624. Chapter 624

They’ve talked about wanting a lifetime of firsts.

Alex was the first to bring up a house, because frankly, the idea had always terrified Maggie.

She’d been so used to running for so long.

Running toward safety; running for survival; running because she didn’t know how else to exist; running because it was habit; running because she didn’t know how to stop.

But Alex made her want to stop.

Well, not stop, not exactly.

Because they would always be running, both as individuals and together.

Because with Alex?

With Alex, she wanted to both run and be stable; with Alex, freedom and security weren’t contradictory. They were complimentary.

They were perfect.

So they buy a house, because when Alex tells her she wants that to be part of their lifetime of firsts, she cries just like she did when Alex proposed.

Because she’s shocked, because she wants it. God, she wants it.

So they drink wine on balconies and they lay in each other’s laps and they research and they make lists and they fantasize.

How many rooms, what kind of style, location, location, location, rankings of whether it’s more important to have a garage or a pool, discussions of ‘do we ever really use the kitchen anyway’ and ‘yes, babe, if J’onn permits it, we can have a separate space for your weapons.’

Buying a house involves a lot of firsts, and they both revel in each one.

But this one? This particular first?

Is going to be fun.

“Danvers, you grew up on the beach, you’ve never – “

“There’s grass in Midvale, Maggie.”

“Okay, but there’s like, only grass in Blue Springs, Danvers.”

“And why would I make my beautiful wife feel like she’s back in Nebraska, huh? Come on, babe, it’ll be fun. I don’t mind, honestly.”

Maggie tilts her head and squints and sighs.

“You gonna wear that?” she asks, gesturing lightly at Alex’s tank top and cut offs and boots.

“Problem?” Alex asks.

Maggie tries to swallow, but her throat is too dry. “Nope. I mean… if you really don’t mind? To be honest, I always hated cutting the grass – “

Alex positively squeals with excitement. “Excellent! I’ll be outside, then!” She leans in and kisses her lips, and Maggie wants to deepen the kiss, wants to pull Alex into her body and never let go, but Alex is out the door before Maggie can even open her eyes.

“Nerd,” she mutters under her breath with a smile.

“Takes one to know one!” Alex calls over her shoulder.

“My wife has superhuman hearing,” Maggie murmurs, still grinning.

“No I don’t, you’re just predictable!” Alex shouts again, this time over the roar of the lawn mower coming to life.

Maggie chuckles and shakes her head and wanders into the kitchen – their kitchen – to do the dishes from Kara’s homemade brunch this morning.

She doesn’t expect to feel like she’s just gotten an electric shock, particle accelerator explosion style, when she looks out the window above the sink to see her wife looking… like that.

Because it’s only been ten minutes, but it’s absurdly hot outside, and Alex must have fished a bandanna out of the garage because now it’s tied around her head, stained slightly in sweat, just as Alex’s calves are getting stained slightly with dirt, with the remains of sheared blades of grass.

She has to concentrate to put the plate she’d been washing down so she doesn’t just drop it, break it.

Because hot damn, her wife is… well, hot.

“Damn, Danvers,” she rasps to herself, watching as Alex wipes sweat away from her forehead with a shrug of her shoulder. Maggie rinses and dries her hands, eyes still transfixed on the sight out their window, and checks the weather on her phone.

Yep. Over 90 degrees.

Which has everything to do with how sweaty and dirty Alex has gotten in so short a time, but absolutely nothing to do with what she’s doing to Maggie’s body right now.

Well, maybe it has a little something to do with it. Because it’s the sweat and dirt that are driving her out of her mind.

She tries to gulp, but her throat is too dry. She grabs a glass, fills it, takes a sip or two – eyes still focused on her wife – refills it, and tears her eyes away from Alex for a moment.

She bites her lip and looks down at her own body. She checks her fly and shimmies around slightly so her shirt is positioned just so, runs her fingers through her hair so it falls around her face just so.

She clears her throat and she heads to the doorway, immediately regretting not calling Alex inside instead, because the heat compared with the house’s central air hits her hard.

“Thirsty, Danvers?” she calls, leaning on their doorway like she’s not already burning up.

Both because of the temperature and because of the sweat and dirt clinging to her wife’s body like someone painted the stains onto her skin and clothes.

She has to shout again, because Alex doesn’t hear her. But when she does, her grin is so wide, so earnest, that Maggie melts.

And it definitely has nothing to do with the sun.

Alex flips off the mower, trots over and takes the glass gratefully but hesitates before kissing Maggie.

“I’m kinda gross,” she gives a disclaimer when Maggie frowns, which makes Maggie bite her lip as she drags her eyes slowly up and down Alex’s body.

“Gross isn’t the word I’d use,” she rasps, and Alex nearly chokes on her water at the tone in her voice.

“Yeah?” she splutters, trying so hard to be smooth that Maggie lets it slide.

