her fingers glistening with her own need, Alex brings her fingers to the tip of Maggie’s strap-on, and Maggie fights, hard, to control her hips, and Alex relishes the pleasant struggle on her face as she traces her fingers down, down, running the length of the dildo, and Maggie watches until she whimpers, whimpers, begs.

“Alex please.”

“You wanna fuck me, babe?” Alex wants to know, and Maggie moans and Maggie nods and Alex obliges, raising herself up on her knees before carefully, slowly, calculatedly, guiding herself down onto the strap-on, her eyes fluttering to the back of her head as she gasps, as she groans, because Maggie’s been inside her plenty of times before, but Alex has never been on top quite like this, and it feels… she doesn’t know how to describe how it feels.

“Maggie,” is all she can gasp, and Maggie brings gentle hands up to her hips.

“You good, babygirl?” she checks, and Alex bites her lip, and Alex nods, and Alex brings her hips down farther, taking more of Maggie inside her.

Maggie moans but controls her hips, not wanting to push inside faster than Alex is taking her, leaning up slightly to watch the dildo disappearing inside Alex, and she doesn’t know if that image or the image of ecstasy on Alex’s face is more beautiful. Probably the latter.

“I love you, Ally,” she can’t help but breathe, and Alex smiles and arches her body down to kiss her soft, to kiss her full, to kiss her desperate, to kiss her passionate.

“I love you too, Mags,” she rasps, and then she starts to move.

She quickly discovers that she loves the way Maggie’s hands brace her hips, her ass, pull her into her, not up and down, but back and forth, so Alex is always full of Maggie, so Alex’s clit is constantly pressured, is constantly stimulated, is constantly getting everything Alex needs.

She quickly discovers that if she arches forward while Maggie is pulling her closer, Maggie will scream, quick, sharp, surprised, thrilled.

She quickly discovers that if she bends down to trace her tongue, her lips, her teeth, along Maggie’s neck, Maggie’s breathing will grow even more ragged, and her hips will arch up on their own accord, and she’ll whimper and she’ll beg and she’ll bury herself deeper into Alex than Alex knew was possible.

She quickly discovers that when Maggie reaches up to tease her nipples between her fingers, Alex spirals toward orgasm quick, hard, intense, perfect.

She quickly discovers, too, that Maggie isn’t done with her, and she couldn’t be more thrilled.

Because she quickly discovers that Maggie’s breathing quickens when Alex tugs the harness briefs down off Maggie’s hips, pulls them onto her own, and slips a condom over the dildo. Maggie rasps her name and spreads her legs, but Alex shakes her head, and Maggie gasps raggedly with a grin as she catches Alex’s meaning.

Alex lays down on her back, then, and Maggie straddles her, smoothing Alex’s hair out of her face and kissing her, kissing her, kissing her, the dildo insistently pushing against her stomach, making them both needy, making them both desperate, making them both utterly wrecked.

And when Maggie arranges herself on top of Alex such that she can push down, down, so she’s surrounding the dildo, so she’s surrounding Alex, Alex swears she’s never seen anything more beautiful than the way Maggie lets her head tilt back, than the way Maggie’s back arches, than the way her hands grab at Alex’s thighs for stability, for comfort, for love.

And Alex tells her, because she can’t not, and Maggie blushes and Maggie leans down and brings her lips to Alex’s.

“No, babygirl: the most beautiful thing in the multiverse is you.”

Alex swoons underneath her and Maggie starts to move slow, determined, perfect, and Alex groans and Maggie lets out a low scream that she shifts to muffle with Alex’s nipple in her mouth, and it’s Alex’s turn to scream, because Maggie’s tongue is perfect and Maggie’s ass is perfect, and Alex is grabbing at her body, pulling her close, pulling her desperate, pulling her harder and faster and you good babe yes yes yes Ally please please please and she’s never felt anything quite as amazing as Maggie Sawyer riding her rough, riding her tender, riding her reckless, riding her abandoned, and Maggie screams through her orgasm and Alex holds her, holds her, holds her, and when she tells her how much she loves her, she’s never meant anything more deeply in her entire life.