385. Chapter 385

They said it once, and they said it twice, and they said it three times.

They said it, and they haven’t quite been able to stop saying it.

“I love you, Alex Danvers,” Maggie whispers as she kisses the back of Alex’s neck while Alex is brushing her teeth.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer,” Alex grins after she spits, Maggie kissing the toothpaste away from the corners of her lips.

“I love you,” Maggie gasps when Alex lets her mouth roam down her jawline, down her throat.

“I love you back,” Alex breathes while Maggie navigates her by her hips out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

“Do you want me?” she asks before she goes any further, because Alex’s pulse is thrumming under her lips and Alex is whining and Alex is exhaling “I love you”s with every breath, but she needs to be absolutely sure.

“Please,” Alex begs, and Maggie smirks.

“Please what, Danvers?” she can’t help but tease, because Alex Danvers is always, always, always destructively attractive.

But Alex Danvers, blushing and grinning and spluttering and flustered?

Is near the top of Maggie’s growing list of weaknesses.

“I… Maggie, please, I…”

Maggie steps back just to hear Alex whine, and she’s rewarded richly.

“Maggie!” she moans, reaching for her, and Maggie melts into her instead of dodging her, lets Alex toss her backwards onto the bed, the thrill of Alex’s strength coursing through Maggie’s blood like oxygen.

“Such a badass, Danvers,” Maggie tries to sound cool, collected, unsurprised, but Maggie is shook and Maggie is soaked and Maggie is so, so far from chill.

“Mmm, I am, aren’t I?” Alex tries to straddle her, but Maggie has other plans.

“May I?” she asks, and Alex cocks her head in an unspoken question.

“May I make love to you, Alex Danvers?”

Alex softens immediately, all the cockiness of a moment ago gone like it was never there, and Maggie delights in the way Alex trusts her enough to let go like this with her.

“I love you, Maggie,” is Alex’s only answer, and her body pliantly follows Maggie’s down to the mattress, Maggie arranging Alex on her back, slowly, slowly, slowly stripping away her clothes, lifting her shoulders, her hips, as needed, asking each step, each new thing, if it’s alright, if she wants it, if she wants her.

“God, Maggie, yes, please,” Alex whines, and Maggie chuckles into her stomach.

“And here we are again, Danvers. Please what?”

“Mags – “

“What, my badass girl can’t tell me what she wants?” Maggie winks, but her gentle fingers on Alex’s wrist tell Alex that if she really isn’t in the mood to talk, of course she doesn’t have to.

But god, does she want to.

“I want you to fuck me, Maggie. Please.”

Maggie smiles and crawls up her body to kiss her lips soundly.

“Mmm, I will, Ally. I promise you that. But I’m gonna worship you a bit first, okay?” She leans up on her hands and glances down Alex’s naked body, licking her lips unconsciously.

“The woman I love deserves to be worshiped.”

“The woman you what now?” Alex asks, because she will never, ever, ever tire of hearing it.

“The woman I love, Danvers. You, in case you were wondering.”

“Mmm, I was, you never know, you could be talking about someone – ah!” Her banter cuts off into a sharp scream that makes Maggie freeze, but Alex begs her, begs her to keep going, because Maggie’s lips have found Alex’s nipple, and Alex needs more, more, more.

She tangles her fingers in Maggie’s hair and she grinds her hips up into Maggie’s thigh, and she moans and she writhes and she begs and she pants, I love you, I love you, I love you.

When Maggie lifts her lips from Alex’s hardened nipple, Alex whines and tries to press Maggie’s head back down, but Maggie presses her palm over Alex’s breast and tugs at her nipple just the way Alex likes.

“Gotta give both of them the proper amount of attention, babe,” she chides her playfully, and Alex’s laugh turns into a sharp gasp when Maggie makes good on her word, lowering her lips, her tongue, her teeth, to Alex’s other nipple, licking and sucking until it’s hard and pebbled in her mouth, until Alex can do nothing but whine and moan and beg her not to ever, ever stop.

“I’ll never ever stop because I will never, ever stop loving you, Alex,” Maggie whispers when she pauses for breath, pauses so her jaw can take a break, pauses so she can look down instead of up into Alex’s eyes.

“I love you, Ally Danvers. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything.”

“Maggie,” Alex breathes, tears stinging her eyes, and Maggie kisses her until both of their faces are wet.

“Can I continue?” she asks, and Alex squeaks, and Alex nods, and Maggie grins, because Maggie will never, ever finish her task of worshiping this woman, of making sure this woman feels as special, as loved, as needed, as wanted, as desired, as worthy, as she deserves to.

She starts with a continuation of what she started on Alex’s breasts, but she doesn’t end there.

Doesn’t end there, because she has other places she needs to be.

So she takes Alex’s fingers into her mouth, slow, slow, searingly slow, keeping eye contact with Alex the entire time, and Alex has never thought she could cum from just looking at something, but the way her fingers disappear into Maggie’s lips, the way Maggie’s eyes scald hers with raw want, raw reverence, raw need?

She is so, so quickly coming undone.

Maggie takes Alex’s fingers, wet from her lips, from her tongue, from her mouth, and places them on Alex’s nipples, and, with her own hands, encourages Alex not to stop playing with herself while Maggie occupies her mouth elsewhere.

Alex tosses her head back into the pillows and Alex writhes and Alex screams, and Maggie has never been more in love.

“I love you,” she whispers with each kiss she presses down Alex’s torso.

“I love you,” she murmurs with every lick she sends shivering up Alex’s inner thighs.

“May I?” she asks when her face is between Alex’s legs, and Alex begs, and Maggie tells her she loves her with words, and then without, as she lowers her mouth to Alex’s clit, dragging her tongue firm and slow across her most sensitive spot, making Alex pant, making Alex writhe, making Alex beg and scream and bruise Maggie’s lips with her wild thrusts, and Maggie doesn’t mind because god, god, god, this woman is everything.

“I love you, Alex,” she moans as she brings her tongue lower, lower, so she’s fucking Alex with her mouth, and Alex pleads for more, for deeper, for harder.

“You want my fingers inside you, Danvers?” Maggie wants to know, her voice an octave lower than usual, and Alex can only answer with her screams, with the way she brings her hands to tangle with her own hair, with the way she keeps repeating that she loves her, she loves her, god she loves her so much.

So when Maggie slips her fingers into Alex’s dripping body, one by one by one, and she feels Alex tighten around her, and she curves her fingers deep inside her body that she knows Alex needs, she keeps her lips, her tongue, occupied with her clit, shifting so when Alex thrusts – and god, does Alex thrust – Maggie’s chin can give her the pressure on her clit she needs to accompany the way Maggie is beckoning her fingers deep, deep inside her.

And when she cums, it isn’t loud like it usually is.

When she cums, squirting all over Maggie’s hand, all over Maggie’s forearm, making Maggie moan deeply into Alex’s clit, grinding her own hips down into the mattress because god, the woman she loves is the sexiest woman that’s ever existed or ever will exist, she isn’t loud like she usually is.

When she cums, it’s with a string of soft, desperate “I love you”s on her tongue.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“What a coincidence, Alex Danvers. I love you, too. So, so, so much.”