of having attendings not put him on their service made Holly roll her eyes as they walked down the stairs to the Nurse's station, "You're fine." She assured, "It's not like they have some personal agenda against you."
"They could." Jackson shrugged before looking at Lexie, who was already by the Nurse's station, "Grey, who are you with today?"
"Shepherd." Lexie answered, bringing her head up from her hand.
"Damn it." Jackson sighed as he, April, and Holly arrived at their destination, "I've already blown it with Shepherd. I can't ask him." Holly and April lightly scoffed, "Uh... Bailey." He nodded, "I haven't blown it with her yet."
"He think no one wants to work with him." April explained to Lexie.
"Are they saying that or are you saying that?" Lexie asked.
Holly chuckled lightly, "What do you think?"
"Who are you with again?" Jackson questioned April as she grabbed a chart from the nurse.
"Karev." April answered with no hesitation before shaking her head with closed eyes, "Uh, I mean Stark."
"No," Jackson chuckled lightly as he began to tease her, "you meant Karev. And you don't want to go there."
"He's right." Holly nodded, grabbing a chart, "You don't."
"April looked at both of them with a pointed gaze, "You don't know where I'm going."
"They're right." Lexie added, "You don't want to go there."
"I'm not--" April stammered, "I'm not going anywhere."
"He's not the guy for you. Okay?" Lexie assured as April let out a laugh, trying to act as if they weren't correct, "Trust me." She looked up at Jackson, "And don't be paranoid. Trust me on that, too."
"See?" Holly gestured at Lexie to Jackson before beginning to walk away with her, "It's all in your head."
Holly and Lexie talked as they walked away and April brought her head up from her chart, seeing Jackson's eyes on Holly's retreating figure, "Oh, but it's okay for you to go there?"
"I'm a guy." Jackson replied, his eyes not leaving Holly, "I live there."
April squinted at him, "Do you like my sister?"
"Y- No." Jackson's head quickly turned to April, "No. I... I have to go find Bailey."
Other than a few non-critical patients in the E.R., Holly's day had yet to be busy as she sat down in the cafeteria to eat lunch. She flinched, closing her eyes and placed one hand in front of her in protection as she sat next to Jackson.
"Ow." Holly waved her hand in front of her to try and stop Alex from shooting ping-pong balls as she sat down next to Jackson, "Cut it out."
Alex moved his shooter to Lexie, who was approaching the group with a cup of coffee and yelled out once he shot her, "Ow."
"Alex." Holly warned, trying to grab the shooter from him.
"Okay," Lexie began as she sat down, "since when is it okay to shoot people in this hospital?'
Holly snorted, bringing a hand to her head as her fingers trailed the small scar from the graze, "I don't think it's ever been good to shoot people in this hospital."
Lexie looked at her with a tight lipped smile, "Ha ha."
Holly nodded and smiled sarcastically back, and grabbed a fry, "Thanks."
"Now Bailey's given up on me, too." Jackson sighed, looking at the two Kepner sisters.
"You're on her service." Holly reminded.
"Why are you still freaking out?" April asked, reaching over to grab one of Holly's fries and Holly stared at her hand, making April slowly take her hand back and whisper, "Greedy."
"Bailey's in surgery." Jackson explained, "She trusts me to watch her post-op drip fluid into a bag every ten minutes." Jackson ate his fruit as Alex aimed and shot him, "Ow."
"Rude." Holly glared at Alex before giving April and Jackson a fry each.
"Okay," Lexie placed a hand on the shooter to bring it down, "Inappropriate." She looked over at Jackson, "Okay, you should relax. You get an easy day, you take it. Shepherd didn't need me, so I took a nap in the research library."
Alex tried to shoot Lexie again, which made Holly reach other and flick Alex, "Quit it."
"Give me--" Lexie fought Alex for the shooter, "Give it to me."
Lexie was able to grab it and shot Alex, making him groan, "Jerkface."
Holly chuckled, "Nice."
"He's having a rough day." April defended, making Holly quirk an eyebrow, "New Robbins is no Robbins."
"Check this out--" Meredith pointed behind her at the man in a suit following her, "armed escort to get a yogurt."
