680. Chapter 680

The last time Maggie suggested the hit the town, they wound up in a car chase.

The time before that, they ended up narrowly avoiding a lethal run-in with Cadmus.

But this time?

This time, Maggie has had Winn run scan after scan after scan for any signs of building Cadmus or other sinister activity across National City, because tonight will not be interrupted.

Because Alex just bought herself this new red miniskirt, tight and short and absolutely breathtaking, and she mentioned offhand this morning that she plans to wear it with that choker Caitlin got her for Chanukah, and Cadmus be damned: Alex Danvers is all hers tonight.

That’s the plan, anyway. But they barely get out the door.

It’s not Cadmus’s fault, this time.

It’s not another Daxamite invasion.

It’s Maggie.

Because they have plans to go dancing, but she can’t keep her hands off of her fiancee, and frankly, Alex doesn’t want her to.

“So you know we don’t have a great track record with trying to go out anyway,” Alex tries to logic her way through their rapidly changing plans as she arches her neck back to allow Maggie’s lips, tongue, and teeth better access to her pulse point. But her voice is gravelly from want and she’s already panting with need, and it’s all Maggie can do to focus on making words.

“You’re saying you want to cut our losses and just stay home?” she grins, her lips trailing down Alex’s collarbone to her cleavage, now.

Alex squirms and buries her hands in Maggie’s hair.

“I’m saying don’t you dare stop,” she whimpers, which, of course, makes Maggie… stop.

Alex whines at the loss of contact, and Maggie chuckles softly. “But we got all dressed up, baby,” she teases, and Alex glares down at her, shifting the energy between them just with her eyes, just with the subtle, barely-there change in her stance, her pattern of breathing.

And, sure enough, the next moment, it’s Maggie with her back against the door, Maggie with her hands pinned above her head, Maggie whimpering and utterly open for the woman pressing against her.

“And did you get dressed up for the other women at the bar, or did you get dressed up for me?” Alex asks, her eyes shining, every bit the fearless DEO agent she presents to the world.

Maggie gulps, and Alex’s grip softens.

“Color?” she checks, and Maggie leans up to kiss her lips softly.

“The one that means don’t stop,” she rasps, and it’s Alex’s turn to chuckle.

“You stopped when I asked you not to,” she moves her body back slightly, but keeps her hands pinning Maggie’s wrists above her head. Her eyes rake over Maggie’s body slowly, taking her time with her surveillance. It makes Maggie writhe, and Alex doesn’t have to unzip her jeans to know how soaked she’s getting for her.

“Unfair, Danvers,” Maggie pants, struggling against Alex’s hands but winking at her to indicate that the struggle is for fun, not for real.

Alex bites her bottom lip and tilts her head as she considers Maggie as a cat might consider a mouse. “You want me to show you unfair, Sawyer?” she smirks, just to watch the way Maggie’s hips roll at the low tone of her voice, the burning look in her eyes.

“Bed,” Alex steps back from her completely, and Maggie gulps and nods and bites her lip as she walks.

Alex tilts her head as she watches her.

“Wait,” she says, slipping her hands around Maggie’s waist and holding her close, soft, gentle. She kisses the side of her face with something that can only be called reverence as she holds her from behind. “You know how much I adore and respect you, right?” she asks, and Maggie hums in delight as she backs herself even closer into Alex’s arms.

“Always, sweetie,” she smiles, turning her face to kiss Alex’s lips. “But right now, if you wanna show your undying adoration and respect for me by ordering me around, I mean, I’m down – “

“Speaking of down,” Alex releases her again, slipping back into their developing scene and walking around Maggie’s still standing form to perch herself on the bed, “I still want you here.” She pats the mattress on either side of her. “But on your knees.”

Maggie gulps, and worry flashes across Alex’s eyes.

“Don’t worry, Danvers, I’m good to go,” Maggie whispers as she drops to her knees, continuing forward, half-shuffling, half-crawling, eyes never leaving Alex’s face.

