675. Chapter 675

She notices when Kara gets winded on a flight of stairs.

Because Kara Danvers barely ever gets winded. Especially not on a flight of stairs.

But she doesn’t say anything. Not yet. Because maybe it’s nothing. Maybe she’s being overprotective.

But then Kara flinches when Winn hugs them.


Winn, who’s gentle as can be. Winn, who’s always extra careful to not hurt a soul. Winn, who’s genuinely convinced that murder is in his DNA, and spends most of his energy trying to prove himself wrong.

So Maggie takes Kara by the hand and leads them back to her room.

“Um, you haven’t mistaken me for my sister, have you?” Kara teases, but Maggie just rolls her eyes and shuts the door behind the two of them.

“You look amazing, Little Danvers. Anyone tell you that today?”

Kara freezes, eyes wary and just this side of hopeful.

“What do you mean?” they adjust their glasses.

Maggie lets her eyes slide down Kara’s body, then smooths her hands over her own chest in a flat motion.

“Your shirt’s falling really well on you,” she grins, and the tentative hope in Kara’s eyes explodes into ecstasy.

“Really? You think so? I mean, you noticed? Because I can’t tell if other people aren’t noticing, or if they just don’t care, or maybe I’m doing it wrong and so it’s not good enough – “

“Well,” Maggie asks, because she’s pretty sure she knows. “How are you doing it?”

Kara worries at their bottom lip with their teeth. “Is it weird if I take my t-shirt off?” they want to know, and Maggie shrugs with deliberate nonchalance.

“Not if you don’t think feel uncomfortable.”

Kara thinks, and feels, then nods, stripping their t-shirt off and standing in exactly what Maggie feared.

Standing in a mess of ace bandages around their chest.

“Oh, sweetie,” Maggie says, and Kara shakes their head before Maggie can say anything else.

“I know you’re not supposed to do it with bandages, but binders are so expensive, and who the hell has that kind of money? We’re in college, you know? And anyway, it looks good! You said it looks good, and it feels good, and – “

“Does it, though, Kid Danvers?”

“You said it does look good – “

“No, I mean. Does it feel good?”

Kara’s chin rises defiantly before they melt under Maggie’s incisive gaze. “It hurts,” they admit in a soft voice.

Maggie nods softly. “You wanna take them off, then? I can help.”

Kara flinches. “But then I’ll be… but then I won’t… it’ll be bad, I’ll look bad, I’ll feel bad, I’ll be bad.”

“Hey, hey, kid, no. No. You’re never bad because you’re taking care of your body. And you’re never bad because your body’s being pesky and not behaving how you want it to. It doesn’t make you less of a badass enby, okay? I promise, kid.”

“But I don’t have any shirts that look good without it. They all feel… gross.”

Maggie sighs and nods and thinks. “Can you wait here? Just for a few minutes? And I’ll be right back?”

Kara sinks onto their bed. “Fine.”

“Don’t fall asleep in that, Little Danvers. We’re gonna take those bandages off when I get back, okay? Don’t nap. I’ll be right back,” she promises.

And when she returns, she’s armed with an arsenal of James’s sweatshirts, all too big for Kara. All big enough, all baggy enough on them, to make them feel at least somewhat at home in their skin.

Kara smiles and they cry and eventually, they fall asleep, after a long session of shaking and raging about how it shouldn’t cost money to be who they are, cuddled in between Maggie’s arms and Alex’s arms.

The sweatshirts are all they wear for a week.

For a week, until Maggie shows up at their dorm door with a gleam in her eyes and Alex hot on her heels and a package in her hand.

Lena answers the door, wearing nothing but boy shorts and glasses and a sweater, and Alex groans but Maggie just grins.

“I take it Kara’s home,” she greets Lena, who blushes and nods toward the bedroom.

“Kara, your sister and Maggie are here!”

“Please make sure you’re dressed, Kar,” Alex calls, her hands covering her eyes while Lena laughs and tugs on a pair of sweatpants.

“I’ve got a present for you, Kid Danvers.”

“Ooooh, tell me what it is! Alex, tell me what Maggie has for me!” Kara calls from the room.

“I honestly can’t – she wouldn’t tell me,” Alex admits as Kara steps out of their room, hair a mess and lips slightly swollen.

“Here, sit down.”

“Is it my Earth birthday? Did I forget?” Kara wants to know, and Alex rolls her eyes.

“No, nerd, you didn’t forget your Earth birthday.”

“Yeah, well you’re an even bigger – oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, Maggie – “ Kara whispers, their voice breaking as they rip open the package Maggie brought them.

“What is – oh, Maggie,” Lena echoes as she leans over Kara to get a peek, her eyes immediately flooding with tears as Kara pulls a sleek black binder out of its wrapping.

“It’s beautiful,” Kara croaks as Alex starts crying even harder than Kara is.

“What, sweetie?” Maggie strokes her face with concern, but Alex just shakes her head and kisses her.

“I love you so much,” is all she can manage before letting Maggie just hold her as they both watch Kara fawn over their new – their first – binder.

“Can I try it on?” they ask, their eyes wide.

“Do you know how?” Maggie grins, and when Kara’s smile freezes, Lena kisses their mouth to reassure them.

“I’ve looked it up, darling. Come. May I help you?” she asks, all gentle hands and adoring eyes.

Kara nods without words, but doesn’t head back into their bedroom with Lena until they tackle Maggie with a massive hug.

“I like having two sisters,” they whisper with a smile so bright it will be all the thanks Maggie ever needs.