370. Chapter 370

As it turns out, they have their first fight about what to name their eventual first dog before they have their first fight about where to go on their first vacation.

They’re naked and they’re cuddling and Maggie’s body is wrapped around Alex’s because it’s been days but she still can’t get close enough, still can’t touch enough of Alex’s skin.

Still can’t fall asleep without her head on Alex’s chest.

Without her ear to Alex’s steady heartbeat.

Her fingertips are tracing patterns on Alex’s side and her lips are pressing gentle kisses along Alex’s neck, and suddenly she smiles into her skin, because suddenly, she’s both heartbroken and amused.

“What, babe?” Alex half turns, still languid, still hazy, still sated.

“Nothing,” Maggie soothes, not wanting to disturb her if she was drifting off to sleep.

Because sleep has been hard to come by the last few days.

“No, it’s okay – what?”

Maggie grins again and presses a few more thoughtful kisses to Alex’s neck.

“Why Gertrude?”


“Dog name? Gertrude?”

“Oh.” Alex chuckles to herself. “You know I honestly couldn’t tell you? I mean, the name means strength. Well, spear, more specifically.”

“So you want a homicidal dog.”

Alex giggles, and Maggie wants to bottle the sound and listen to it for eternity.

“No. A strong one.”

“But Gertrude, babe? The other dogs on the playground will mock her.”

“What’s wrong with Gertrude?”

Alex is sitting up, now, and Maggie whines. Alex concedes, and lays back down, but facing Maggie this time.

Because Maggie’s not the only one with a sudden addiction to the other’s closeness.

“Nothing, babe, I mean, if that’s what you want. It’s just a little…”






“Old fashioned!”

“So you mock one of the last things I could have said to you as old fashioned?”

Maggie stills and Alex regrets the quip immediately.

“No, no, Maggie, I’m sorry, I didn’t – that was stupid, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not funny, Alex.”

“I know – ”

“You can’t treat it like a joke, because it wasn’t, Danvers, I almost lost you! I almost lost you and then I would have had to go out and get a dog and name the poor girl Gertrude and it would have been your damn fault!”

“…. Maggie.”


“Are you laughing or crying?”

“I don’t know. Both?”

“Both is okay. Both is good.”

“You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“I think you’re crazy about me.”

“Oh my god, Danvers.”

“Am I wrong?”

“I love you, Alex. I’m more crazy about you than I could ever describe.”

“So we can name our first dog Gertrude?”

“Absolutely not.”