But she doesn’t make it more than a foot or two before Alex crosses the room again and lifts Maggie off the floor, effortlessly carrying her to the bed and laying her down for her. And it’s Alex who kneels, now, on the bed – their bed – to take off Maggie’s boots and kiss her feet as she slips them off.

“You okay, sweetie?” Maggie makes sure, and Alex shrugs, eyes lowered.

“I thought for a minute I was in the mood to… to top you, but then I saw you on your knees, and I… I’m sorry…”

“Hey, no, babe, it’s all good. Some things are sexier in fantasy than in reality at certain moments, and that’s okay.”

“But I… I don’t want to stop.”

Maggie tilts her head, trying to ascertain Alex’s meaning, her desires, her needs. And sure enough, something has shifted in Alex’s eyes again, and it surges like heat through Maggie’s entire body.

“Wanna switch places, Danvers? You’re in the mood to have me fuck you senseless, aren’t you?”

Alex squirms and blushes and nods, and Maggie grins as she sits up.

“Okay. So tell me what you think of this plan. Head over to the closet and grab the hand and ankle cuffs and my strapon. Whichever one you’re in the mood for. And then I want you to be a good girl and crawl back to me when you bring me what I need to fuck you nice and hard.”

Alex gasps softly and doesn’t move until Maggie’s hand touches her face, gentle and tender and protective.

“Baby? You good?”

Alex nods with wide eyes. “Oh yes. Definitely. Green. Like, forest green, or neon, or – what’s the greenest green?”



“Be a good girl and tell me what you think of my plan.”

Alex gulps and turns her face to nip at the flesh of Maggie’s wrist.

“I like it. But um… can I make one change to it? Please?”

“Of course, sweetie.”

Maggie curses herself internally for adding the crawling part. It was too much for Alex to see her doing it tonight, so she should have taken it off the table entirely, she should have –

“Can I take my shirt off first? I’m wearing a push-up bra that matches my skirt, and I think you’ll like it, and – “

“Why are you talking and not stripping, then?” Maggie asks, and Alex nearly tumbles off the bed in her eagerness to obey.

She bites her lip as she gathers the cuffs and Maggie’s harness and the thickest dildo they have; as she watches Maggie’s eyes glisten at her strapon choice; as she sinks to her knees to crawl back to Maggie, watching Maggie’s jaw drop and her breath slow and her eyes rake down to her cleavage and her tongue poke out to moisten her lips.

“I have another proposed alteration to your plan, Detective,” Alex offers when she’s on her knees right in front of Maggie, right in front of their bed, and all Maggie can do is nod dimly.

“I want you to fuck me. Harder than you think I can handle, and then harder than that.”

A moan escapes Maggie’s lips, and Alex smirks.

“But I want you to earn it. I want to tie you down first. I want to ride you as hard as I can until you can’t do anything but slam your hips up into me and beg me to uncuff your hands so you can touch me. And if you’re good – if you’re really, really good for me – I’ll consider uncuffing you and letting you come buried all the way inside me. How’s that sound to you?”

Maggie opens and closes her mouth once, twice, three times, before she can make words happen, looking down at Alex, on her knees for her, that choker, that skirt, that pushup bra.

“Oh,” Alex continues before Maggie figures out how to language. “And I’d love for you to wear your glasses for me. While I ride you.”

A sound that’s almost a groan and almost a squeak works its way out of Maggie’s mouth before words do.

“Absofuckinglutely,” is all she can choke, and Alex smirks wickedly before rising off her knees and straddling Maggie, kissing her hard and pushing her tongue past her lips in a way that makes Maggie gasp and scream into her mouth and pull Alex closer, closer, closer.

“Good?” Alex makes sure, and Maggie answers by pulling her down on top of her, hands not knowing if they want to settle on Alex’s ass or hips or torso or breasts or face, so they travel everywhere, instead.

