536. Chapter 536

Watching Alex Danvers teach is an exercise in ecstasy.

She’s a heady mix of demanding and gentle, harsh and calm.

Her presence commands respect and her skill leaves no doubt that she’s earned her rank.

Watching Alex Danvers teach Thursday morning knife practice to new DEO recruits makes Maggie’s throat dry and her imagination soar.

It makes her yearn for her fiancee’s cool tone, strong hands, all over her body, all day long.

But she has to wait, because they both have their jobs to do, their worlds to save.

She has to wait, and that’s exactly what Alex was hoping for when she invited Maggie to observe her training.

Because making Maggie wait for her touch all day – knowing Maggie is waiting for her hands, her voice, waiting to be able to surrender all her careful control to a woman she loves, a woman who loves her, a woman who can easily throw an off-balance knife with surgical precision from forty paces – is all part of her planned foreplay.

Foreplay for tonight, when she can have Maggie Sawyer all to herself.

Because god, does she know how much Maggie loves it when she lets Maggie cede control in bed.

And sure enough, it doesn’t take her long to strip Maggie of her clothes that night.

Or rather, it doesn’t take her long to order Maggie to strip for her.

“You’re wearing too much,” she tells her, simply, voice low, commanding, just this side of casual, unconcerned, cocky.

She knows Maggie understands – knows this is exactly what Maggie’s been fantasizing about all day – from the way Maggie bites her lip and swallows a whine and hastens to undress for Alex.

She reaches out a precise finger to drag between Maggie’s legs, slipping up almost lazily from her entrance to her clit.

She chuckles as she touches her, as she sucks Maggie’s wetness off her own finger, as she paces slowly around Maggie’s naked body. Observing. Waiting. Planning.

Maggie whimpers and Alex chuckles harder.

“Already wet for me, Sawyer?”

“Danvers,” she breathes, low and pleading.

Alex reaches out for her throat, gathering Maggie’s loose hair away from her ear. “You good, Maggie? You want this?” she whispers, and Maggie nods desperately.

“Just keep checking my palm. I’ll tap at your fingers if I need to slow down or stop.”

Alex grins in pride at her girl’s breathy coherence as she tests out their signal, placing two of her fingers onto Maggie’s open palm. Maggie squeezes, consistent. Their sign to keep going.

Alex smirks.

“I asked you a question, Sawyer.”

But Maggie’s expended all her mental energy setting their consent, their affirmation, into play; because she’s already completely wrecked by the way Alex is continuing to pace around her naked body; already soaking down her thighs at the way her cheeks burn but her clit throbs, the way Alex can make her melt down with just one simmering look in her eyes; the way Alex is dragging heavy eyes up and down her body like she’s the only thing Alex has ever wanted, like she’s all Alex needs to survive, all Alex needs to consume, for the rest of her life.

She vaguely wonders if she should feel ashamed, letting Alex play with her like this. Begging Alex to play with her like this.

But all she feels is Alex’s need for her, Alex’s raw want for her, like a protective shield around her body, her desire for all she is, to take care of her, to give her everything she’s never been able to ask for from anyone else… everything that is Alex, that is Alex’s thirst for her, surrounds her, feeds her.

Makes her feel so damn loved.

She swoons and Alex steadies her immediately, checking her palm. Maggie squeezes without tapping.

She doesn’t want to stop.

“What um…” She gulps, trying to wet her dry throat, because her voice is further proof of how efficiently Alex is unraveling her. “What was the question, again?”

Alex chuckles softly and gives Maggie an experimental push – just with the tip of her index fingers, not hard enough to actually move her, but suggestive enough to ask, and Maggie obliges, letting herself fall backwards onto their bed. Alex straddles her and runs an almost lazy fingertip down from her collarbone, across her breasts, down her stomach, through her curls.

She lifts her hand just as Maggie’s hips start to arch.

“The question, Maggie, was if you’re already wet for me.”

