643. Chapter 643

Her breath hitches when Maggie shifts the way she’s holding her, when Maggie shifts and her hand grazes Alex’s chest.

“Sorry,” Maggie murmurs, moving her hand immediately, but Alex reaches just as quickly to bring her back.

“That wasn’t a bad gasp,” she whispers, and this time, it’s Maggie’s breath that hitches.

“That so, Danvers?” she asks, and Alex’s body starts to move back closer into Maggie’s.

“Mmhmm,” Alex nearly squeaks, and Maggie rewards her with a kiss to the back of her neck.

“Wanna finish what we started, Danvers?” she asks with all the heat they’d had when they’d transitioned from dancing to the bed.


Maggie kisses her bare shoulder before giving her a slight nip. Alex gasps and arches back into Maggie’s body.

“Your wish is my command,” Maggie grins into her soft skin, and Alex swoons as she turns to face her, to kiss her, to touch her.

Later, neither of them will remember who took whose clothes off or in what order or how the hell Alex’s underwear wound up all the way in the kitchen.

Later, all they’ll remember is how needily they tended to each other’s bodies.

How Maggie’s entire body shivered when Alex ran her tongue up her stomach to her chest.

How Alex screamed when Maggie flipped her over and took her nipples into her mouth, one at a time and both at once.

How Maggie whimpered when Alex whispered how much she loves her into her ear while she slipped her thigh between Maggie’s legs, while she rode Maggie’s knee without restraint.

How Alex blushed every time Maggie checked in to make sure she wanted what they were doing, to make sure she wanted her tongue to slip inside her body before dragging up to her clit, to make sure she wanted her to fuck her with her mouth and her fingers at the same time.

How Maggie came just from going down on Alex, just from the pressure of Alex’s leg between hers combined with the heady rush of the taste and scent and feel of her pulsing underneath her tongue.

How Alex pulled Maggie up her body until she was sitting on her face, confirming with breathless nods and eager panting that they were both desperate for Alex’s tongue parting Maggie’s lips and driving her to the brink again, and again, and again.

How Maggie made it her mission to top Alex from the bottom, watching in ecstasy while Alex rode her mouth and later, rode her hand, her thighs, until she came screaming her name over, and over, and over again.

“Damn, Danvers,” Maggie croaks, later, when she’s gathered Alex back into her arms, both of them spent, both of them sweaty, both of them needing to be closer, closer, closer.

“So you’re saying you liked it? Cause that’s what I got,” Alex teases, and Maggie kisses her long and slow and smiling.

“No,” she corrects softly. “I’m saying I loved it. And I’m saying I love you.”

“You too,” Alex smiles back, blushing and beaming like the newlywed that she’s about to be. “Forever.”