475. Chapter 475

Somehow, Alex finishes their pizza without choking.

Somehow, Maggie finishes hers without doing the same.

Somehow, they don’t kiss, even though the boy behind the counter has a running bet with himself as to when they will and how much tongue they’ll use.

Somehow, Alex doesn’t knock their chair backwards when they get up and offer Maggie their hand to head back to campus.

Somehow, Maggie interlaces their fingers without giving a disclaimer that her palms are sweaty.

“So,” Alex starts, their voice low and nervous and so, so hopeful. “You uh… you got class this afternoon?”

Maggie shakes her head and bites her lip and tries to remember to breathe.

“Do you?”

Alex shakes their head too, and looks down at Maggie with a gulp.

“You got plans?”

She shakes her head again, eyes wide, stomach flipping over and over and over.

“Wanna come back to my dorm?”

Maggie’s breath hitches and she stumbles. Alex catches her easily.

“I mean… I wasn’t… it… Lucy’s gonna be there, she… I thought we could hang out… we have a TV, I… not that I’m suggesting Netflix and chill… I mean, we could Netflix, and we could chill, but I wasn’t trying to say Netflix and chill, I wasn’t – “

“Whoa there, Danvers, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’d love to. Lucy won’t mind?”

Alex chuckles and slows their breathing. Somewhat.

“Are you kidding? She’ll be thrilled.”

Maggie grins and reflects Alex’s chuckle.

“Did you guys know each other before school? Seems like you guys are pretty close.”

Alex nods. “She beat up some guys in high school who were messing with my sister.”

“I’m liking this Lucy more and more,” Maggie smiles, and Alex stiffens.

“You haven’t got any competition, Danvers, it’s okay.”

Alex stammers and gulps and tries not to trip over their own feet as they guide Maggie back to their dorm. As they dig their key into their door and crack it open.

“Luce? You home?”

“Heyyy, Danvers, did you kiss her? When are you seeing her next? Did you use tong – fuck. Heyyy, Maggie. Sorry, I uh… I didn’t know you were… here…”

“Hi, Lucy,” Maggie extends her hand, blushing furiously but beaming at the same time. “And no, they’ve been a perfect gentleman,” Maggie grins, and Alex shifts from foot to foot, over the moon with Maggie’s attentiveness to their moment-by-moment preferences.

“So does that mean they’ve managed to throw two words together?” Lucy wants to know, and Alex rolls their eyes with a dramatic sigh and a soft shove in Lucy’s direction.

Lucy dodges. Alex stumbles, and Maggie’s hands steady their waist. Alex’s breath hitches, and Maggie’s pupils dilate heavily. They stare and they breathe and they don’t move at all.

Maggie’s eyes shift to Alex’s lips, and Alex’s eyes do the same.

“Well. I’m gonna… why don’t you kids stay here and get better acquainted? I’m gonna go see what Sara’s up to.”

“No, uh, Lucy, you don’t have to – “

“Byeeeeeee. Good to meet you again, Maggie!”

The door is closed before either of them can protest again.