540. Chapter 540

Her hands slip back from Maggie’s cheeks to her hair. God, that hair. She can tangle her fingers in that hair forever.

Maggie moans softly and Alex swoons.

No one’s ever made her swoon before.

Maggie’s hands drop to Alex’s waist, somehow both steady and fevered, her lips parting for Alex’s tongue and her knees threatening to buckle at the way Alex’s entire body responds to her every move.

But then Alex is frozen, and Maggie pulls back, panic racing through her pulse and concern etched into her face.

“Too much? I’m sorry Alex, I – “

“No, no,” Alex breathes, her eyes still fluttered closed. “Not too much, I just… can we… can we lay down?” She opens her eyes and her cheeks burn. “Standing… standing’s hard.”

Maggie smiles broadly and kisses Alex’s nose. She takes her by the hand and leads her to the couch. “Where were we?” she rasps, and Alex answers with soft lips tracing her jawline.

Her jawline and her throat and back to her lips, claiming Maggie’s mouth with the same intensity that Alex Danvers does… well, everything.

Alex’s breath is ragged and her hands are somehow everywhere at once. She moans into Maggie’s lips when one of her hands skate up Maggie’s shirt to graze her breast. Maggie arches her chest forward and Alex takes the hint, running her hand back down only to skate up again, this time under Maggie’s shirt, their skin burning onto each other.

“Your bra’s all silky, Sawyer,” she murmurs, like she’s cataloging all the new information she can, and Maggie chuckles as she brings her lips chaotically to Alex’s neck before claiming her mouth again.

“And your hands are all frisky, Danvers.”

“Problem?” Alex flirts as she starts figuring out how to slip her fingers most efficiently under Maggie’s bra.

“Nope, nope, no, fuck,” Maggie squeaks, and Alex practically preens.

“Smug,” Maggie recovers herself slightly, and Alex chuckles into her mouth.

“Do I ever have to stop kissing you?” she asks as Maggie maneuvers into her lap, still kissing her, still making out like they’ll never get the chance again.

“Never stop,” Maggie promises as they both smile into their breathless, racing kiss.