735. Chapter 735

Alex woke up wanting her.

But Maggie was on an early shift, so instead of her boxer and tank top-clad body warm and next to her, there was a little love note on the pillow, wishing Alex a good morning and reminding her to eat breakfast after her run.

It warmed Alex’s heart, and only made the wanting that throbbed throughout her whole body that much stronger.

She sighed as she rolled over onto her stomach, the better to get pressure between her legs. She slipped her fingers under her pajama pants, tugging irritably at the tie, and sighed again as she imagined that her fingers were Maggie’s fingers.

Her fingers, her tongue. Her strap-on.

She came undone, with Maggie’s name on her lips, much faster than she would ever admit to.

She texts her wife, now, the moment she catches her breath again.

Just came thinking about you, Sawyer.

She waits, biting her lip and still panting slightly.

Maggie doesn’t make her wait long.

Fuck, Danvers.

Even alone in the bed she shares with her wife, Alex feels herself blushing as she smiles, biting her lip harder as she texts back.

That’s the idea, Maggie. For you to fuck me.

She imagines Maggie at her desk, with her glasses on, tossing her papers onto the floor and bending Alex over and…

Oh, so that’s what you came to? Imagining me fucking you? Gentle or hard or a bit of both, babe?

Alex is used to her wife talking to her like this – this intimate mix of tender and dominating, affectionate and hard – and she does her own share of talking to Maggie like this, too.

But today is definitely one of those days where she wants Maggie to just… take her. In every single way.

So when she reads her words, she gasps like she’s never heard similar things before.

No chance you can come home right now and make me yours?

A longer pause, this time, and the longer she waits for a response, the more excited Alex gets.

Because if Maggie were too busy at work today, she’d apologize and tell Alex right away.

If she has to just rearrange a few things and then she can make it back home, it’ll take her a minute to –

Stay in bed. Undress for me. Legs open. Get out the lube and my strap-on and your handcuffs. (if you want to of course, always)

Yes ma’am (and green unless I say otherwise babe [3), is all Alex can stand to type out.

And Danvers?

Yes, Maggie?

Don’t touch yourself. I want to lick your wetness off you when I get home. All of it.

Alex gasps at that, and can’t help but arch her hips forward, biting at her lip and squeaking slightly in anticipation, in frustration, in the deep need for friction between her thighs.

She does as she’s told.

She strips.

She spreads her legs.

She waits.

When Maggie’s key scrapes the door, her breath hitches and she has to fight to keep her hips still.

Maggie’s eyes flash when she steps into their bedroom, her white collared shirt, work jeans, and boots still on.

“Color?” she checks in a low voice, and Alex playfully jabs an impatient finger at a green mug by their bed.

Maggie chuckles.

“So you want me to fuck you senseless but you’re feeling bratty,” she teases as she steps closer to their bed, slowly. So damn slowly.

“Maybe,” Alex whispers, breathless at the way Maggie’s eyes are taking her body in, surrounding her and making her feel so, so enveloped by love, by support, by affection, by tenderness. By protectiveness.

It makes her worry she’ll stain their sheets with her excitement.

“Turn over for me, princess,” Maggie smirks, and Alex complies.

Sort of.

She shifts onto her side, and Maggie arches an eyebrow as she tugs her harness on over her jeans.

“All the way over, Danvers. On your stomach.”

She hasn’t touched her yet, but already Alex is wrecked.

She tries not to writhe as she hastens to, this time, obey.

“Hands up,” Maggie finally touches her, straddling her from behind after she strips the harness in place.

Her hair falls all over the side of Alex’s face, and her kisses do, too.

“You good, babe?” she makes sure, and Alex gropes to kiss her lips desperately. Maggie obliges.

“Yes. Fuck yes. You?”

“God, yeah,” Maggie murmurs into Alex’s neck, biting down gently as she pushes her hips down experimentally, her strap-on pressed against the back of Alex’s thigh.

