546. Chapter 546

“Wait, so how do you know about this place, Jessy?”

“What, are you gonna check me for clearance, Vasquez? Please, I’ve been delivering pizza here since freshmen year.”

“Pizza. To the alien bar.”

“Pam, do you honestly think humans are the only ones who like pureed tomatoes and cheese on bread? Have you met Kara Danvers?”

“You know Lena never ate pizza until Kara? I mean, should would once in a while, on the sly, when she was having a more terrible week than normal. But then Kara? It’s one of her happy foods now.”

“I know, and she lets you give me such great tips. Hey, Vasquez, when’s the next DEO pizza party?”

“We don’t have parties, kid, those orders are just Supergirl’s lunches.”

“Yeah, I’m sure she needs them after spending all that alone time with your boss, Jess – “

“Don’t even! The amount of paperwork those Danvers girls cost me – “

“You really telling me you don’t like knowing everyone’s dirt, Pam? Knowing exactly when and where and how Danvers and Sawyer – “

“No one needs to know that, Vasquez! They’re just still bitter that they weren’t Alex’s gay awakening – “

“Nah, that’s Lane – “

“Extra peppers on Lucy Lane’s orders – “

“Do you seriously memorize all your customers’ orders?”

“Listen, brain exercises are fun – “

“Hey, Jess, isn’t that Lena? With – oh… um. Between Kara’s legs?”

“M’gann’s gonna kick them out again.”

“Yeah, and somehow the paperwork’ll land on my desk. I don’t even work here.”

“Well at least you’re not the one in charge of keeping it out of the press.”

“Should I just go grab sixteen pies now? Looks like they’re gonna need them.”

“That poor pool table.”

“That lucky pool table.”


“Am I wrong though.”


“Not at all.”

“Nuh uh.”