“Mmhmm,” Maggie takes the glass from her and kneels slowly to set it down on the porch. She runs her fingers over Alex’s lower legs, and Alex’s shivers as her fingernails scrape through the sweat on her shins, ghosting over without actually touching the dirt on her calves.

“Maggie, we’re… we’re outside,” she croaks, and Maggie stands immediately.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I – “

“No, hey, no, it’s fine. I’m fine. This… this is literally why we got such a private back yard, I just… I was flirting, I’m sorry, I didn’t want… I didn’t want you to stop.”

Maggie tilts her head. “Babe, you sure?” she asks, and Alex backhands sweat off her face, leaving a streak of dirt there that just turns Maggie on harder, as she nods eagerly.

Maggie nods, too, as she kneels again, slower this time. “Change your mind at any point, Danvers,” she tells her, and Alex smiles.

“So uh… gross isn’t the word you’d use. What uh… what word would you use?”

“Fucking sexy,” Maggie asks with her eyes before unzipping Alex’s cut-off jeans.

“That’s two words,” Alex wheezes as she nods before getting impatient and unzipping her cut-offs herself.

“Someone’s eager,” Maggie chuckles, and Alex tosses her head back and moans.

“Both of us, I’d say,” she hisses as Maggie tugs her jeans down and her underwear aside.

“May I?” she asks, and they both chuckle as Alex, in her eagerness to lift one of her legs onto Maggie’s shoulder, forgets that her shorts are still sort of on, and nearly falls.

“Mmm, maybe I should go down on you later,” Maggie teases, and something flashes in Alex’s eyes, then.

Something Maggie didn’t want to ask her for, because she knows this mood of Alex’s is somewhat temperamental, but god, has seeing her like this made her want it.

“What, Danvers?” she asks breathlessly, even though she already knows.

“Stand up?” Alex asks, and her voice is already ragged, already wrecked from the sight of Maggie on her knees, wanting to go down on her.

Maggie stands.

“Turn around,” Alex demands, and Maggie hisses with pleasure because she knows Alex’s demands are always questions.

“Yes,” she whispers, “but kiss me first?”

So Alex does. Alex does, and Maggie swoons, pressing her body against the damp heat that is Alex, flush against the barely-there restraint and raw need that is her wife.

“You’re so damn hot,” she murmurs into Alex’s mouth, against Alex’s tongue, and when Alex moans, Maggie pulls back.

“You can turn me around now,” she invites, and Alex spins her around and presses her against the back wall of their house so fast they both need to pause, need to breathe each other in.

“You good?” Alex makes sure, and Maggie grinds her ass back into Alex as answer.

“Yeah. You?” she confirms, and Alex answers by bracing herself against the wall with one dirt-stained hand just above Maggie’s head, by putting her other hand on Maggie’s waist and pulling her even closer into her body.

“Fuck,” Maggie murmurs, and Alex grins into her shoulder blades.

“Exactly,” she husks, and Maggie whines and grinds back into her, finding a rough and needy rhythm that isn’t exactly a first, but is exactly perfect.

“So I can’t exactly touch you right now,” Alex tightens her grip on Maggie’s hip, on her jeans. “All that dirt and sweat that seems to turn you on so much.”

Maggie moans and Alex’s hand on her hip, Alex’s body against the back of her thighs, her ass, stabilize her more than the ground or the wall she’s pressed against ever could.

“Danvers,” she manages.

“Color?” Alex checks.

“Green as that damn grass,” Maggie chokes, and they both chuckle.

“So since I can’t touch you like I want to right now, you wanna be a good girl for me and do me a favor?”

“Fuck, Danvers.”

“Is that a yes, Sawyer?”

“Yes, fuck, Alex, yes.”

“Good girl. Can you touch yourself for me, Mags? I wanna make you come so damn hard, fucking you like this, holding you like this. The backyard of our new house… who knew lawn mowing could be so… fuck, that’s right, baby,” Alex pants as Maggie shifts so she’s braced on the wall with only one hand, slipping the other down her jeans.

“You good, Ally?” Maggie gasps, because Alex goes quiet, her breathing ragged, at the sight in front of her, in her arms.

“Perfect, Maggie, yeah. I love you so much,” she tells her, and it’s that, more than anything, that tosses Maggie over the edge.

Alex holds her steady and whispers how much she loves her as she rides out her waves.

“I love you too,” Maggie sighs, her forehead against the back of Alex’s hand, which she’d shifted to prevent Maggie from hitting her head against the wall.

“So you were saying something about fucking me yourself?” Maggie asks as Alex kisses her shoulders, her back, her hair, the nape of her neck.

Alex groans softly. “And you were saying something about going down on me,” Alex grins into Maggie’s skin, and Maggie moans like she does when she tries amazing food.

“Shower?” she turns her face to ask, her eyes still hazy from her orgasm, but glistening with excitement all the same.

“Oh yes,” Alex grins, and they’re not sure if they’re tugging each other up the stairs or racing up the stairs, but either way, their clothes come off somewhere along the way as they make out and giggle and shriek and tickle their way through their first house.