304. Chapter 304

She’s walking away and she won’t stop walking because if she stops walking she’ll break.

She takes out her phone and does the only thing she knows how to – aside from hitting the bottle – when she’s going to break.

She calls her sister.

“Maggie cheated on her ex,” she says without preamble, and she can practically feel Kara clenching her fists in rage.

“Alex, no. Are you okay? No, that’s a stupid question, of course you’re not okay. Do you want me to – “

“No no no, don’t hunt her down and kill her, that’s not why I – I just… I need my sister.”

“Where are you? I’ll come get you – “

“No, Kara, you can’t, you need to keep a low profile, remember? I just… Do you think it’s possible for someone to change?”

She might not have J’onn’s telepathy, but she practically hears Kara thinking about Mon-El, and this isn’t the moment – because Maggie has started to get her a little bit better at focusing on herself when she needs it, and god does she need it right now – but she wishes she’d think of other people who were complicated, who changed. Astra. Jeremiah. For better or worse. Hell, even Eliza was trying. Alex herself.

“I do,” Kara says, but her voice is careful and her voice is protective. “I do, but Alex, a lot of times when someone cheats – “

“It doesn’t make you a bad person, Kara – people are allowed to make mistakes, and it was years ago, it – “

“I know that, Alex, but you’re my sister, and I only want you to have what you deserve.”

“I know. And I want the same for you. And we’re going to talk about that, because Kara, there’s a reason you’re breaking up with him every other day.”

“Alex – “

“I’m just saying. But I… look, it… Maggie… she’s guarded. Too guarded. After her dad, growing up in that town she grew up in, she… she doesn’t talk, Kara. To me. I mean, she does, she talks, but not really. Maybe I’m not a good listener, I don’t know – “

“No, Alex, you’re an amazing listener. It just… it sounds like Maggie has a pattern. A not talking pattern. She didn’t tell you about her dad, and now this, it… didn’t you say she keeps telling you that you’re not supposed to shove your feelings down anymore?”

“Yeah, she reminds me at least twice a day.”

“Well, she’s right. But Alex, maybe she has the same struggle you do. Shoving her feelings down. To protect herself. And that’s not an excuse for cheating! Or for not telling you about it! And you have a sister with laser vision, I’m just saying, I can – “

“Kara, no – “

“Just a warning shot – “


“I will kill her if she hurts you, Alex.”

Alex stops walking and runs a hand through her hair and looks up at the stars and sighs.

She needs a shower. She needs a change of clothes. She needs to give Maggie more of the time alone she asked for.

And then she needs Maggie.

“She won’t. I trust her, Kara, I… let me hear her out before you go all rogue on her.”

“So, before I go older Danvers sister on her.”




“I love you. You only deserve the best.”

“She is the best, Kara. I… I think she is.”

“She’d better prove it.”

“She will. She does, every day. And hey, Kara. He’d better prove it, too. And not just with bacon. You’re worth more than that, Kara. So much more than that.”

“I love you, Alex.”

“I love you too, sis. I love you too.”