269. Chapter 269

The door slams open and Maggie doesn’t even jump – this has happened before – but Alex grabs her gun.

Maggie takes her hands into her own. “Whoa whoa whoa, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

Alex’s eyes fix on the door and relax as Adrian steps through, but before either of them can say anything, he does.

“You know what I can’t deal with? They all walk around saying LGBT this and LGBT that, and they don’t give any shits that they’re leaving out our ace and nonbinary siblings and they give no shits, which should be their first clue that they’re doing something wrong, but you know what they do, they say the T, they say it, they do, ain’t nobody’s trying to talk about LGB, but you know what they all – oh, hey Alex, I didn’t see you there, why do you have your gun out? How you doing, I heard Cadmus gave you a rough time, you should let me know if you need anything, okay? – because of no, we’re so inclusive, like oh my gawd we’re just so inclusive and welcoming here, like, we’re a rainbow right, so like, I don’t understand why we don’t have more trans people or people of color here, like, we’re just so accepting, but you know what they should say instead of all that bullshit? They should just say LBG, goddammit, they should just say what they mean if they’re gonna keep leaving us out and not giving a shit about any of our issues or any of our fucking lives, and I just – ”

Maggie had chuckled as he did his best rich white kid imitation, but stood with her arms crossed over her chest when his voice got higher, when he said he wished people would just say what they meant, because she knows Adrian, knows him, and knows he’s about to break.

So she’s right there when he does, when his voice cracks completely and his face scrunches up and he falls forward into her body as she uncrosses her arms, nods softly, whispers softly, and holds his head to her shoulder, to the side of her face.

“Okay, okay. I know, sweetie, I know. Cry it out, Ade, it’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

Alex’s eyes well with tears as Adrian’s chest starts wracking with sobs, as he clings to the back of Maggie’s shirt and lets her support his weight, and she quietly slips into the kitchen, heating up almond milk on the stove to make him hot cocoa with.

She hears only snippets of the rest of their conversation as Maggie guides him softly to the couch.

“Shit about we can’t spread ourselves too thin – ”

“Ugh, Ade, I’m so sorry, that’s such bullshit – ”

“I just don’t – ”

“I can go rough the assholes up – ”

“Or we could sic your girlfriend on them – ”

“That we could – ”

“I just… how can we just not matter to them, I – ”

“I know, honey, I know. Come here, come here.”

Eventually, Adrian’s sniffling evens out and his cracked, ragged voice raises to carry across the apartment.

“Looks like someone’s got you all domesticated, Alex,” he teases her, and she turns with a soft grin.

“Not so domesticated I can’t take out anyone you need me to, Adrian.”

He stands and he strides over shakily, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands, and pulls Alex in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m so glad I have you guys,” he whispers into her ear, and Alex meets Maggie’s red-rimmed eyes and soft, I’m-so-in-love-with-you smile over his shoulder.

“Always, Ade. Always.”