320. Chapter 320

She breathes in and she breathes out, and she’ll never admit it, but god she’s thankful Maggie’s been taking her to those yoga classes, because otherwise she’s pretty sure she’d have forgotten how by now.

Because her hands are bracing against the brick wall that serves as a headboard to Maggie’s bed, her triceps tensed with the pressure of holding her steady, of holding her up.

Because she’s kneeling and her legs are open and Maggie’s hands are on her ass and Maggie’s tongue is on her clit and she’s trying to focus on breathing because they’ve already gotten several noise complaints in the last week alone, and sitting on Maggie’s face?

Is not really helping her keep quiet.

Especially not as Maggie reaches up to tease one of Alex’s nipples between her fingers; especially not as Maggie drags her tongue lower to slip inside her, letting her lips, her face, keep pressure on Alex’s clit; especially not as Maggie moans and her hand tightens on Alex’s ass, encouraging her to let go, encouraging her to enjoy herself fully, encouraging her to let her hips rock.

Encouraging her to fuck her face without holding back.

So she focuses on breathing and she focuses on not tearing her throat on Maggie’s name.

And generally, when Alex Danvers focuses, she succeeds.

This time?

This time, she fails.


Because Maggie is doing that thing with her tongue where she’s alternating between fucking her and licking her clit, and she’s moaning into her pussy and she’s grabbing at her ass and she’s teasing at her nipple and Alex can feel her rocking her own hips beneath her, and she can’t help the way her whimper becomes a scream, the way her ragged breathing becomes a series of gasps.

And it just makes Maggie lick her harder, fuck her deeper with her tongue, thrash more erratically with her own hips, desperate for a pressure she’s not getting right now.

And suddenly, Alex grins. Because suddenly, she knows how to focus her energies, how to distract herself from screaming.

She shifts to lean up on her knees and Maggie whines at the loss of contact.

“You good, babe?”

Her voice is thick with raw desire, coated with sex, and her lips, her chin, are covered in how wet Alex is for her, and her eyes?

God, her eyes love her so much.

“Yeah,” Alex whispers, bringing a shaky hand down to wipe Maggie’s lips. “Just uh… shifting.”

“Why, is this not – “

“Oh, no no, this is… this is perfect. I just… You may proceed,” she teases with a grin, and Maggie smiles back, but only briefly, because Maggie doesn’t hesitate before bringing Alex back down onto her mouth, moaning at the reconnection.

Repositioned slightly, subtly, Alex has the balance, now, to lean back like she wants to, needs to, to rest one hand, not on the wall in front of her, but on Maggie’s thigh beneath her.

Her other hand? Her other hand goes hovers right above Maggie’s clit.

She pauses and lifts her hips slightly.

“Seems like you wanted some… pressure. So um… this okay, babe?” she asks, and Maggie’s eyes are wide, and her eyes are wild, and her eyes are completely, completely wrecked.

“Yeah,” she answers raggedly, and Alex lowers herself onto Maggie’s face again with a sigh and a grin, her fingers smoothing down through Maggie’s curls and trembling ecstatically when she feels how soaked Maggie is.

“Damn, Sawyer, you’re dripping for me,” she rasps, and Maggie shifts so she breathe, so she can talk.

“What’d you expect, Danvers? I love when you sit on my face like this. I fucking love it. I love… I love it.”

Alex’s breath hitches and she licks her lips and she feels the way Maggie’s chest starts to heave, sees the way her pupils are dilating, even in the dim light.

She loves her too. God, she loves her, too.

But they both know that now, naked and sweaty and completely ruined for each other, might not be the best first time to say it.

And as if by unspoken agreement, they say it with actions, not with words, Alex lowering back down onto Maggie’s waiting, eager lips; Alex bringing her fingers to rest on Maggie’s increasingly thrashing hips; Alex riding Maggie’s face, making Maggie moan in encouragement, in ecstasy, until she cums hard, cums fast, cums unrestrained.

Maggie thinks her upper lip might be bleeding with the force of Alex rocking into her, but god, god, god she doesn’t care, because Alex Danvers coming undone on her face is the most beautiful thing she’s ever felt, the most incredible thing she’s ever heard, the most erotic thing she’s ever known.

And if she has some explaining to do to some rookie cops about the sixth noise complaint in as many days in the morning, well, damn, it’s absolutely worth it.