379. Chapter 379

She’s pacing and she’s fuming and she’s refusing to look at Alex, because Kara got those puppy eyes from somewhere, and that somewhere was her big sister, and Maggie is really not in the mood to be handled.

“You didn’t even try, Danvers! You didn’t even try to get in touch with any of us, you just strolled on in there on your own – “

“What happened to ride or die, Maggie, you said – “

“Yeah, I know what I said, Alex, but the thing about that is you gotta give me the opportunity to ride with you in the first place! I knew where you were going, Alex, I understood why you had to do it alone. But this? This was ridiculous, Danvers, this was reckless and careless and just – you know what, whatever, I can’t stay here, I gotta go – “

“Maggie, stop.”

Maggie ignores her, throat too tight to speak and pride too strong to turn around.

“Maggie, please.” Alex’s voice breaks, and Maggie knows when she’s being manipulated, and she knows when she’s being handled, but the break in Alex’s voice? The break is real, it’s genuine. It’s not meant to be manipulative. It just… is.

“What.” She doesn’t turn around, but she does stop walking, her hand on the doorknob.

“You wanna know why I went into that factory alone, without backup and without telling anyone where I was going?”

Maggie turns around, her arms crossed over her chest.

“That’d be nice, Danvers, yeah.”

Alex takes a deep breath and she sighs and she bites the inside of her cheek and she steps closer to Maggie.

“Rick Malverne.”

Maggie stiffens.

“What about him?”

“He was stalking us. He was doing it from somewhere. He had equipment somewhere. I had Winn track it. I went to destroy it. To destroy everything he’d done.”

Maggie’s arms are still crossed, but her eyes soften, and her voice does, too.


“I didn’t want to bring those… memories back for you. You still have nightmares, Maggie.”

Maggie uncrosses her arms and she heaves a frustrated sigh.

“So do you, Alex.”

“I know. It just… felt like it was my thing to do.”

Maggie bites her lip and Maggie nods slowly and Maggie looks up at Alex and cautiously, tentatively, frames her face with her hands.

“I can’t lose you, Alex. Your thing to do or not, I… I need you to be more careful, I… I can’t lose you, you understand me? I can’t. I won’t.”

The tears in her eyes are forged from steel, and her voice was born in a volcano.

“Understood,” Alex backs down, because Maggie Sawyer with that gleam in her eyes, that death, that desire, that raw need to have Alex alive, to have Alex with her, to have Alex here, to just… have Alex?

That will be her surrender every time.

Maggie hears the lilt in her voice, sees the spark flash across her eyes, and she lowers her gaze to Alex’s lips.

“Understood, is it?” she rasps, and Alex nods softly, eyes wide and heart pounding.

“You still want me to stay, Danvers?”

“I want you to do more than stay, Maggie.”

Maggie’s eyes flash and Alex gulps in anticipation.

“What kind of more, Danvers?”

“What kind of more do you want?” She shifts so her hips press up against Maggie’s, and Maggie hisses.

“Get on your knees, Alex.” She says it like a statement, like a command, but heat tears through Alex, because she knows, really, that it’s a question, that Alex can say no, that Alex can always say no, and that knowledge? That makes her want to get down on her knees for Maggie Sawyer even more than she already wanted to.

“Understood,” she whispers, and Maggie practically growls as she rushes over to grab a pillow off the couch. She might want to see Alex on her knees for her, but she can’t stand the idea of Alex in any kind of discomfort. Alex smiles and Maggie leans down to kiss her forehead.

“What do you want next, Maggie?” she asks, wanting to make it up to her, to make everything up to her, because god, she only wanted to make things better, she didn’t want to scare her, and because god, the look in Maggie’s eyes is one of the sexiest things she’s ever, ever seen.

“You wanna go down on me, Danvers?”

Alex squeaks and nods desperately because god, god, god, she does.

“Can I?” she asks, her fingers raising to the zip of Maggie’s jeans.

Maggie licks her lips and nods and it only takes Alex a few moments to strip Maggie of her jeans, of her boy shorts, to shift so Maggie can put one leg up over Alex’s shoulder, back against the door, foot resting on a nearby chair, and Alex takes a long breath and a long look up at Maggie’s face before giving her what she wants.

“Tell me again?” she asks.

“Suck my clit, Alex,” Maggie breathes, and Alex obeys.

Maggie’s head tosses back against the door, and she doesn’t care, doesn’t care, doesn’t care, as she buries her fingers in Alex’s hair for leverage, for balance, for pressure, bringing her mouth closer to her body, bringing her tongue deeper inside her as Alex shifts wickedly between her clit and her opening, between licking her and sucking on her and fucking her with her tongue.

“Danvers,” she gasps raggedly, and Alex screams into her clit. “That okay? You good?” she asks, and Alex nods into Maggie’s clit, and she thrusts her own hips futilely, because god, god, god, this is one of the hottest things they’ve ever done.

“I need to be inside you,” Maggie moans, and Alex whines, because she wants it, wants it, wants it, but she doesn’t want to get off her knees, doesn’t want to move her lips from Maggie’s clit.

“Oh, you like this, Danvers?”

Alex nods and Alex whines and Alex looks up at her with wide eyes, seeking permission to continue.

“Then keep going until you need something else, Alex,” Maggie tells her.

“Understood,” Alex whispers, and buries her face back between her legs, grabbing at her ass with her hands and moaning at the taste of her, at the way she drips onto her tongue, onto her lips, onto her chin.

“Color, Mags?” she pulls her lips away to ask, because she’d told her she could keep going, but Maggie’s the one balancing on one leg with her back pressed against the front door.

“Green, Alex,” she gasps, hands still tangled in Alex’s hair, and Alex asks at regular intervals until Maggie cums with uneven thrusts and pleasantly painful fingers tugging at her hair and Alex’s last name bursting out of her lips like a prayer.

Alex holds her by the hips to keep her balanced, to keep her safe, and she helps her bring her leg down, down, slowly, slowly, her knees cracking slightly as she stands, wiping her mouth on her shoulder and pulling Maggie close into her chest.

“You good?” she asks, and Maggie is still too breathless to speak, but she nods.

“Still want me to fuck you, Alex?” she asks after a long, long moment, and Alex chuckles.

“Can you even right now, Sawyer?”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Do you want it to be?”

They’re laughing and they’re teasing and they’re hugging and they’re kissing and suddenly Maggie’s eyes sober and when she frames Alex’s face with her hands, it’s with love and it’s with tenderness and it’s with something much more than just sexual need.

“Don’t you ever do anything like that again, Alex.”

“Kneel for you and lick you until you cum in my mouth?”

Maggie chuckles and Alex is relieved to see her smile again. “Not that. You can do that… you can do that whenever you damn well please. No, I mean… I can’t lose you, Alex. No more unnecessary risks. Please?”

Alex stares down at her long and hard and steady.

“Anything for you, Maggie. Even if it’ll totally wreck my reputation.”

Maggie’s dimples shine, and there’s both laughter and heady desire in her voice when she speaks next.

“I can think of something else about you to wreck, Danvers.”

“Can you now?”

She shrieks with laughter as Maggie kisses her and tugs her back to their bed, finishing what they started very much on her mind.