542. Chapter 542

Alex groans when Maggie’s phone rings in the middle of the night.

“Adrian?” she asks sleepily, and Maggie grunts as she reluctantly disentangles from Alex’s arms to check her screen.

“No,” she murmurs, her tone one of concerned curiosity mixed with pleasure.

“Nicole?” she answers, and Alex grins sleepily. Maggie’s friend from the academy. A good egg, as Winn would say; even if she does seem to forget the time difference between National City and Purgatory.

“Maggie, hey,” Nicole’s voice comes through clear from the other line. “So you know how you’ve got aliens in National City?”


“Well, we’ve got demons here in Purgatory.”

Maggie sits up fully and rubs her eyes, kissing Alex’s shoulder and making sure the covers stay wrapped around her as she slips out of bed.

“Sounds like fun. Tell me everything.”


Three Years Ago

“Yes sir, I’m aware of that, sir, I just think that a more effective way to approach the situation would be – “

“No one said it’s your job to – “

“Hey, Donnelly. You got a problem?” Maggie Sawyer calls across the room, because she’s about to get that promotion and she’s not going to have to worry about his ass any time soon.

“This rookie here seems to think she knows a little something about tracing blood spatter than her superior – “

“Does she? What’s your name, kid?”

Maggie sips on her coffee as she glances up and down at the eager-faced redhead.

Cute, she thinks to herself, and she thinks she sees a similar recognition in the other woman’s face. Excellent. Always need more of us.

“Nicole Hawt,” Donnelly answers for her, and Maggie arches an eyebrow.

“It’s pronounced like hot, sir,” Nicole keeps her chin up, and Maggie decides she likes her.

“Well, Officer Haught,” Maggie pronounces it right with emphasis, and yep, that’s definitely a lesbian gleam in the redhead’s eyes. “Why don’t you tell me where you think Donnelly could improve on his investigation?”

Nicole’s explanation and Maggie’s agreement sends Donnelly away grumbling about young upstart girls threatening to tank the department, and they wait the requisite amount of time before giggling softly to each other.

“Nice work, Officer,” Maggie nods, holding out a hand to officially introduce herself.

“Maggie Sawyer. Between you and me, I’ve got the paperwork for my detective shield coming through the pipeline this week. Shipping out to the NCPD Science Division in a couple months. No chance you’d want to put in a request to train with me until I head out, is there? Could be fun. Two young upstart girls – who maybe like girls? yes? thank god, I thought so – threatening to tank the department together?”

Nicole smiles broadly, and Maggie groans internally that she really must have a thing for redheads.

“I’m game. Where do we start?”


Present Day

She’s on the phone with Nicole for maybe an hour before she brushes her teeth, texts her captain, and gently, lovingly, adoringly nudges Alex awake.

“Hey sweetie. Wanna go on an adventure with me?”

“With you, Maggie Sawyer? I’ll go anywhere,” Alex murmurs as Maggie kisses her lips.

“Perfect. How about Purgatory?”