581. Chapter 581

Maggie had suggested that they sit together on the couch, and Alex had never associated couch sitting with nerves.

They’d always associated it with studying or with Movie Night with Kara or with Game Night with Lucy and Kara and James and Winn, or with Siblings’ Night.

Not with this.

Not with… kissing.

Not with Maggie Sawyer, this girl who literally rode into her life and who, already, Alex didn’t want to stop being around. Ever.

“You’re so good at this,” Alex breathes into her mouth, and when Maggie sighs a small laugh, Alex pulls back. “I’m sorry, that was a weird thing to say, I ruined it, didn’t I, I’m sorry I – “

“Whoa, hey Danvers, slow down, hey.” Maggie shifts her hands from Alex’s undercut and jawline to their torso, hesitating before she brings her hands down on Alex’s tank top, their binder underneath.

“Can I touch you here? Only if you want me to,” Maggie clarifies, and Alex reaches their hand down on top of Maggie’s, bringing her hand onto their ribcage.

Alex gulps. Maggie gulps.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Danvers, okay?” She chuckles again, warmth lighting up her eyes and her entire face. “It was cute. You’re cute. And hot.” Her eyes travel down Alex’s body. “Very hot. And you’re not so bad at this whole making-out-on-the-couch thing, either. It takes two, you know?”

Alex blushes, and Maggie decides she wants to make them blush every day.

Multiple times a day.

“Okay. But still, it was a corny thing to say.”

Maggie shakes her head and brings one of her hands back to Alex’s face.

“This okay?” she asks. Alex nods their head eagerly, and Maggie leans forward to kiss their nose. “I like corny, Danvers. The world could use a little more of that corny earnestness you have. And anyway, sex is all about communication, right?”

Alex’s eyes fly wide, and it’s Maggie’s turn to blush and splutter.

“I mean… not that we’re having sex. Who’s having sex? Your roommate, probably, not us. Not right now, anyway, I – god, I kissed you twice, and now I’m becoming you? What – “

“Maybe kiss me again. Another test. To find out if we’ll really do the whole lesbian merging thing.”

Maggie licks her lips and glances at Alex’s mouth. “So what, you get all smooth when I’m the one stumbling over my words, Danvers? My hero,” she teases, and Alex’s breath hitches at the way her tongue wets her lips.

“Well? Do you consent to further testing?” Alex quirks their lips to the side, and Maggie barely stops herself from swooning.

“I do,” she whispers, leaning forward again, and Alex’s lips on hers take her breath away.

And she gladly gives her breath to Alex. Her breath, her slightly parted lips; her hands, her hair, her soft whimper when Alex tentatively flicks their tongue across Maggie’s lower lip.

“Was that okay?” Alex asks, their voice low and questioning, and it’s a question Maggie’s used to asking, but not so used to getting asked in return.

“Yes,” she whispers, and Alex’s smile could light up the multiverse.

“Good,” they murmur, lowering their head so they can do it again.

And again, and again, and again.

Maggie’s laying with her back on the ledge of the couch – this okay? Alex had asked, and Maggie had nodded desperately – Alex’s head pillowing her head – aww, you’re so sweet, Danvers, Maggie had teased, but her heart had never felt this warm – Alex’s leg between her thighs – don’t fall, Danvers, she’d cautioned, and Alex had chuckled, I would, wouldn’t I? and Maggie had secured her hands protectively on Alex’s waist to make sure they didn’t as they both giggled and kissed each other’s faces – Alex’s hair tousled by Maggie’s hands – so you like the way the undercut feels, huh? Alex had asked, and Maggie had blushed – when there’s a loud knock on the door.

“Fuck,” Alex pants into Maggie’s mouth, resting their forehead on Maggie’s.

“Dirty mouth, Danvers,” Maggie chuckles breathlessly, her eyes shut tight from the effort of not moaning her disappointment.

“Who the hell is it?” Alex calls, crawling off of Maggie. And, sure enough, nearly falling in the process.

They cling to each other and giggle.

“It’s me, Alex,” Lucy’s voice sounds. “And Sara. I am so sorry, but I left my laptop in here and I realized I have an assignment due at midnight – “

“You realized? I reminded you, Lane,” they hear Sara’s voice joining the mix.

“Whatever, can we come in? Just for a second? No need to get dressed, I’ll keep my eyes closed – “

“We are dressed!” Alex protests, and Maggie bites her lip and blushes as she checks over her clothes and hair to make sure she’s somewhat presentable.

“What a shame,” Sara grins as she strolls in with Lucy. She glances at both of them up and down with a faux-critical eye.

“Looks like you almost weren’t dressed, though, hm?” she teases, strolling forward to hug Alex and shake Maggie’s hand.

“Shut it, Lance,” Alex blushes, but appreciates the way Sara hugs her with more masculine gusto than she hugs most of her other friends.

“So you must be Maggie. I hear you’ve got a motorcycle. Nice. But uh… You plan on treating them well, right?” Sara raises her eyebrow as she and Maggie shake hands.

“She practices krav maga,” Lucy whispers loudly from across the dorm, and Alex aims a playful kick her way.

“Guys, don’t scare her off,” they singsong, their hands shoved deep into their pockets.

“My only plan with them is to treat them the way they deserve to be treated,” Maggie ignores Alex and Lucy’s antics, her eyes belonging to Sara for the time being.

Whatever Sara sees in them, she must like. She must trust. Because suddenly she goes from a protective stance to a welcoming smile.

“Well good, then, Maggie Sawyer. Luce, you have your laptop? Good, okay. Have uh… have a good night,” Sara winks and flashes a peace sign as she heads back out the door with Lucy.

“Have fun, kids!” Lucy gives them an identical wink as she, too, rushes back out the door.

“Sorry about that,” Alex chuckles when they’re alone again. “My friends can be… a lot.”

But Maggie shakes her head and takes their hands. “No, I told you: I love that they care so much about you. You deserve it.”

Maggie licks her lips again and Alex gulps.

“So. Looks like we have the rest of the night to ourselves,” they manage to choke out, and Maggie reminds herself to breathe.

“Looks like it,” she repeats. “Wanna kiss me again?”

And of course they do.