(Chapter #4) Highway

We escaped on the Humvee with a small horde following us because of the sound but we lost them from speed alone. I was checking the map for where we wanted to go and we both realized something while we were trying to escape we never truly realized where we wanted to escape too! I decided to turn on the radio because hey might as well and on a government broadcast or something similar we hear *to all citizens who have survived in the diameter of 200 miles please head to Fort xxxx repeat to all citizens who have survived in the diameter of 200 miles please head to Fort xxxx* So I pull on the GPS that luckily still works for now probably and we are 127 Miles out of the location.

I ask Daniel about our fuel situation and he says we could make it with 50 miles to spare.

so we begin the drive on the back roads to avoid the highway as obviously it would be jammed and incredibly dangerous. This would add on 20 to 30 extra miles but we have the fuel for it. It took us nearly 40 minuites to find anything and that was a small town/village of maybe 15-20 houses maximum we actually see people living just living their lives normally! We both decided to stop and maybe ask to get some rest so thats what we do and we pull up turn off the car with weapons in hand asking to a person if we are allowed to stay here. The guy does get startled yet we introduced ourselves as Daniel and Jacob he responds as his name is Eric we all shake hands. I do ask though do you all know what's going on in the city and probably world right now he shakes his head no so I spend 15 minutes doing just that explainivng my (limited) knowledge of the whole scenario. He doesn't truly believe or want to believe what's going on we spend the next couple of minutes trying to make him grasp what's going on. He says he should go tell the mayor.

( I dont really know if a small town like this would have a mayor or would it be called a mayor or something different I don't care tbh I will just use it)

I go on my phone to check if I could find anymore info as the internet probably still works still and it says * ***Breaking News*** * a new pandemic breaking out in texas and the surrounding states its believed that Houston is the Origin point of the virus National guard is trying to contain its spread by what we can tell is that this virus is airborne and spread though injuries caused by the dead the US government strongly suggests to stay at home lock your doors and windows do not panic loot or do any violent crimes as they got this and can prevent its spread while also reassuring other countries that there is no chance of this spreading to them * At this point my phone at 1% battery finally dies on me as I never charged it when we were escaping driving or at any time today.

(I did promise to get a chapter out today sorry I couldn't yesterday I also forgot to post this one today until late at night I apologize everyone and night yall)