217. Chapter 217

Alex will lift her up and have Maggie wrap her legs around her hips and put her arms under her ass and Alex will carry her slowly into the surf, kissing her neck and her cheek and whispering into her ear about how beautiful she is, about how safe she is, the whole time, and Maggie will believe her, because Alex’s arms are strong – stronger than the ocean, stronger than Maggie’s fear – and when they get deep enough that Maggie’s toes dip, that waves start crashing gently on her ass, on her back, she clings tighter to Alex but she tells her to keep going, because she trusts her and she never wants to lose this feeling, this feeling of cold, cold water and warm, warm arms wrapped around her, Alex’s heartbeat pressed up against hers, and when they’re deep enough that they're past the point where the waves break and the surf smoothes out and Maggie is weightless in Alex’s arms, she tosses her head back and she loses sight of where the ocean meets the sky, and Alex watches her like she’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, because she is, she is, she is.