235. Chapter 235

It’s the middle of the night and Alex can’t sleep.

She tosses and she turns and she sighs and she bites her lip and she tries to run through the astrophysics equations that used to soothe her to sleep in college, but nothing’s working, nothing’s working, nothing’s working, because Maggie’s sleeping, but all she wants… all she wants is Maggie. Her hand starts to skate down her stomach and under her pajama pants, and she whines slightly before she can stop herself.

“Alright there, Danvers?” Maggie rasps sleepily, and Alex jumps slightly.

“I’m so sorry, did I wake you? I didn’t – “

But Maggie is rearing up on her elbow and squinting into the darkness at Alex’s face, and a slow smile is growing on her lips as her eyes rake down Alex’s needy body.

“Something you want, Danvers?”

Alex’s breath hitches and she licks her lips and she stares wide eyed as Maggie’s body wakes fully, as she documents every piece of Alex’s desire just by looking at her, just by reading her like her favorite book.

And Alex hasn’t the faintest idea how, but Maggie reads her perfectly.

“You wanna be a good girl and strip for me? Not that I don’t love your pajamas, I do, but um… I wanna touch what’s underneath them.”

Alex gasps softly and does as she’s asked, lifting her hips so she can drag her pajama pants and thong down off her ankles, sitting up slightly so she can drag Maggie’s henley over her head.

Maggie growls deep in her throat, and Alex’s hips roll of their own accord.

“You are so beautiful, Ally.”

“Maggie, I – “

“I know. I’m gonna give you everything you want, okay?”

Alex nods desperately, her hips continuing to roll into the air, because she needs Maggie, needs her, needs her.

“Get on your stomach,” Maggie asks, and Alex complies eagerly, willingly, desperately.

Maggie kisses the back of her neck tenderly, softly, lovingly.

“Color, sweetie?”

“Green, Mags, green.”

Maggie grins and shucks off her own shirt, her own underwear, carelessly tossing them to the side. Her focus isn’t on herself. It’s on the gorgeous woman laying underneath her.

She kisses every inch of her bare back, every freckle and every birth mark, every scar and every stretch mark, until Alex is breathless just from her tender kisses, until Alex is whining and desperate and wrecked just from Maggie’s worshiping.

“Something more you want, Al?” Her voice is husky and Alex whines and grinds her hips down into the bed at the sound of it.

“You,” she begs, and Maggie smiles.

“Good girl, Alex, I love when you tell me what you want. You wanna do a great job for me and tell me exactly what you want me to do to you?”

Alex loses her breath but Maggie paints kisses across her shoulders, runs gentle hands up and down her sides, and Alex pants her answer out. “Tie me down and do what you want with me.”

Maggie tosses her head back and groans and she knows Alex is smiling from the effect her words are having.

“How do you ask, gorgeous girl?”

Alex whines and grinds her hips down hard into the bed.

“Please, Maggie. Please?”

“Your wish is my command, princess.”

She leans over to their nightstand and pulls a pair of cuffs out of the drawer, and Alex whimpers as Maggie pauses with them just above Alex’s hands, which are sprawled out above her head.

“Color?” she rasps.

“Green, green, please, please.”

The cuff snap closed and Maggie checks meticulously to make sure they’re not too tight, kissing above and below Alex’s wrists before shifting back down her body to continue her ministrations.

“What I want with you, huh?” she asks, and Alex whimpers again.

She runs a finger down Alex’s inner thigh, and Alex barely contains a scream.

“Oh, be a good girl and let me know how you’re feeling. Don’t hold back, baby, I love your voice, I love when you scream for me.”

She accompanies her words with slipping her hand underneath Alex’s body, soaking herself in Alex’s clit, and Alex lets go for her.

Maggie groans under Alex’s unrestrained scream.

“Good girl, darling, you sound so fucking amazing. Do you want me to come inside you baby?”

“Whatever you want.” Alex’s voice is wrecked and Maggie loves it, but she’s not ready to give in, not yet.

“Be my best girl and tell me what you want.”

Alex screams at that, slams her hands down into Maggie’s palm at that.

“My clit,” Alex gasps. “Pressure, you, I need…”

Maggie grins and nods and complies. “Good girl, Ally, you’re perfect. I love when you tell me what you need, babe, it’s so sexy. You’re so sexy, you’re so fucking perfect for me.”

Alex moans and tugs at her cuffs and Maggie stops immediately.

“You okay, babe?”

“Yeah, yeah, god, Maggie, don’t stop, please.”

Maggie obeys, grinding her palm up into Alex’s clit as Alex slams her hips down, down, harder, faster, soaking Maggie’s hand with how turned on she is, dripping all over for her and making Maggie nearly lose control.

She stops, stops, stops, because she needs to breathe, because she’s so turned on by this woman, this woman naked and on her stomach and cuffed and writhing and begging underneath her.

“Mags, you’re not gonna hurt me,” Alex reassures her, but Maggie remains frozen.

“I love when you’re this turned on, babe. We can stop, we can always stop, if you want, of course, but Maggie, you don’t… you don’t have to be scared. I want you. I want you to be able to let go. I want you to do what you want to me. Please, Mags. If you want.”

Maggie does want. She wants so badly that she can barely rasp out the words she has planned for Alex next.

“God, babe, you are so fucking wet me for me, do you have any idea how hot you are?”

“Fuck, Ally, that’s right, be a good girl and rock your ass back for me, just like that, good girl, good girl.”

“I love when you scream my name like that, Danvers, I love knowing you’re mine.”

“Wanna be my best girl, my only girl, and cum for, Ally?”

And she does, she does, she does, screaming and writhing and begging and cursing and pleading, but the words that surprise them both aren’t the filthy strings of curses or the screaming of Maggie’s name while she rocks through her orgasm.

The words that surprise them both are the words she says as Maggie unlocks her cuffs and kisses her wrists tenderly, gently, lovingly.

“I wanna be yours like this forever, Maggie Sawyer.”

“Well then you will be, Danvers. You will be.”