694. Chapter 694

She’s sleepy, but she can’t sleep.

And Alex is wearing nothing but a silk nightgown and those glasses – Jesus god, those glasses – and Maggie takes a deep, deep sigh as she tosses and turns restlessly.


“You okay there, babe?” Alex asks, glancing down from her medical journal, and the effect makes Maggie’s feelings even stronger.

“Don’t worry about it, sweetie,” she kisses her bare thigh – god, she loves when Alex sits up to read in bed while Maggie falls asleep; or, tries to, tonight.

But Alex squints down at her and grins. “You wanna make out?” she asks, and Maggie tries not to literally jump at the opportunity.

“Can we?” she asks, and Alex bites her lip with a smile as she tosses her magazine aside.

“Come here,” Alex husks, and Maggie tosses the blankets off of them both so she can straddle her, weaving both hands through Alex’s hair to protect her from hitting the back of her head on the headboard.

Alex lets her lips part and Maggie fails to stifle a moan. Alex giggles into her mouth and runs her hands all over Maggie’s body.

“Someone’s eager,” she teases gently, and Maggie’s body melts down into hers.

“I love feeling your hands on me,” Maggie keeps kissing her, and Alex keeps running her hands underneath Maggie’s tank top, all along her back.

“Well good, because your skin is soft as hell.”

“You really think hell is soft, Danvers?” Maggie pulls back and tilts her head, and Alex rolls her eyes as she kisses Maggie’s nose.

“I think you should be kissing me and you’re not,” Alex chuckles, and Maggie doesn’t waste another moment.

She kisses her until Alex is done.

She’s not sure how she knows; it’s nothing Alex has to say, and it’s not really anything she does.

She doesn’t come – she does, sometimes, but usually, she feels done before coming – but Maggie still… feels it. When Alex wants to keep cuddling, wants to keep close, but while she’s continuing to read her medical journal, not with… sex.

So she kisses her until she feels Alex reach her emotional climax – her point at which her body doesn’t need anymore – and then she pulls back and kisses her all over her face.

“I’m so wildly in love with you, Alex Danvers,” she murmurs, and Alex preens as Maggie leans over her, blankets twisted and legs all askew, to fish her medical journal from off the floor.

She presents it to her with an exaggerated flourish.

“M’lady,” she jokes, and Alex smirks.

“Getting medieval, Sawyer?”

Maggie scoffs in mock offense. “I would make a great knight in shining armor.” Her eyes sweep down Alex’s body. “So would you, if we’re being honest.”

Alex giggles as she leans forward to kiss her.

“You’re not done, hmm?” she asks, and Maggie stops smiling.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to – “

“I know I don’t, babe,” Alex soothes her, kissing her nose and her lips again. “I’m just saying, don’t feel like you shouldn’t make yourself come on my account.”

Maggie’s silent for a beat. Then: “Yeah?”

“Of course.”

“You mind if I think about you?”

“You’d better not be thinking about anyone else, Sawyer,” Alex runs a finger down Maggie’s spine as Maggie slips her hands underneath herself, laying on her stomach, shivering pleasantly at Alex’s touch.

Alex keeps her hand there, on her back, as she works herself through fantasy after fantasy, through a couple of smaller orgasms before a bigger one that she knows will help her finally get to sleep.

She sighs deeply as she comes down from her waves, and she feels Alex smile as she rubs her back gently.

“Have fun, babe?”

“Mmm,” Maggie grunts sleepily, and she sighs contentedly as she feels Alex shift down from her reading position to hold her.

“Sleep, sweetie. I love you,” Alex whispers, and Maggie kisses the hand that Alex has wrapped around her body.

“I love you back. Forever,” she murmurs, because she will.