Maggie writhes as Alex strips her of her jeans, of her shirt, her bra, and kisses each newly exposed inch of flesh like she’s worshiping her, because god, god, she is. She whimpers as Alex tugs the harness on Maggie and puts the dildo in her hands so she can position it in the way that’s going to feel best for her. She moans as Alex brings her lips down to suck on the new extension of Maggie’s body, taking as much of her into her mouth as she can, all the while keeping eye contact with the woman whose hands are entangled in her hair and whose heart is entirely hers.

“I love you,” Alex whispers as she gives a final kiss to Maggie’s strapon, turning her attention now to cuffing first her ankles, then her wrists, firmly to the bed.

“Feels good?” she asks, and Maggie nods breathlessly after testing the restrains gamely.

“Good girl,” Alex praises, and she rewards Maggie with a kiss before slipping off the bed.

Maggie whines, and Alex swoops back down to press a kiss against her bare stomach.

“I’ll be right back, babe. I promise. Can you be my best girl and wait for me?”

Maggie writhes at the kind of praise she usually heaps onto Alex, her hips arching up of their own accord, fruitlessly trying to get some much needed pressure.

“Soon, baby,” Alex promises as she pads into the kitchen, tugging open the freezer with a grin that makes Maggie’s heart skip a beat.

Because Alex returns with a hand towel and a glass full of ice.

Ice that she asks if she can drip onto Maggie’s stomach, onto her thighs. Maggie pants and hisses and begs for more as Alex takes a cube of ice between her teeth and melts it with her breath until it drips right onto one of Maggie’s nipples.

Maggie screams, at that, and Alex immediately takes the ice out of her mouth and replaces the freezing water making Maggie’s nipple hard with her cool but rapidly warming lips. She massages her nipple with her tongue while she traces patterns with a rapidly melting ice cube over Maggie’s other breast, over her stomach, her sides.

She grinds down into her, Maggie’s strapon pressed between both of their stomachs.

“Fuck,” Alex groans, and Maggie struggles against her wrist restraints.

“You need them off?” Alex snaps out of her haze immediately, and Maggie shakes her head somewhat sheepishly.

“I like the feeling,” she murmurs, and Alex smiles and kisses her lips tenderly, because she knows exactly what she means.

“Should I keep going?” she asks.

“Please,” Maggie whispers, so Alex does.

When Maggie’s body can’t take any more freezing ice drops – when her entire being is begging for more contact between them – Alex pats her dry with a soft hand towel before slipping off the bed to take off her panties.

She leaves her skirt on, but lifts it just enough for her to be able to straddle Maggie, opening her legs wide enough to take her inside her.

All the way inside her.

Maggie moans and fights to keep her hips down on the bed, letting Alex control the pace, control the way her body stretches around the thickness, the length, of her strapon.

“I’m gonna ride you now, okay?” Alex teases, but also asks, and when Maggie nods, she’s confirming, not just begging.

She doesn’t bother starting slow.

Slow isn’t what she wants tonight.

She buries her fingers under Maggie’s body, gripping her ass as she lets her torso drop down over Maggie’s, pulling her closer with every downward thrust of her hips, with every time she tries to take Maggie deep enough to bottom out inside her.

“I need more of you,” Alex groans when both their throats are raw from each other’s names, from strings of profanity pulled from each other’s lips, from begging and pleading and green, green, green.

“Then take more,” Maggie prays, and Alex shakes her head.

“I think you’ve earned the right to give it to me,” she grins, and Maggie’s eyes widen eagerly, offering her wrists up for Alex to unlock, her ankles for Alex to uncuff, once she slips off of her slowly.

Alex lays on her back once Maggie’s out of her restraints, but Maggie shakes her head.

“Another plan?” she asks, and Alex is all ears.

“I want you on your stomach. I want to turn the dildo around so it’ll be angled just right, and I want to fuck you from behind while you touch your clit with both hands, so I can stretch you out with my strapon while you give your clit everything you need with those pretty little hands of yours. Oh, and I want to make you beg for it. Since you made me wait so long to be able to fuck you back.”

