221. Chapter 221

“Hey pretty lady.”

Maggie hums contentedly as Alex slips strong arms around her waist and kisses the back of her neck. She lets herself melt back into those arms, and she swears she’s never known any feeling like Alex’s stomach and chest warm and steady against her back.

“Long day?” Maggie asks, because long days either always end with her tied up and writhing under Alex or with Alex snuggling, kissing her neck gently, never letting go of her body.

Alex Danvers doesn’t have a lot of middle ground, and Maggie loves it.

“Mmmm.” Alex traces her lips across Maggie’s neck, and Maggie giggles.

“Ally, I’m making dinner.”

Alex stills immediately, but Maggie reaches behind her to keep their bodies close.

“Wanna turn off the burner?” Alex asks, and Maggie knows the question under her question.

She smiles and she complies and she turns in Alex’s arms, looking up into steady eyes.

“Something you want, Danvers?”

Alex takes Maggie’s bottom lip gently between her teeth, and Maggie swoons.

“Only the most beautiful woman in the world,” Alex tells her in low tones between kisses.

Maggie pulls back and tilts her head, trying and failing to hide a smile.

“So you want… yourself.”

Alex pffts and squirms and blushes, her suave evaporated in Maggie’s warmth for a moment. But only for a moment.

“You, Maggie Sawyer. I want you.”

Maggie licks her lips slowly, slowly enough that Alex’s eyes drag down to watch, that Alex’s breath hitches, and Maggie’s relishes the feeling of being the sole focus of Alex Danvers’s attention.

“Then take me, Alex.”

Alex doesn’t need to be told twice.

Before Maggie can gasp, before Maggie can take another breath, Alex has reached down to the backs of her thighs, picking her up and holding her, legs wrapped around Alex’s hips, and Maggie is glad Alex’s grip is so solid, because she’s swooning again, and Alex’s lips are on hers again and she’s holding her close and if someone didn’t know Alex, they’d think it was going to progress fast, progress hard, but that’s not Alex. Not today, anyway.

Today, the most demanding thing about her is the way she’s holding Maggie up, but everything else – the attention she dedicates to Maggie’s jawline, the homage she pays to Maggie’s lips, the devotion she shows to that sensitive spot at the base of Maggie’s throat – is an act of prayer, an act of solace, an act of worship.

“Can I take you to bed?” she breathes, and Maggie hums her yes into Alex’s mouth.

Maggie doesn’t open her eyes as Alex turns and, still kissing her, carries her up the steps to her bedroom. She doesn’t need to open them, doesn’t need to monitor Alex’s steps, because Alex has her safe, Alex has her steady, Alex has her always.

She can’t count the number of times, the number of languages, that Alex murmurs her I love yous in as she slowly strips off Maggie’s clothes, as she meticulously kisses each newly exposed inch of her skin, marking each burning bit of Maggie’s body as desired, as loved, as worthy, as hers.

Maggie doesn’t scream when she cums in Alex’s mouth, not today, not today, because today is softer than screams, quieter than her usual writhing; but she does still grasp desperately at her hair, does still sigh out her name, over and over and over, does still let her entire body shudder with the soft force of Alex’s love shuttling through her.

“You’re gorgeous, Alex,” she rasps, gravel in her voice, as Alex wipes her mouth on her shoulder and crawls up to hold her. “You’re gorgeous, and I’m gonna love you forever.”

“So… you’re saying you like me.”

“Oh my god, you nerd.”

“So you’re saying you like nerds.”

“Yes, Danvers. This nerd. My nerd. Of course.”