It’s Maggie’s turn to chuckle. “You know I am, Danvers, you just licked if off your hand.”

Alex’s lips purse off to the side and her eyes glisten with something dangerous, with something marvelous.

She clicks her tongue just this side of mockingly, and Maggie fights against arching her hips again.

“So disrespectful,” she murmurs, almost more to herself than to Maggie, as she leans over her prone body – taking care to keep herself just out of reach of Maggie’s lips – to grab something from their bedside table.

She holds up the gag they’d originally only bought for Alex, until they’d discovered how much Maggie loves it, too. She arches an eyebrow and touches Maggie’s open palm.

Maggie squeezes and Alex smirks.

“If you’re going to be smart with me, Sawyer, I need to teach you a lesson.”

Maggie giggles despite herself and Alex winks, cheeks blushing hard until Maggie’s eyes drop back down to the gag between Alex’s fingers.

Her gulp turns them both back on again.

“So here’s what I’m gonna do, Maggie. I’m going to gag you so you can’t talk back to me.”

Maggie lifts her head for her as Alex speaks, as she secures the gag over her mouth, checking her palm and getting only green lights from her naked, whimpering girlfriend.

“Then,” Alex continues as she leans over again, dragging out their favorite handcuffs, their favorite ankle cuffs, attaching the latter to the fixtures they’d subtly added to the bottom of their bed; again, originally for Alex, until they’d discovered Maggie’s lust for being tied down, legs spread open, too.

“Then, I’m going to tie you down to the bed. Everything, Sawyer. Your hands, your ankles. I’m going to make sure your legs are nice and open for me. Okay?”

She chuckles as Maggie tries to beg through her gag, whimpering and rocking her hips into nothing but air, desperate, pleading, open hands begging for more, more, more.

She kisses each of Maggie’s ankles as she secures the cuffs, and does the same with her wrists. Maggie smiles through her gag and whines with a question in her eyes.

Alex looks down at her carefully before smiling and tugging down the gag. She gives her what she wants – a kiss, soft and tender and gentle and full of protection, full of respect, full of adoration – and Maggie sighs up into her lips.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer,” Alex whispers, the headiness of their roleplay gone, the coolly condescending,commanding DEO agent compartmentalized.

“I love you too, Alex Danvers,” Maggie pants back, and Alex glances up and down at her restraints.

“You’re sure you’re good?”

“Oh yeah. Are you?”

Alex grins wickedly, lust starting to creep back into her eyes. “Wanna keep going?” she asks as an answer, and Maggie nods eagerly.

They giggle and kiss again, hastily this time, messily, desperately.

When they open their eyes, the composed coolness is back in Alex’s, and Maggie whimpers excitedly as Alex puts her gag back on.

“God, you’re sexy all tied down for me like that,” she husks, and Maggie writhes, her body begging to be touched.

“Oh,” Alex clicks her tongue, mock sympathy dancing in her eyes even as she checks Maggie’s palm. Maggie squeezes and Alex obeys, continuing.

“Poor little baby. Do you want something, Sawyer? Do you really think you deserve to come, babygirl?”

Maggie screams behind her gag as her back arches, as her hips thrust up at air.

“I gagged you so you’d be quiet, Maggie Sawyer. You think you can do that for me? You think you can keep quiet while I have my way with you?”

Maggie writhes harder against her restraints, eyes squeezed shut in her heady attempt to swallow her moans. Alex checks her palm again and Maggie feels Alex’s adoration of her, her concern, her love, coursing through her every vein.

She nods as silently as she can, and Alex licks her lips, dragging her eyes up and down Maggie’s body slow, steady. Calculating.

Without warning, she bends to take one of Maggie’s nipples between her lips, between her teeth, under her quick, careful tongue. Maggie screams behind her gag.

Alex stops.

“Oh, sweetie, I know, I know. But you have to be a good girl for me or I can’t give you what you want.”

