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pure joy as she grinned up at her ceiling, her hands wrapping around her blanket as she waited for the alarm beside her to blare as one thought filled her mind, the thought that had poked it's way through for the entire week leading up to this one day.

She was getting married today.

The dress, the venue, the food, Jackson, the music, — everything was perfect. Everything had been planned to a  by her and excitement poured out of her as she thought over everything. 

As the alarm rang, she lifted the covers off of her and tapped the device to sleep— inhaling the nice air around her softly before the sound of feet running towards her made her turn her head in time to see Steve enter her room with energy radiating off of him.

"It's time!" He announced, grinning at her as he rushed over and gave her a hug, "You're getting married!" 

Holly released a chuckle, accepting his hug as she nodded, "Yeah— how much coffee did you drink?"

"Not important!"

"" Meredith advised through Cristina's phone as the brunette walked through the halls to reach Holly's apartment door, ""

"Make her?" Cristina scoffed, quirking a brow as she stopped in her steps, looking around at the numbers, "Isn't that... bad?"

"." Meredith noted, ""

"I guess..." Cristina mumbled, looking down at the small post-it she had written on in the morning before looking up at the number on the door, "I'm here."

"Meredith teased, cackling at the end of her sentence as Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Bye." She deadpanned, ending the call before exhaling softly as she looked at the door in front of her. Knocking, she waited patiently for a few seconds until Steve opened the door with a grin.

"Dr. Yang—" He pointed behind him, "Holly's watching Spider-Man while we wait for Derek."

"Oh," Cristina nodded, clearing her throat at his energy as she looked towards the living room, "Derek's actually in, uh, surgery— he said he'll get out in time for the wedding, though."

"Good." Holly noted with a small laugh, sinking in her seat as she got comfortable with her eyes glued to the screen, "Then we have nothing to worry about, right?"

Frowning her brows at Holly's calm exterior, Cristina hesitantly placed her coat away as she stammered, taken aback by the fact Holly  freaking out, "Uh... I guess."

"The , April." Jackson stressed, pacing around in his suit as he thought over every intricate detail he planned for this day, "What if they're not here? What— What if they're not good?"

"Holly's tried them a bunch of times," April reminded, flipping the page of her magazine as Matthew flickered his eyes between them, feeling it was odd to see the pair in switched demeanors, "she loved them each time— and we  saw they were here." 

"What if they're the wrong ones?" Jackson reasoned, pausing in his steps as his face fell, "Oh, my God— did I get a cake?"

"Yes," Matthew voiced with a nod, "it's a nice flavor and it'll get here soon."

"What flavor is it, Matthew?" Jackson questioned, quirking a brow at the man.

"I don't know." Matthew admitted, eyes flickering to April as he shrugged, not having gotten the information despite having tasted the lovely cake, "I—"

"Then how do you know it's a nice flavor, huh?" Jackson pried, squinting his eyes as he took a step forward, "Wouldn't you think about, I don't know,  the flavor before claiming it nice? Matthew?"

Matthew nodded, noticing  why Holly had warned him of how crazy Jackson went over planning, "I-I guess so—"

Jackson's eye twitched, "You

"—" April interrupted, coming to a stand as she placed her magazine down and brought her hands to her hips, "Jackson, you're freaking out— take a chill pill and watch a movie." 

Jackson's shoulders slumped, "But the cake—"

" can check on the cake." April suggested, placing her hands on her husband's shoulders as she gave Jackson a nod, "Okay? Now,  stop panicking about these details because they're all taken care of."

Jackson sighed, "Fine." He turned his head to the television as April guided Matthew towards the door before voicing, "But what if—?"

April groaned, "They're all taken care of!"

"Okay," Cristina began, looking around Holly's bridal suite as Steve and the bride watched another film on Steve's laptop, "so, the dress is here— make-up is here, hair things are in people's hairs..." She paused, sparing a glance at the redhead, "are you sure you're not freaking out?"

"Nope." Holly answered, the sound of the rollers in her hair echoing through the room as she shook her head, "I'm good."

"Okay... great." Cristina remarked sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she turned around to exit the room, "Just... great."

"Oh, Cristina!" Jackson called, prompting Cristina to quickly close the door behind herself to prevent the man from seeing his bride on his wedding day, "How's Holly?"

"Not panicking." Cristina rolled her eyes again, " Derek is still in surgery."

"Oh." Jackson nodded, looking over to the closed door before glancing back at Cristina, "Well, you know, tell Holly 'Plan Alaska' is still on if she needs it."