480. Chapter 480

She sees her when she’s flitting in and out of consciousness.

When whatever Cyborg-Superman shot her with is coursing through her veins and glowing in her wound and infecting her and sending her into seizures that have the DEO med team nervous and that have her daughter with a clenched jaw and a tone of panicked command in her voice that Eliza’s never heard.

She sees the way Alex holds her to her, the way Alex’s hands – her daughter’s hands, which can kill so easily – are gentle with Maggie, the way her hands rip off her vest, her shirt but her eyes avoid her chest almost too diligently as she combats whatever toxin is coursing through Maggie’s veins.

She sees the way Alex doesn’t breathe until Maggie’s vitals stabilize. Until Maggie starts talking, starts asking after her team, after Supergirl.

Eliza smiles softly to herself, because if this girl’s first thoughts after nearly dying was to ask about the welfare of her team and a woman with super powers, she might just deserve her Alexandra.

But she fights not to form any stronger opinions about her until she truly meets her.

And she does soon enough, because she’s there when Maggie gingerly tests out walking after getting dressed, after getting the clear from Alex to leave; after Alex was called away to some briefing or other, delayed until Maggie was in the clear because J’onn knew, already, not to even try to pry her from Maggie’s side before she knew she was going to be alright.

“You must be Maggie,” she strides forward, and she reaches out a hand to steady her daughter’s crush when she stumbles at her voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, ma’am, you don’t have to apologize, I… Dr. Danvers, right? It’s a pleasure. Your daughter’s… amazing. Both of them.”

“It’s Eliza, dear, please. And Alex says the same thing about you.”

She thinks Maggie blushes, but it could be the rush of standing up again for the first time since getting shot with a Cadmus laser.

“Well, I’m just lucky to have her in my life, Dr. Danvers.”


“Sorry. Right.”

“Is the pain bad?”

Maggie shakes her head. “Just a bit dizzy. I’ll be alright.”

Eliza nods and offers to help Maggie tug on her leather jacket. Maggie accepts with murmured thanks.

“She’s lucky, you know. Alex. To have a parent like you, in terms of… She told me… she told me you were great about her coming out. I just… that’s wonderful. That’s exactly what she deserves. She should have that in all areas of her life, you know?”

Eliza squints at her slightly, this woman that her daughter’s falling in love with.

“Did you not?” she asks. “Have that?”

Maggie lowers her eyes and shrugs, flinching slightly when the movement jostles her stitches.

“Alex deserves the best. I’m happy she has acceptance about being who she is from you and Kara.”

“You care for my daughter quite a bit, don’t you?” Eliza asks, and Maggie smiles faintly.

“A lot, yes, Dr. Danvers.”

Eliza doesn’t bother to remind her to use her first name. She’s too busy staring, too busy calculating. Too busy evaluating.

“Well, we don’t always find someone we care about so deeply, Maggie. Life is short. And you’re right. Alex deserves the best.”

She holds out her hand, and Maggie takes it, eyes wide. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Maggie. I hope to see you again soon.”

Maggie stammers slightly as Eliza walks away.

“I hope so too, Dr. Danvers,” she murmurs, her mind already steeling herself for how much she’s going to risk tonight, and all for the love of a woman’s daughter.