"Okay, who is it?" Lexie asked, leaning over and Holly quickly swallowed the food in her mouth to ask.
"Is it Bono?" Holly questioned, leaning forward in her seat too.
"It's totally Bono." April smiled, "It's all over the hospital."
"It's not Bono." Meredith shook her head, making Holly lean back in her chair with a pout.
"Are you going to Cristina's tonight?" Lexie asked her sister.
Meredith sighed, "I don't know." Lexie quickly aimed and shot Meredith, making the ball clatter on the floor, "Okay..." Meredith crouched down to grab the ball and threw it back at Lexie, "Not okay."
"Okay," Lexie laughed, "that's addicting."
"I wanna try." Holly commented, reaching over to grab the shooter but Lexie leaned back.
"Mine." Lexie possessively spoke, making Holly squint at her.
"Put it away before my guy wrestles you to the ground." Meredith lectured as Alex got an idea.
He looked over at Lexie, "Gimme that."
"No." Lexie immediately responded.
"Gimme the ball."
"No." Lexie held tightly onto the ball as Alex tried to grab it, "G--" She pouted as he grabbed the ball, examining it in his hands before walking away.
"What's his problem?" Meredith asked the group.
"He's having a rough day." April clarified as the armed escort stepped forward one step to clear his throat, gaining Meredith's attention.
"Jeez," Meredith widened her eyes at the group before turning back around, "I'm coming."
"Lex," Holly warned, seeing Lexie aim at the armed escort, "don't--"
Lexie shot the ping-pong balls at the armed escort, making him turn around with a cold glare on his face as Holly literally sank to the floor and hid under the table and Jackson raised his hands in surrender, along with April and Lexie.
April chuckled at her sister's antics once the escort left and spoke, "Holl, you can come out now."
"Okay." Holly sat back in her chair, looking over at Jackson as she noticed her fries were missing, "Did you take my fries?"
"No." Jackson lied with a smile, "Want to see a magic trick?"
Holly squinted her eyes at him jokingly, "Jack--"
Jackson, who had his arms behind his back, brought them forward and gave her two cups of fries instead of the one she had, "Ta-da."
Leaning against Cristina's kitchen counter as Jackson stood next to her, Holly took a sip of her lemonade before continuing her ramble to cheer Jackson up, oblivious to his eyes softly examining and memorizing every detail of her face, "If they can't realize that you're a talented, amazing surgeon, they don't know what they're missing out on. So you should show them your talent. Show them what they're missing out on." She chuckled, bringing her arms out after placing her cup down, "Spread your wings and fly!"
"Okay," Jackson chuckled, bringing her arms down, "are drunk."
"I've only had lemonade." Holly reasoned, beginning to look up at him, "And I..." She stopped herself, admiring his soft delicate eyes on her that made her stomach flutter for a second before she saw a blur of red, "I-- April?" Jackson turned around and Holly quickly walked over to her sister along with him, "April, what happened?"
"Hey, hey." Jackson softly comforted as he got to the two of them, "Come on. Come on."
April practically sobbed as the two wrapped their arms around her shoulders and brought her into the kitchen to give her privacy.
Holly held a hand to one of April's shoulders as she and Jackson stood in front of her, both of their backs turned to Alex-- who had just entered the party.
Jackson was the first to turn around, his movement made Holly look up at him before she saw what he was looking at and stood in front of April, an arm extended out to the side to stop April from going to talk to him or Alex to talk to her.
"Oh, listen." Alex began as Jackson made his way towards Alex, "Let me talk to her."
Jackson threw a punch, making Holly's eyes widen as she and April rushed over and she muttered, "Oh, crap."
"All right." Alex brought a hand to his lip, believing that would be the end of the fight until Jackson punched him over again. The two grunted as Jackson pushed him and broke the coffee table, fists flying everywhere.
"Come here." Mark and Owen spoke in unison as they pulled Jackson away from Alex, "Come on."
Holly was about to approach him before April sobbed, rushing over to the bathroom and Holly stood conflicted. She didn't know who to run to until Lexie came behind her with an ice pack and assured her, "I've got it."
Holly nodded, running over to April as Lexie was the one to ice Jackson's wound.
Holly only wished that could've been her.
double update because i feel bad for not posting yesterday ✨