was walking to the elevators with Cristina and Meredith, reading over another article she found a few nights ago. Cristina was complaining about Dr. Burke and his whole 'not wanting to get better' thing, and Eleanora just kept humming and nodding, hoping she'd stop.
The elevator dinged, bringing Eleanora's attention away from her article. The doors open and Derek was there with a coffee in hand. He was smiling wide, looking Meredith over.
Eleanora let out a small giggle, shaking her head as he offered her friend the coffee. Derek and Addison were apparently officially over, which meant he wanted Meredith back. But so did the Vet.
"Hi! I had a dream about you last night." Meredith spoke, taking the coffee happily. Eleanora raised a brow and Cristina scoffed, the two of them focusing on something that wasn't their best friend and their Attending.
Derek soon left, giving Meredith a kiss on the cheek and with plans for dinner, and Cristina and Eleanora both gave her looks.
"What?" She asked, sipping the coffee. Eleanora laughed, the elevator opening once again to reveal Finn this time. In his hands was a bag from Kelly's Spot, and Eleanora could smell their coffee cake in the air.
"Hey, I was in the neighbourhood. Actually I wasn't, but I decided you were worth the detour." Finn handed her the bag, Eleanora letting out a soft "aw".
Meredith brightened, looking in the bag. She then looked at Finn, a knowing smile on her face. "I had a dream about you last night."
Eleanora's eyebrows raised, her and Cristina sharing a look. Finn was intrigued, stepping closer to their friend.
"And what was I doing?"
"Yeah, Mer." Cristina teased. "What was he doing?"
Eleanora stifled a laugh in her hand, turning her face away when Meredith shot them an evil look. The two continued their conversation quickly, deciding on lunch plans.
The three friends entered the elevator, Cristina and Eleanora finally letting out their laughs.
"You had a dream about the both of them?" Cristina asks, Eleanora piping in with a nudge of Meredith's shoulder.
"Like, a threesome?"
Meredith just smiled, and Eleanora let out an excited noise, Cristina nodding with an impressed look on her face.
". Just when I think you're boring, you rise."
"Oh, shut up." Meredith complained, rolling her eyes. "I'm dating, and it comes with snacks."
Eleanora looked back down at her article, her voice cheery. "And threesomes, apparently. Did you know that, Cristina? Dating means threesomes?"
"Why no, Sunshine, I did not. If I knew that, it would've made the beginning of Burke and I's relationship much more interesting."
Meredith huffed and smacked their arms, the two continuing with their laughter.
"Oh shut it, both of you! Or you won't get any coffee cake!"
was put on Dr. Torres' service with George. Giving Callie a bright smile as they walked up to her, Eleanora took the chart with a small 'thanks', flipping through it.
George peered over her shoulder to read through it as well. Callie noticed, her eyes narrowing slightly. She didn't have anything against Eleanora, hell, she didn't think it was possible to not love the girl. It was obvious George did, which was what was making Callie upset.
"You requested me?" George asked, glancing over at Callie for a moment. The resident nodded, clearing her throat.
"Yeah, I did. You were weird this morning."
Eleanora felt her face heat up, not letting her eyes drift up. She had heard about the towel incident this morning, and she could feel the feeling she had with Addison and Derek being in the same room together slowly creeping up on her.
"I wasn't weird. Not any more than I normally am in the morning. It's a weird time of day for a lot of people. It's bright and...crowded in our house in the morning. There's just a lot of people running around." George replied, becoming fidgety. "Right, Ella? Just a crowded house."
Eleanora looked up, her eyes wide. George had also told her about how he wanted Callie out of the house, that he felt like they were moving way too fast. She had scolded him and told him he can't just kick out his girlfriend, and he certainly couldn't try and get her to side with him just to make himself feel better.
She nodded, giving Callie a small smile. She didn't want this conversation to happen with her around, so she decided to just settle with being the middle ground. "It is pretty crowded. Alex is always complaining about it in the mornings, but I don't see the big deal. If George is annoying in the morning, just let me know and you can ride with Alex and I."
Callie gave her a thankful look, George letting out a small, offended noise.
"Good." Callie motioned towards the patients room, starting towards it. Eleanora and George followed, sharing looks as they did so. "We have a radical case today, so you two are gonna be glad you're with me."
She opens the curtain that's blocking off the patients bed, giving him a smile. "Mr. Jasper Hovie!"
"Doctor T, ya miss me?" He replies, the two sharing a quick hug.
"More than words can say." She replies. When she pulls away, she motions to Eleanora and George. "These are Doctor's O'Malley and Amedeo. They'll be helping out today."
"Hi." George gave him a small smile, flipping through the chart. Eleanora gave him a wave, her eyes and smile bright.
"Hello Mr. Hovie!"
He looks her up and down, giving her a lopsided smile. "How you doing?" He then focused back on Callie, his words excited. "June twelfth baby! Two point four mile swim, a hundred and twelve miles on the bike and then a marathon!"
Callie let out an impressed whistle, nodding. "That's rockin!"
Jasper began a little more serious, raising a brow. "Am I gonna be ready by then?"