796. Chapter 796

You know when I volunteered for the Science Division, I expected… science. Not endless paperwork.

She sent the text off to Alex with a sigh. She was up to her neck in backlogged files - she was normally pretty on top of her administrative responsibilities, but the last few weeks had been a whirlwind in the field, and who wanted to relive all that for the sake of a flipping file anyway?

Alex’s reply was almost instantaneous. Aw babe, I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Maggie rolled her eyes affectionately. At least most of the files were digital, now, so she didn’t have to come home with a bunch of papercuts.

Get Barry or Kara to do all this with their superspeed?

Maggie watched the three dots that meant Alex was typing appear, then disappear, then appear, then disappear again. She furrowed her brow but shrugged, thinking maybe Alex was distracted by her own work.

But when her phone buzzed again, and she opened the file Alex had sent her, it was… it was so much better than the files on her computer.

Her hair was mussed up just so and her DEO uniform was unzipped just enough and not enough at all, and her eyes were fire.

Do you want to spend the day thinking of my sister and Barry, or do you want to spend the day thinking about… something else?

Maggie cleared her throat and tried to breathe and glanced around the precinct with wide eyes and a racing heart.

Danvers, she wrote.

Yes? was the instant reply.

Did you… have something else in mind? For what I should think about?

She had too much work to do. This wasn’t something she could do. Should do.

Because not only did she have work to do - she was physically at work.

But she asked anyway, because something needed to break this tedium. And everyone else was otherwise occupied, anyway.

Do you want to think about the things I’m going to let you do to me when you come home to me?

Maggie grabbed for the water bottle on her desk - because for some inexplicable reason, her throat was completely dry now - and nearly spilled it everywhere.

Well that depends, she gathered herself enough to type, still looking furtively over her shoulder. What um. What kinds of things are you going to let me do to you when I come home to you?

She watched the dots appear, and stay, steady, for minutes and minutes, her body taught with tense anticipation, until Alex’s reply buzzed through.

A lot of things. I’m going to let you, beg you to, lift me up against the wall, my legs wrapped around your hips. I’m going to beg you to be rough with me, to unzip my jeans and slip your hand inside me. I’m going to moan as you lick at my throat and whine until you tug my shirt and bra down so you can take my nipples into your mouth. I’m going to bury my fingers in your hair to keep your head steady, just like I’m going to do when you carry me to our bed, strip my clothes off efficient and rough, and let me wrap my legs around your shoulders and go down on me until I can’t do anything but scream your name.

Maggie’s entire mind whited out, her breath suddenly rough and ragged.

“Alright there, Sawyer?” a rookie officer asked as he walked by.

“Just great,” she managed to say in a voice that she hoped sounded normal.

Her phone buzzed again.

You alright there, Sawyer?

Maggie scoffed.

Just thinking about what you wrote.

The reply was almost instant. Which made Maggie think about how skilled Alex’s fingers were, which really didn’t help matters at all.

Why, what did I write that would make you think so hard?

Another few moments of Maggie’s frozen fingers hovering over her phone. Another few buzzes from her phone. She switched it to silent, because suddenly it seemed like even the vibrations were the loudest, most obvious sound in the precinct.

Was it something about how I need you to strip me naked and fuck me senseless?

How I need your tongue inside me, your fingers inside me? At the same time?

How I need to come over and over and over again, in your mouth, around your fingers, while you lick me and stretch me out?

All Maggie could do was breathe. All she could do was breathe and try not to make… inappropriate sounds.

And then her phone started ringing. It was Alex. Her eyes flew wide open and she answered with gravel in her voice.


“Hey babe. Is there any way you can pick up some mint tea on the way home? We’re out, and I know Lena’s gonna want some at brunch tomorrow.”

Maggie’s head spun and she shifted in her seat, trying and failing to relieve some pressure. Alex’s voice - no matter what she was saying right now - was the perfect form of torture. And she knew that Alex knew that.

“Yeah. Mint tea. Mmhmm. You got it, Danvers.” She hoped her voice didn’t squeak noticeably.

“Thank you so much, babe. You’re so good to me. I’ll see you tonight.”

She swore Alex’s voice dropped a couple octaves, but before she could make sure, Alex had hung up.

Her phone got one more notification. A wink emoji.

Maggie grinned to herself.

Suddenly her paperwork was that much easier, because now she knew she had an incredible night to look forward to.