Alex doesn’t answer with words.

She just flips over onto her stomach, arches her hips up slightly, and shifts so both her hands are underneath her body, fingers poised to press on her soaking clit.

Maggie clicks her tongue in gentle scolding. “Not yet, Danvers. I left one part out of the plan.” She puts her hand gently on Alex’s exposed ass, asking a question with her soft gesture. Alex whines and writhes and nods desperately, but Maggie shakes her head.

“I need you to say it, baby,” she tells her, her voice asking for consent, not for a sexy line, and Alex smiles with how much she loves this woman.

“I want you to spank me, Mags,” she whispers, her face burning red until Maggie leans down to kiss her cheeks lovingly. “Hard.”

“There’s my girl,” she murmurs, hesitating slightly before bringing her hand up and then, quickly, solidly, back down.

The sharp sting and even sharper sound puts Alex’s entire body on alert and at ease, somehow at the same time. She bites the pillow so she won’t scream, but Maggie tuts again above her.

“You don’t have to hold back, babygirl. I want to hear how much you like it when I smack your ass.”

Those words alone make Alex scream, and Maggie chuckles in satisfaction before bringing her hand down again.

“You wanna count for me, baby? If you’re a good girl and get to ten, I’ll shove my strapon inside you just like you like.”

“I… it… Mags…”

“Use your words, babe,” Maggie braces her, and Alex gulps.

“One,” she breathes out, and before she’s finished with the word, Maggie brings her hand down again.

Alex screams and whines and practically sobs with need, with want, as she chokes out a second number, then a third, then a fourth, her counting interrupted only by assuring Maggie that yes, yes, yes, please, she wants more.

But by the time Maggie brings her hand down on Alex’s ass for the seventh time, Alex is dripping onto the bed and wrecked and ruined beyond her own control. So instead of forcing the number seven out of her lips, she begs.

“Please, Maggie. Please, please fuck me, I can’t… I… just…. please. Please.”

She expects Maggie to scold her, to punish her, to encourage her to start counting all over again.

But instead, Maggie obliges, checking with her fingers to make doubly sure Alex is wet enough – and god, is she – before wordlessly pushing inside her, covering her entire body with her own so her breasts are pressed against Alex’s back, fucking her deep enough that she bottoms out inside her with two simple, calculated thrusts.

Alex buries her hands in the sheets and sobs with need as she bucks her hips back desperately, as she fumbles to find some semblance of friction amidst how soaked she’s made her own clit.

“Maggie,” is all she can choke out, and she only remembers how to breathe again when she feels Maggie’s lips on the nape of her neck.

“I’ve got you, babe,” she murmurs into her ear. “You can let go, Alex. I’ve got you.”

She punctuates her promise by pushing inside her, burying herself in Alex’s body, chest wracking with her own sob as she pulses her hips against Alex’s ass, inside Alex’s body, one of her arms bracing her body next to Alex’s side and the other shifted so she can interlace Alex’s fingers with her own.

“Mags,” Alex whines, and it’s all she can say before she feels herself topple over the edge, the pressure from her own fingers combined with the curve of Maggie’s strapon, insistently pressing into all the right spots inside her, completely and utterly undoing her.

She comes without a sound, just shuddering, absolutely ruined gasps of breath, and as Maggie coaxes her through her every wave, she feels her coming inside her, too.

“Goddamn,” Alex breathes when she finally remembers how again, as Maggie gently slips out of her with a soft pop before flipping over onto her back next to her, her hand on Alex’s ass and her eyes closed in an absolute daze.

“Goddamn is right,” Maggie murmurs, turning her face blearily to kiss Alex’s mouth.

“I love you,” she tells her, and Alex smiles at her earnestness. “I love you so damn much, Danvers.”

“Well, that’s convenient,” Alex shifts closer to Maggie. “Because I love you so much, too. Forever.”