Alex whimpers at the feeling, and Maggie chuckles into her skin.

“You like that, babe? When I grind down into your pretty little ass?”

Alex nearly screams, now, biting down on the pillow to keep from alarming the neighbors.

“Maggie, please, yes, yes, yes.”

“Yeah? You want me to come inside you, Danvers?”

She can’t manage a verbal response, nodding desperately into the pillow.

“Wanna be tied down for me?”

Alex shakes her head, and Maggie nods immediately.

“I’m sorry,” Alex starts, but Maggie goes from nodding to shaking her head and kissing the backs of Alex’s shoulders and the nape of her neck instantly.

“No apologies, Alex. That’s literally why I ask. You wanna touch your clit while I stretch you out and pound you until you can’t do anything but scream my name?”

“Can I?” Alex begs for permission, trembling with the force of trying not to come, even without physical pressure.

“Ask me nicely, babygirl,” Maggie kisses her temple gently and nips at her earlobe.

Alex nearly screams.

“Can I… may I please touch myself while you fuck me?”

“While I what now?” Maggie’s voice is low and steady, especially compared to Alex’s, high and breathy and utterly wrecked.

“While you stretch me out and pound me until I can’t do anything but scream your name?”

“That’s my girl. Such a good girl, Danvers,” Maggie praises as Alex shifts so she can reach her hands underneath her body, as Maggie leans up off of her so she can position herself just outside Alex’s opening.

“Can I eat you out first, Al? Is that okay?”

“Like this?” Alex blushes, because she’s still on her stomach.

“Only if you want, babe. Only if you want.”

“I do,” her voice is a strangled, excited whisper, and Maggie slips her hands under Alex’s thighs, pulling her ass up so she can reach her clit with her tongue.

“Fuck, you taste so good, baby. Such a good girl, getting nice and wet so I can taste how amazing you are,” Maggie moans into her clit, Alex’s fingers guiding her tongue and adding pressure.

“Maggie,” Alex pants. “Maggie, please.”

“Please what, babe? Be a good girl and use your words for me. You can do it, babe. Color?”

“Green,” Alex whines in a rush. “Please, I love your tongue there, but I need… I want you inside me, Mags, please, baby, please.”

“Mmm, such a good girl, asking for what you want. My brave girl.”

Alex preens and writhes simultaneously with all the praise, and Maggie smiles as she and Alex shift so she’s back on top of her, poised to slip her strapon inside her.

“You sure, Alex?”

“Please. Hard. Hold my hips and just fuck me as hard as you can. Please, Mags? Please?”

“Yeah? Is this what you came to, touching yourself with those strong, pretty fingers of yours?”

“Yes,” Alex arches her hips up, begging with her body, and Maggie relents.

They both sigh and gasp as Maggie slowly, slowly, slips inside her, Alex’s fingers working at her clit, one of Maggie’s hands bracing herself up on the bed, the other holding Alex’s hip and pulling her up, closer, closer. More available to be fucked as hard as she’s begging to be.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesyesyesyes,” is all Alex can choke out, and it’s all the encouragement Maggie needs.

She barely has the chance to bottom out in her body – and when she does, Alex’s yesses reach a screaming climax – before Alex comes undone, scratching her throat on her wife’s name and squirting all over her own fingers.

“Fuck, Danvers,” Maggie murmurs as she helps Alex ride out her waves. “Good girl, Alex. I love when you let go for me. I love it. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Alex breathes as Maggie slips out of her, kissing her lower back, her ass, before helping her stand so she can help her shower.

“I love you,” is all Maggie says while she strips, while she kneels in front of Alex under the constant stream of water, washing her, cleansing her from head to toe.

“I love you,” is all Alex says while she stands still, letting Maggie clean her as she’s done for Maggie countless times, letting herself get swept away in the feeling of being taken care of, being safe, being adored.

Being cherished.

And Rao, does it feel amazing.