635. Chapter 635

“Babe, you home?” Alex calls when she walks in, because god, does she need her to be.

“Hey you,” Maggie glances up from the couch, her glasses on the edge of her nose and meticulously switching a pile of case files from her chest to the floor.

“How was your – “ Maggie starts, but when she strides over to Alex, there’s a look in her fiancee’s eyes that stops her words, that takes her breath away.

“I want you,” Alex says, and it’s all she needs to say.

“So take me,” Maggie half-whispers, and Alex obliges.

She lifts her effortlessly onto her kitchen island and takes advantage of every inch as Maggie tilts her head back, offering Alex full access to her throat with a soft moan.

“What brought this on, Danvers?” Maggie sighs, her hands already buried in Alex’s hair, her chest already heaving with need.

“Was looking through,” Alex murmurs as she unbuttons Maggie’s shirt with eager fingers, fingers that Maggie encourages with the arch of her back and the whimper of pleasure escaping of her lips.

“Some of our uh… pictures. From when you were away a couple weeks ago. Can I?” Alex asks, waiting deliriously for Maggie’s eager nod before tugging her bra away from her nipple, not even bothering to take it off before clamping her mouth down around her.

They both moan, and Maggie tries in vain to get pressure between her legs from Alex’s body.

“Want something?” Alex asks with a soft chuckle, and Maggie just writhes.

Alex keeps one hand on the small of Maggie’s back, holding her safe, holding her steady.

“Please, Alex?” Maggie gives in, and Alex relents.

Tongue still occupied with Maggie’s nipple, Alex slips her free hand down Maggie’s stomach, her thighs. She unzips her jeans and moans at how wet she finds her fiancee.

“Fuck, Sawyer,” she murmurs into her body, and Maggie scoffs.

“What’d you expect, Danvers?”

“Fair point,” Alex grins. “You want me inside you?” she asks, and Maggie bites her lip before shaking her head.

“Just pressure on my clit?” she asks, like she’s scared Alex will be disappointed, but the smile Alex gives her makes her swear she might pull a Kara and float.

No, no, no. Terrible time to think about Alex’s kid sister.

“Of course, babe,” Alex returns her mouth’s attention to Maggie’s breasts and concentrates on keeping her fingers, her palm, in constant pressure, constant rhythm, on Maggie’s clit.

They’re both sweating and Alex’s wrist is sore by the time Maggie shudders through a soft orgasm, and she slips herself down from the island almost as soon as she gets there.

“Babe, you don’t have to – “

“I want to,” Maggie promises, and she puts her hands on Alex’s hips.

“If you want to?” she confirms before going any further, and when Alex nods, Maggie pulls.

Pulls her hips forward, pulls her hips toward her, slipping her thigh between Alex’s legs. They both almost overbalance at the other’s eagerness, and they press their foreheads together and giggle raggedly until Maggie slips her hands into Alex’s back pockets and squeezes slightly.

Alex’s forehead falls forward onto Maggie’s shoulder as she gasps, as she slips her fingers through Maggie’s belt loops, both of them desperately grasping onto the other – for balance, for pleasure, for pressure, for closeness, for love – as Alex rides Maggie’s thigh, staring down at her swollen lips and her glasses and her loose hair and her open shirt and her out-of-place bra until Maggie whispers that she loves her, whispers that she can let go, whispers that she’s her everything and she’s got her and she loves when she takes what she wants like this.

So when Alex unravels, it’s hard and it’s powerful and it nearly sends both of them tumbling to the ground.

But Maggie holds her up – holds them both up – and they both grasp the edge of the island for balance as they catch their breath.

“Damn,” Alex whispers, and Maggie kisses her nose.

“Damn,” Maggie affirms, and they both giggle again.

“Welcome home, Agent Danvers,” Maggie grins when they’ve caught their breath somewhat.

Alex preens and giggles and blushes.

“Really Danvers? That’s the part that makes you blush?”



“Your nerd.”

“My nerd.”