Maggie whimpers, but it’s quieter, now, and Alex takes pity on her, returning her tongue to Maggie’s rapidly-hardening nipple. She brings her hand up to Maggie’s other breast, and Maggie arches her chest up eager, desperate, needy.

Alex moans as she traces the bumps and valleys of Maggie’s wide nipples with her tongue, as she takes as much of her into her mouth as she can, as she flicks her tongue over and over and over the most sensitive parts of Maggie’s skin.

She continues until Maggie fails, again, to hold back a scream beneath her gag.

“Oh, baby. I know. Let me try something else, okay? Something I think you’ll like. But I’m going to have to blindfold you for it, okay sweetie? So be a good girl and lift your head up for me.”

Maggie obeys immediately, eagerly, and Alex checks her palm and kisses both of her eyelids tenderly before securing their darkest blindfold around her head, careful not to tangle it in her hair.

She hops off the bed, then, and Maggie writhes and whines in her absence.

“Shhh, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here,” Alex tells her, reaching out a gentle hand to reassure her. “I’m right here, babygirl,” she promises, her voice a perfect mixture of tender and teasing.

“You good?” she asks as she holds their biggest vibrator in her hand, her own arousal soaking through her jeans by now.

Maggie nods and Alex kisses her forehead as she slips back on top of her.

“I love you,” she whispers in her ear, and she relishes the way Maggie smiles in pure happiness, even blindfolded, gagged, and tied down.

She crawls lower down her body and relishes, too, the way Maggie responds so strongly to her every move.

Especially when she brings the cool tip of silicone onto her clit, turned on to Maggie’s favorite, thrumming setting.

She screams and Alex scolds, keeping the vibrator on her clit instead of taking it off. She knows – they both know – that Maggie can’t come with that kind of overwhelming sensation. With that kind of extreme sensitivity, the constant, vibrating teasing of her exposed clit.

They both know, and Alex keeps the vibrator there anyway. She reaches up, contorting her body to keep one hand, now, permanently on Maggie’s palm, so that Maggie at any time can tap out.

But she knows that they both want to see how long Maggie can last under Alex’s exquisite form of sexual punishment.

So Maggie writhes and she screams and swears beneath her gag, and she slams so hard against her restraints they both know they’ll be getting another noise complaint in the morning, but Alex leaves the vibrator where it is – directly on Maggie’s clit. Because Maggie doesn’t tap at her hands – because Maggie wants to see how much she can take.

And when her throat is raw and her clit is sore and her body is about to give out, Alex knows.

She knows and in one swift, careful movement, she takes their vibrator off Maggie’s clit and slips it into her soaking opening, replacing the pulsing vibrations with her steady, solid palm, working the vibrator in and out of her, steady, hard, consistent. Keeping her palm on her overwhelmed clit, steady, hard. Consistent.

Just like Maggie needs from her lover.

Just like Maggie needs from her fiancee.

Alex reaches to drag the gag down and out of Maggie’s lips just as she feels Maggie starting to topple over the edge, because god, she will never forgive herself if she doesn’t hear the sounds Maggie’s about to make.

And sure enough, the way she screams her name – her last name, her first name, in a string of curses, in a string of promises, in a string of I love yous – is enough to make Alex, with nothing but the pressure of her own jeans against her, shudder through her own orgasm.

She keeps the vibrator steady, buried deep inside her as Maggie pulses over, and over, and over, her entire body on fire with the strength of her release.

She presses the vibrations off as Maggie starts to come down, presses her palm harder into her clit to help coax the last shockwaves out of her sweating, relieved body.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer,” she repeats over, and over, and over as she kisses her way up her body to take off her blindfold, as she kisses along her arms, her stomach, her legs, to remove her cuffs, to kiss the places their cool restraint had touched.

“You do this with all your trainees, Danvers?” Maggie rasps when she finally remembers how to breathe, how to string words together, and Alex laughs and shakes her head as she kisses Maggie’s eyelids, her dimples, her nose, her chin, her lips.

“Only you, Maggie. Only ever you.”